• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart


Be the first to the frontlines of battle as Season 7: Swift & Stalwart kicks off tomorrow at 11am EST! The preview went live in the Week Ahead post that went live on 3/3, and you’ve been able to pick up the Season 7 Pass Part 1 since 3/7. The pass will help you acquire plenty of Season Boosted Troop Tactics to get you a head start in the Season. Let's take a look at the rest of the upcoming changes you’ll be working with until 5/26!

Season 7: Swift and Stalwart
Does slow and steady win the race? Find out in Season 7: Swift & Stalwart! Prepare for extreme damage output from Armored Cars & Ranged Infantry while trading off a large amount of movement speed. Also, watch pridefully as your Towers decimate attackers by firing slightly weaker projectiles twice as fast!

This Season begins on 03/10 at 15:00 UTC and will end on 05/26 at 15:00 UTC.

New Offensive Strategies!
Ranged Infantry Damage +50%
Ranged Infantry Movement Speed -40%
Armored Car Damage +75%
Armored Car Hitpoints +75%
Armored Car Movement Speed -50%
Paratrooper Attack Speed +133%
Paratrooper Damage -55%

New Defensive Strategies!
Tower Fire Rate +100%
Tower Damage -40%
Spike Trap Damage +30%

Special Unit Bonuses:
Nobunaga Damage +50%
Petra Herrera Damage +50%
Propaganda Directive Damage Boost +150%
Surveillance Directive Duration +30%
Miyamoto Musashi Damage +50%
Nodachi Attack Speed +50%
Nodachi Hitpoints +50%
Humvee Range +1
Nighthawk Hitpoints +30%
Nighthawk Hangar Hitpoints+400%

Additional Bonuses:
Alliance Law Donation Oil Cost -50%
All Aircraft Train Time -80%
Space Needle Research Decrease +100% (Shows as -20% Research Time Reduction)
Eiffel Tower Peace Treaty Cooldown -3 Days
Barracks Upgrade Cost -40%
Factory Upgrade Cost -40%
Airstrip Upgrade Cost -40%

Much like each season prior, you’ll find a daily Supply Drop that has chances to give you Season Boosted Nodachi Samurai Army, Armored Car Mk3 Army, and Humvee Army Troop Tactics. The Supply Drops will be available from 3/10 - 5/26.

Mid-Season Update 2 5/5 11am EST: Factory, Barracks, Airstrip Upgrade Cost Discount. -50% Armored Car Movement Speed (Down from -75%)
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私のブルジュ アル アラブは説明どおりに機能します。
問題は個人アカウントだけでしょうか? それとも最初からタイムが短縮表示されて戸惑っていませんか? 元の時間 (Wiki など) と比較する必要があります。
The slow speed of the ranged infantry is very disappointing. In particular when these troops go through the bastions. The power if great, but, it doesn’t really come into play when these troops hit the barbed wire and bastions. For my style of attacking this has been a step back. my hope is your team review the speed drop off, and adjust this negative buff. I’ve maxed out the factory, museum, and the council with the British. My shooters are incredibly effective at clearing everything in their way. They still do, but they just can’t get across the map in time now.
The slow speed of the ranged infantry is very disappointing. In particular when these troops go through the bastions. The power if great, but, it doesn’t really come into play when these troops hit the barbed wire and bastions. For my style of attacking this has been a step back. my hope is your team review the speed drop off, and adjust this negative buff. I’ve maxed out the factory, museum, and the council with the British. My shooters are incredibly effective at clearing everything in their way. They still do, but they just can’t get across the map in time now.
Agreed. The movement speed reduction for both ranged infantry and armored cars make them a non viable unit to use.

Really hope BHG removes the movement speed reduction all together, otherwise they’re just not a viable option to use for the next 2 months and defeats the purpose of these seasonal events.
The slow speed of the ranged infantry is very disappointing. In particular when these troops go through the bastions. The power if great, but, it doesn’t really come into play when these troops hit the barbed wire and bastions. For my style of attacking this has been a step back. my hope is your team review the speed drop off, and adjust this negative buff. I’ve maxed out the factory, museum, and the council with the British. My shooters are incredibly effective at clearing everything in their way. They still do, but they just can’t get across the map in time now.
The whole point of these events is to try something new. If your usual attack doesn't work, try another type.
It's pointless moaning about it - explore other options. Sheesh.
The whole point of these events is to try something new. If your usual attack doesn't work, try another type.
It's pointless moaning about it - explore other options. Sheesh.
Absolutely right, all these experiments are useless, you just piss off the players and noobs stay noobs anyway even with these events...
The whole point of these events is to try something new. If your usual attack doesn't work, try another type.
It's pointless moaning about it - explore other options. Sheesh.
If the whole point of this event is to try something new, wouldn’t the objective be to try ranged infantry and armored cars?

If the movement speed debuff makes them too slow to clear a base then how does that make them a viable unit to try? 🤔

As for “moaning” about it being pointless, I disagree. Last event they changed stuff after the season started based on player feedback.
If the whole point of this event is to try something new, wouldn’t the objective be to try ranged infantry and armored cars?

