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Approved user
May 8, 2015
I agree with bullet 5 and downward. Those are major cons.

I don't agree with bullet two because I think that labeling them by level sounds boring and I feel like the already used troop names are appropriate because it makes the game feel more like the theme, different nations and the like.

Every other bullet is something I have yet to experience as bad in the game but I do agree with you on some points but to each his own.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
To the OP: Why you play a new game and want it to be exactly like COC, you might as well just stick with COC. I used to played COC for 2+ years, and after trying this I quit COC. This game has similar features like COC, but I like that it's different. Bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Approved user
Apr 28, 2015
Agreed. I played clash of clans over 2 years plus I also played another game where you have to choose nations with attack and defence bonuses like dominations but as said already that game on basis of this idea died in a year from top grossing rating 20 now thats number 105 so almost everyone quit and joined clash of clans. Idea about nations in any game will kill that game and devs can never balance this out. However I am hoping that Devs can look into this only hope though ;)

David Pasquinel

Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
He/she could just stopped before the "funk you" downwards. This just turns his/her point into mimimi rants.

I do not agree with nearly everything in the OP. To me the differencial aesthetics and unique gameplay of the civilizations are the selling points of the game. If people get confused when seeing different art assets of the same buildings, they should get used to relate the major features of the buildings (wich are not that far from each other) instead of asking to everyone be the same. To me the devs should diferentiate the art styles even more, to the point that the shared visuals between the civilizations be minimal, like the japanese having yari spearmen and samurai riding horses instead of chinese-like spearmen and cavalry.

To me, there is only two valid points:

Firsty, some wonders are really useless. Forbidden City is plain ridiculous, like the Hanging Gardens. There is simply no reason to get them, and I pity the players out there who chosen those bad jokes instead of the more useful options. Secondly, at any age, the economy on this game is not even close to be self-sustainable. The great majority of the resources we get are from other players bases. There is no real reward investing resources our economic facilities, as currently the boosts are minimal, so we must always focus on military and defensive researches first and worry about the economic aspects last. I'm not saying that turtling in your base with your farms and caravans is ideal, but simply there is no real incentive to go from one caravan/farm level to another. The upgrades should be cheaper or the advantages should be bigger than they are now.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Firsty, some wonders are really useless. Forbidden City is plain ridiculous, like the Hanging Gardens. There is simply no reason to get them, and I pity the players out there who chosen those bad jokes instead of the more useful options.

Those bad jokes cost 1200 Crowns to rectify. :(


Apr 15, 2015
..., the economy on this game is not even close to be self-sustainable. The great majority of the resources we get are from other players bases. There is no real reward investing resources our economic facilities, as currently the boosts are minimal, so we must always focus on military and defensive researches first and worry about the economic aspects last. I'm not saying that turtling in your base with your farms and caravans is ideal, but simply there is no real incentive to go from one caravan/farm level to another. The upgrades should be cheaper or the advantages should be bigger than they are now.
Exactly! This I wholeheartedly agree with.

David Pasquinel

Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
Those bad jokes cost 1200 Crowns to rectify. :(

I think that the pricing to change should be set by Ages, so the first wonders should be cheaper to change than the second ones, and the pricing should go escalating up for the third, the fourth and so forth. OR the useless wonders could be reworked. Forbidden City could have a ranged attack just like the japanese town center, but a little bit stronger, and the Hanging Gardens could make the trees and mines collect themselves automatically without the need of workers.


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
wow. hats off to you. i thought for sure this thread would have been closed, per the clash of clans moderator standards (which go overboard, IMO).


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
@OP: couldn't disagree with you more

1. Unique units should only be cosmetic, not stat differences!!

disagree. i'd welcome some balancing when wars come out, but i've seen all nations be successful. unique units don't make a huge difference in farming.

2. Nations should provide a special bonus that doesn't affect raids, either attacking or defending.
cosmetic differences are boring. disagree here too. with the option to switch, min/maxers should be appeased too.

3. There should only be 75%, 100% and town center victory conditions
disagree. why? have you played CoC at all? I much prefer the five star format over the three star format, particular for when wars get implemented.

4. You should only be allowed one wonder!!!! The wonder should provide a strong bonus to your nation.
again, disagree. how can more options be bad? so on the one hand, you want to nerd the bonuses people get from picking a nation, but on the other, you want the bonuses from wonders to get buffed? frankly, it sound like you picked a nation you're no longer happy with and are simply venting because you don't want to spend the crowns for a change.

5. Self-sustained economy. There is no reason to upgrade farms / caravans.
I'd be happy with a buff, but who really cares? if too many resources get introduced, the game will be too easy and ultimately, that's worse than being too difficult. i'm mid-late medieval and i'm not having any trouble advancing -- and i spend FAR less time than i did back when i had to farm in CoC.

my defense upgrades cost 400k to 700k gold. that's obtainable in 8 raids -- fewer, if i get lucky. and i can attack with minimal troop training time. even upgrades that cost me 700k gold can be obtained in a single evening. if costs go up to a few million in gunpowder or enlightenment -- you're still able to farm 5-10% of the total cost in a single attack.

do you have any idea how long it takes to farm in CoC before they buffed the league bonuses? WAY LONGER.

if you're complaining about minimal upgrades, have you seen the difference between level 3 and level 4 xbows in CoC? or the archer upgrade changes from levels 5 to 7? something about your post makes me think you haven't really thought this through.

