Alliance Trophies


New member
Feb 20, 2018
I propose a feature that would award trophies to top alliance players in each alliance at the end of each two week season. The trophies should impart some desirable game bonus. There should be a trophy automatically awarded to the player with the highest troop donation count. There should be a trophy automatically awarded to the player with the most medals. This would increase competition within the alliance and provide incentive to donate. There could be a trophy that the alliance leader can give to show appreciation to a player who has contributed significantly; player of the month etc...
Possible bonuses imparted by trophies:
10% hp bonus to all troops
10% atk bonus to all troops
10% faster troop production


Approved user
Aug 21, 2017
The idea isn’t bad even though in some cases I can’t see there being a change in trophy holders. I also think the rewards are kind of OP.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
People should do all these without the need of a prize. This is the alliance for, anyway. The idea is not bad, though


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
I like the idea of rotating rewards for contributions to the alliance.
The troop donation count could probably count those donations made to war bases too.

The rewards could probably be kept as non battle bonuses (bonuses which don't apply during a battle) to avoid abuse by alliances.
The 10% faster troop training is a good example.
Some other examples could be as follows:
An additional 10% to 25% refund for troop donations for the top troop donors.
A reduction in 1 NTG requirement for activating coalitions for top contributors to wars.
A reduction in 1 trade good requirement for hiring mercenaries for top contributors to wars.
A 5 minute reduction in the cool-down time between troop requests.

Cheers and happy gaming! :)