The Alliance award is neat, but extraordinarily lacking for the sheer amount of time and effort it requires to rank, not to mention the resources. The big draw this month is the Zook tower, which sure, it's a massive boost to wars, but still temporary and gone in a week. Woo.hoo.
The rest of the awards? Meh.
The so-called "superior" cards will end with maybe 1 or 2 of the recipients receiving higher than rare. I've already said my piece on using chance items as a reward and my disdain for it elsewhere, so I'll leave it at...nope, going more.
It sucks, it sucks major suckage. "Here's something really nice for your hard work...oh wait, it's got less than a tenth of a percent to show up! Hope you gave that leprechaun a good time, wink wink, you'll need the luck, ha ha!"
That's how I feel about using random chance items as prizes.
The top 2 alliances in our leaderboard have been busting their kiesters for what amounts to a pissing contest, involving multiple players who literally fought thousands of battles this month. These players, and the others fighting tooth & nail across your leaderboards, are burning themselves out to stand at the top where everyone can see. They all know the prizes aren't worth it, they just want everyone to see their names at the top. Whether they want to do it again, and again, is up to you making it worth their time with more tangible rewards, not to mention a perk system that would stop flippin' glitching out on them when they try to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
And fix the damned login problem! You're not monkeys trying to write Shakespeare, you know how to do the job, so do it! Isn't this what the damned technical tests were supposed to be preventing?