A Proposal to Fight Sandbagging


New member
May 17, 2019
I propose the following to fight sandbagging:

1) Every unused attack by a member of the bottom half of a team’s war lineup results in 3 additional war stars for the opposing team.
2) Every war attack that results in 0 stars by the bottom half of a war team’s lineup results in 2 additional war stars for the opposing team. The exception to this is if the player a) attacked with a full complement of troops (i.e. 100/100 troop capacity), war academy tactics, and generals AND b) deployed all troops, war academy tactics, and generals in each attack.

I think this would reduce the use of inactive, low-level players as sandbags as they could represent large liabilities for wars (i.e. a low-level player that the alliance uses to score easy matchups could actually cost the alliance more stars than it gains them).

These players could still be useable as sandbags, but they would need to demonstrate a minimal competency to play the game.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
This will punish alliances who's players might have other emergency commitments or who lose their connection or have some other real life priority.