A filter to search MP battle opponent


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
It would be nice to have at least simple filter when searching for MP battle. E.g. filtering opponents by age, level, amout of available resources to loot, and especialy nation (because of NTGs). It would be OK to pay extra resources for using the filter.

Considering, this is a mobile game played in short sessions, it is undesirable to search for long through opponents I am not interested to attack. This can be really frustrating, when e.g. I am aiming for specific NTG, and searching tens of minutes for specific nation opponent who I can ideally destroy for 5 stars (and I have no problem destroying most of the opponents, just need an opponent to be the very specific nationg so I can grab the NTG).


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
This has been suggested before. The unintended consequence would be certain players would be hammered because their NTG is in short supply (cough German/Salt cough), so they would switch nation, so their NTG would be in even shorter supply.

A better way to address this is to make all nations equally attractive. Nexon could look at the least popular nation and in each release buff it. So German players could get a few more percent Fury damage, and/or could have a second or two shaved off their rally cool down. I wouldn't add any new abilities, just tweak what's already there.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
That consequences can be battled by rather high resource cost for using the filter. Maybe dynamic price, calculated for each skipped opponent (with certain predefined or selectable cap).

Anyway, if someone needs certain NTG or more oil, he will search it regardless of the filter. The olny diffence is the frustration. Frustration is not good for any game.

Btw, unequal popularity of the nations and access to NTGs is well solved by many different coalitions available and their periodic price change.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
I agree with Tsamu, but maybe a simple filter could be implemented. What about an automatic one that shows you only opponents that have as minimum the reources are risking to lose during an attack?