2 features that would help players


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
ONE: A running total of wins/ losses in attacks/ defense. ( say- week/month/lifetime. ) This would help a player to determine his effectiveness. A player could try different troop/ tactic mixes to improve these numbers. TWO: Imagine the game map as a clockface. 12 being North, 1 being Eastern North, 2 being Northeast, 3 being East, 4 being Southeast, 5 being Eastern South, 6 being South. 7-11 Southwest, Western South, West, Northwest Western North. If we could get a report from our Generals, for example, We could track the quadrant we are most often attacked from. This would let us tailor our defenses. For example, " 14 of last 20 attacks from Northwest, 4 from East, 1 from West, 1 from South." This might a seem a bit Wonky, but could really help those players who seem to have no clue as to how to build a good defense. These two ideas could be an ability upgrade add-on to Generals, an additional tab in tactics at the War Academy, or a research item at the blacksmith.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
One thing I'd like to see; if I put a General in defense of my Village, I should be able to click a check mark if I want him to automatically reset all traps. ( Assuming the resources are available. ) This is what a Defense Commander would do.