Assault tactic


Approved user
May 21, 2017
At level 3 the protect damage reduction is 200%. How is a reduction of damage anything beyond 100% possible. If the dps was going to be 1000 then I had a 100% reduction it would be zero. Please explain TinSoldier BHG_Muet


Approved user
Mar 19, 2017
The same way multiplication is possible by 200% the same way division is...200% is just 2 in percent form.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Anyway it is not working, even with 100% the troops are losing hitpoints faster as without, you can try it in friendlies. On top of it in the comparison with the SoG (which should be inferior to AR) the troops with SoG are dealing mored amage as with the AR. Nexon please clear up the fog and explain, what the real AR stats are. Is the effect gone after the AR's target is destroyed?


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
Maybe the stats are accurate and we've been interpreting them wrong. Imagine a real war, and the enemy has a hill. The jerk General says "Take that hill at any cost!" The troops will rush, attack more but be more open to receiving damage.

Maybe that's what's going on here. Instead of reducing the damage our troops take, this actually DOUBLES the damage they take. The tradeoff is that they will fight faster and run faster (but take more damage).

That would explain what we're seeing. So then one option might be to combine this with a Protect, or nearby Decoys to keep the guys safe.

That's my interpretation, but I'd like to hear the official answer. To me, my interpretation makes sense because otherwise this Tactic would be over-powered as compared to SoG, Protect, etc.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I’ve been experimenting with it. I agree that it’s not working properly. Also, many are complaining that their troops seem weaker now. We suspect a problem with Library, Univ and or coalitions. I recommend BHG test them all to make sure.
Commandos still can not walk through gates.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
gxe1134 I have wondered if this is the correct interpretation as well. But I doubt it, because the number gets larger as you level up the tactic. If it is a bad side effect, like reduced HP on betrayed units, it should get smaller as it is upgraded, and not bigger.

But the numbers shown in the armory and the numbers shown in the war academy do not match at all. In the war academy, I show level 1 as 9s, speed bonus as 250%, and Damage reduction as 100%. And that is all the stats it shows. The upgrade to level 2 increases duration to 11s and damage reduction to 150%. In the war academy, level 1 shows a 10s duration (library boost), a speed boost of 100%, damage reduction of 100%, Damage increase of 200%, and attack speed increase of 50%. So a different speed boost, and two stats boosted that aren't shown in the armory at all.

It looks like this is another MRL scale screwup in the stats department - things are being shown in very different ways, but it isn't obvious how or why or what the current numbers are in ways that players would understand them.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
gxe1134 I have wondered if this is the correct interpretation as well. But I doubt it, because the number gets larger as you level up the tactic. If it is a bad side effect, like reduced HP on betrayed units, it should get smaller as it is upgraded, and not bigger.

But the numbers shown in the armory and the numbers shown in the war academy do not match at all. In the war academy, I show level 1 as 9s, speed bonus as 250%, and Damage reduction as 100%. And that is all the stats it shows. The upgrade to level 2 increases duration to 11s and damage reduction to 150%. In the war academy, level 1 shows a 10s duration (library boost), a speed boost of 100%, damage reduction of 100%, Damage increase of 200%, and attack speed increase of 50%. So a different speed boost, and two stats boosted that aren't shown in the armory at all.

It looks like this is another MRL scale screwup in the stats department - things are being shown in very different ways, but it isn't obvious how or why or what the current numbers are in ways that players would understand them.

Now I really have no idea. I'm not even bothering to investigate this tactic yet. I'm not sure I'm coordinated enough to use it just yet anyway :)

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
You guys are confusing me. Don't care about the calculations 😩 Is this a good tactic or not? How to properly use it?


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
You guys are confusing me. Don't care about the calculations 😩 Is this a good tactic or not? How to properly use it?

No, it doesn't seem like a good tactic. The description doesn't make sense, and it seems like it causes your troops to take increased damage (of some unknown amount).

I wouldn't use it until the actual behavior are better described by BGH.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
The concept is interesting. It could be useful to rally a subset of troops near a target (e.g., rally HTs on TC but leave squishy units on perifery), but clarification on the numbers and how they are intended to affect units is essential.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Maybe that's what's going on here. Instead of reducing the damage our troops take, this actually DOUBLES the damage they take. The tradeoff is that they will fight faster and run faster (but take more damage).
This makes sense. But why is Nexon using the term Damage Reduction anyway? The only things that should be affected is speed, dps and hp.
Taking extra damage is just another way of interpreting hp, no?
So if the unit takes extra damage from defenders, why not simply say HP reduction, and save us the confusion!


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
There are troops and tactics that can heal troops, in that case hp and damage taken modifiers do not do the same thing. It is worse for healing units to include hp modifiers than damage modifiers. That might be the intent, to not nerf healing methods this way.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I can't see how the new Rally tactic applies to healers/healing? I thought it was a tactic to direct your troops to destroy something.
Maybe I should get this tactic and see what it does.


Approved user
Jan 23, 2019
The tactic itself is a combination of strength of gladiator and protect, it's super strong. You guys just need to learn how to use it. But at the moment, it's hard to see because of the regressions in patch 6.7 to factory troops.

The likely scenario is that it'll soon be nerfed because it's too strong rather than it being unused.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
The new tactic is confusing, especially the protect parts, but I was just talking about the difference between hp/damage modifiers and how it affects healing units differently.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Various people have tested it on scenarios in friendly challenges, and the consensus is that it doesn't currently work correctly. At the moment, it does not provide any damage reduction - a Heavy tank sitting under ATG fire dies at the same rate with or without this tactic. And it doesn't provide any damage per second boost - an infantry attacking a farm doesn't kill it any faster with or without this tactic.

It is very nice as a secondary rally (to rally twice in a small space of time), because it does send your units to the target at higher speed. But right now it is underwhelming because it doesn't work as advertised. So probably a good idea to just treat it as an extra small radius rally for now, until it gets fixed or Nexon changes the description to accurately describe its behavior.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
You are correct, the protect values in Assault Rally do appear to be off.
The team is working on a fix now, and I've added a note in the known issues thread for 6.7.

After the fix, the correct protect values will be:

Level 1: 50%
Level 2: 70%
Level 3: 90%


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
What about the damage boosts? Those do not seem to be applied at all.