AI Sucks!!!!!

Wicked Odie

Approved user
Nov 9, 2015
I got archers attacking walls for no reason, or archers running across the map to attack defenders. I'll place troops by an open portion of wall but they will attack the one right beside it instead of walking through. Garbage! I lose so many troops because of this, some times full armys because my ranged infantry is off doing nothing.

Then you have heal carts that get out of range when everyone is healed up then dont move to heal someone unless rallied. I might as well drop all my troops and hope for the best at this point in time. This game is just going down hill.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Ravenlord is right but it´s pretty amazing that the developers had almost a year to fix this and all that happened is that it got worse than it was in the beginning. It´s so frustrating it´s almost funny.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Frustrating I know but I live my life by a number of rules - one of them being: I don't waste my energy on things I can't change. So when it comes to the AI I just ''get on with it''. If Nexon fixes it - and I've no doubt they will (just a question of 'when') - then all well and good. If it takes a while then all well and good too.


Approved user
Sep 15, 2015
We need more people complaining about ai, not fewer. Good post. This is the number 1 issue with the game for me. Makes it less fun.


Approved user
Sep 15, 2015
Sorry, but I strongly disagree here. The purpose of posting on this forum is to make the developer aware of issues that make the game more or less fun.

As to ai, they seem to have determined that troop rebuilding is a cash cow for them, and have therefore purposefully made ai less effective and training time longer. Those of us who have played this game for a long time are well aware of this.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
If you force change by making your voice heard then l doff my chapeau to you. People like me in the world need people like you in in the world. :)
Fight the good fight!


Approved user
Jul 21, 2015
I have been playing this game for about a year. We all have been reporting issues with the attack AI. My only conclusion is that the attack AI works exactly the way the developers intended. They will never fix the attack AI. My two cents is live with the existing AI or find another game. Complaining in the forum does not help😩


Approved user
Jan 7, 2016
Just to add to the ai. Why do archers continue to attack a structure even if enemy troops walk up to them, and elite royal companion brake away from defensive structures to fight troops. Also erc, or similar, will waste time going thru a wall to attack something when a perfect good target is right there killing them.

It would seem that whoever said its the way they want it is right. If all ai acted a way I could see these issues, but it seems these were created wrong on purpose.

Wicked Odie

Approved user
Nov 9, 2015
I have been playing this game for about a year. We all have been reporting issues with the attack AI. My only conclusion is that the attack AI works exactly the way the developers intended. They will never fix the attack AI. My two cents is live with the existing AI or find another game. Complaining in the forum does not help😩

That's a pretty crappy mentality. If we all group together, tell them what we want, they will fix it. Or they will lose their player base. The people that come to comment on the forums aren't casual players. They are the spenders, they are the top players. They are in an essence the player base. If they can't listen to us this game is going to go nowhere.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
It's funny to dredge up old posts from nearly 2 years ago to see how hopeful people were. Nothing has changed, the AI still blows by design. I don't think it's been worked on one bit since well before this post.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
Y'all bring up another good point. Units cleatly being in range but spending an extra second or 2 jockeying into position, usually while under fire, for no reason at all. It's most noticeable with tanks but probably most infuriating with howies as they're so fragile. Perpetually adding defensive structures or nerfing offensive units while doing nothing about the AI is the most infuriating part of what BHG has done. Yeah, the missile silo blows, the tactics nerf sucked, but if they were accompanied by improvements in the attack AI they'd suck less.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
That's just because tanks use the same AI path as the heavy cavalry on horses (at least as it seems). They can't take advantage of their range, unless not moving on the new target. It's a shame BHG is not able to adjust tank AI properly (and AI of other units too).


Approved user
Sep 21, 2017
Poor AI is makes player thinks builds better base design.
Have you thought about why are there intended wall holes in good base design? Because Poor AI makes your units goes wild.

The conclusion will be that they will not fix the game AI since poor AI thing have been known since 2015.
P.S. I have spent more than 50hours in my lifetime to test out different base designs. It's part of the game.