If the movement speed debuff makes them too slow to clear a base then how does that make them a viable unit to try? 🤔

As for “moaning” about it being pointless, I disagree. Last event they changed stuff after the season started based on player feedback.
The point is OP didn't try something new - he stuck with his usual style and complained that the changes affected him - then wanted things to change back to suit him. If the devs change it back then all well and good but the solution is glaringly obvious. Like the man going to the doctor ...
Man: Doc, my arm hurts when I do that.
Doc: So don't do that ...
Still burj not reducing the time. Did all the Devs get fired 7 years ago
Curious, do you have the Burj wonder active before activating an upgrade? It doesn't reduce currently active upgrade times if you switch to it. But if you're starting upgrades while burj is on your map and it still isn't giving the time reduction reach out to our CS Team so they can look at your account, we're seeing it working and are curious what you may be running into.
Curious, do you have the Burj wonder active before activating an upgrade? It doesn't reduce currently active upgrade times if you switch to it. But if you're starting upgrades while burj is on your map and it still isn't giving the time reduction reach out to our CS Team so they can look at your account, we're seeing it working and are curious what you may be running into.
Good troll Burj totally works and no one cheats CS is as helpful as forum janitors.
Absolutely right, all these experiments are useless, you just piss off the players and noobs stay noobs anyway even with these events...
The whole point of these events is to try something new. If your usual attack doesn't work, try another type.
It's pointless moaning about it - explore other options. Sheesh.
I don’t agree with you Crimson. I’ve been playing this game for years. I’ve tried all the styles. My most enjoyable experience is the shooters. They were the most challenging to be truly effective with. Very low HP, and limited destruction against buildings. That’s why I enjoy them. they make you work. Stop by my alliance anytime. post your base. I’m at the Holy Grail. You will see the slow speed up close. no pressure.
I don’t agree with you Crimson. I’ve been playing this game for years. I’ve tried all the styles. My most enjoyable experience is the shooters. They were the most challenging to be truly effective with. Very low HP, and limited destruction against buildings. That’s why I enjoy them. they make you work. Stop by my alliance anytime. post your base. I’m at the Holy Grail. You will see the slow speed up close. no pressure.
You don't agree with me? I'm gutted. 😄
Out of curiosity, what part of my statement don't you agree with? Are you referring to the fact that I said shooters aren't affected by the changes? Cos I don't remember actually saying that. I can clearly see the difference in my lower age battles.
My point was for OP to open his mind and change what doesn't work. However If you and others choose to keep playing with shooters even though they currently don't work for you, be my guest ...
Without any discussion, I just want to express my gratitude to BHG for the “Event: Boost Accelerations Campaign” (not sure about the correctness of the translation) - Thank you so much, guys! Lots of accelerations - it's awesome! I am happy to participate, and the rewards are so excellent - I wish there were more events like this. 🤝👍😁

The planes are restored quickly - this is generally on the verge of fantasy - wonderful, excellent! 👍💪😁 A warrior's paradise! ;)
Yes, the combination of archers and cannons is very fascinating, but it has also become increasingly difficult to play.
1. Missile well, you must destroy it at the beginning of the game, which means you have to pay at least one fighter jet (2 fighter jets+2 paratroopers) and two tactics (disrupting anti-aircraft facilities along the way and providing paratrooper protection)
2. The trap of the broad sword deals too much damage that causes it to die directly after being stepped on, making it impossible to react.
3. Defend RPG guards against AOE damage. Protected RPGs are becoming increasingly difficult to clean up, and getting them close to archers (sometimes ground troops may turn a blind eye to nearby guards), with just one RPG, you can exit and move on to the next game.
You don't agree with me? I'm gutted. 😄
Out of curiosity, what part of my statement don't you agree with? Are you referring to the fact that I said shooters aren't affected by the changes? Cos I don't remember actually saying that. I can clearly see the difference in my lower age battles.
My point was for OP to open his mind and change what doesn't work. However If you and others choose to keep playing with shooters even though they currently don't work for you, be my guest ...
Crimson, I don’t agree with your belief that the whole reason for these seasonal changes is to get people to try new things. I could be wrong and that’s ok, I just know that was the core reason. Nor do i agree with the comment about moaning about it. That is what a forum is for. Discussing things we agree and disagree about. Moaning would imply that a person kept going on and on about the same things. Either way, it’s a temporary buff / nerf that may lead to other changes along the way. As for now, I’m not a fan of the slower speed. I’ve adapted my style to spread the shooters out along a longer line of attack. That helps, but man that snails pace is, well a snails pace. Anyway, cruise by the Holy Grail anytime.
Crimson, I don’t agree with your belief that the whole reason for these seasonal changes is to get people to try new things. I could be wrong and that’s ok, I just know that was the core reason. Nor do i agree with the comment about moaning about it. That is what a forum is for. Discussing things we agree and disagree about. Moaning would imply that a person kept going on and on about the same things. Either way, it’s a temporary buff / nerf that may lead to other changes along the way. As for now, I’m not a fan of the slower speed. I’ve adapted my style to spread the shooters out along a longer line of attack. That helps, but man that snails pace is, well a snails pace. Anyway, cruise by the Holy Grail anytime.
You're absolutely entitled to not agree with me - it goes without saying, right? Keep the discussion going ... :giggle:
I'm curious to hear what you think the reason for the seasonal changes are. I mean, there must be a reason why certain troops are buffed or nerfed in each season. If not to encourage us to try new combos, then why do BHG bother?
And I like discussions on the forum as long as it's constructive. Things like "my troops are too slow now, please change it back" is, imho, moaning. It doesn't add anything to the forum. And then to persist with something that is clearly not working is ......... let's call it 'silly' for now.
A better use of the time it takes to post would be for a conscientious player, who is being affected by the changes, to post something along the lines of "If your troops are slow, you could try ******* " - exactly as you've done. That's a worthwhile post which could really help some younger players struggling to work around it. Like a lot of other helpful posts and videos I've seen on the forum. (y)
You've adapted and that's great - maybe you tried something new or something that worked once before - the thing is you changed something that wasn't working ...

ps: here's an earlier post by BHG:

King is right on the intent of seasonal.

But I personally think they are annoying and stupid.

If your army sucks without seasonal boost then it should suck until you fix it. Not become gods cause of some boost given by seasonal.