Any word on a fix for the attack bugs in World War?

Mr Suplex

Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
There are numerous bugs around attacking in World War, including:

1) Players cannot make their second attack
2) Players make an attack but the results do not register
3) Attack log shows more attacks conducted than results in the detailed stats (ie 13 attacks but only 12 results when counting all Alliance player attacks in Alliance tab)
4) General crashing of the app during attacks in World War stealing players' attacks

Is there any update on any of these issues from Nexon M?


Approved user
Dec 17, 2015
Dear Admins,
Not creating another topic since there are so many same issues already.
I tried to use my 2nd attack in world war, but the game crashes and attack is gone. There is no record of 2nd attack in both Reports and Battle Log but still i'm not given my attack.
Please look into this matter, its our hard earned resources and stars in the game that keeps us playing this game. Fix it Sir and compensate my losses.
(player id: 3373819)