Israel Delabra

Approved user
Aug 13, 2015
I'm not new to clash of clans or Dominations.At the beginning when clash of clans came out it had many flaws.first u did not have a map editor and multiple base layouts like u do now.I can keep going on forever about this flaws but I need to get to the point.Dominations is a new game and needs time to become what u are looking for.The first thing we have to realize is that is not clash of clans but rather a different game.Dominations is a amazing game in my opinion.Its fresh and looks atractive.Many people complaint about the bugs and the lack of content but I still remember when everybody complaint about CoC and its many lack of features.Im a Avid and active player of CoC but after playing it for 3 years it got boring because I never saw new things,sure every time you upgrade something it's looks different but when u look at somebody ur same level they almost have exactly what u have and its not a challenge anymore.I hear complaints about DomiNations not being balanced because of units stats.I am a history nerd but in real life not every nation had the same units u know.Another thing I hear is the complaint about wonders.First of all every wonder has perks.Im a maxed gunpowder age player and I can say that every wonder I pick has serve me well .the collessium Deploys 8 troops for defense in five seconds combining it with my town center defenders which are also eight plus forest defenders and Garrisons I easily have a overwhelming force but do I win every time ,NO.The Stonehenge gives me huge amount of gold everyday up to 70k .The Ankgor wat is amazing in healing my defenders especially generals.When I use to attack players in CoC I always saw the same thing nothing new .but when I attck players in Dominations I always see something new and that is nations. I know that attacking Japanese nations is hard compare to Greeks but it adds more exitement to the game and more challenge.First of all it is historical so things are always changing.Give this awesom game time and we will see how it does. My opinion is that this game is awesome.

dominations vin

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
bump for upcoming (1) year anniversary of this post that i read when i first started playing dominations in july of 2015. i also read the wonder guide which i assume is written by the same guy based on the whiney, condescending tone.

for posterity:
everything in the OP, while possibly being true at the time of writing, is completely wrong in the current state of the game (1) year later.

i will quickly address each point:

01. there shouldn't be unique units:
that is an absolutely ridiculous claim even when enlightenment was the highest age. unique units often synergize with each nation's unique abilities creating viability for most (see #02) nations.

02. the roman nation is too strong:
when i started playing i recall seeing a lot of roman and greek players because their unique abilities seem to be the best at enlightenment and earlier ages. however, those two nations are now nearly nonexistent at the higher leagues. it is not a coincidence that the two nations that were most popular at the beginning of the game became worse later in the game (hint: it costs crowns to change your nation).

03. there should be a (3) star system: 75%, 100% & town center stars / 50% star is too easily achieved:
it is not problematically easy to get 50% vs. an industrial or global age base. as you progress in ages you get more buildings with more HP and better defensive capabilities—i think this scales well with the ages.

i recall that when enlightenment was the highest age people often complained that a maxed out army could always defeat a maxed out defending base. while that may have been true at the time—currently, with an intelligently-designed base, well-placed traps and a well-chosen research path, defense is very important; and especially so at the higher leagues.

i think the (5) star system creates a more challenging and dynamic gameplay experience. the quick victory star is the most challenging aspect of a (5) star, 100% victory; this is especially important in world war.

04. wonders are useless:
this is probably the most damaging piece of misinformation in this post (and the wonder guide post). while some wonders are legitimately useless or clearly worse than others, i think that overall there's a good balance in the available wonders. in my opinion, determining how different wonders synergize with each other as well as your nation's unique abilities and unit is one of the most fun and challenging aspects of the game. there shouldn't be a clear and obvious "winner" for a specific age's wonder. there are many viable combinations depending on a player's style.

also, remember that it isn't a coincidence that certain wonders are not viable later in the game (i.e. pyramids, stongehenge). ultimately nexon/big huge are [a] business(es) and need to make money. a big part of that is people buying crowns to switch their no-longer-useful wonder.

there is one wonder every other age. so there are currently (4) sets of (4) wonders with a 5th set of wonders likely to be released with the atomic age.

in conclusion:
while OP's point 01 & 03 are totally and unequivocally wrong—i believe point 02 & 04 warrant an updated guide. i will work on this soon. pm me if you have any comments or suggestions.

i'm semi-ashamed that i just spent (30) minutes writing this. but, i guess i need something to prevent me from doing work and this seemed like a decent opportunity to clear up a few things and prevent misinformation from floating around the forum.

at the time of writing this the global age has been released for approximately (1) month. dominations is not currently without its faults. there are several big and ongoing issues with the game. however, this is not the place to air that out.

note #2:
i did not [most likely will not] read this entire thread.

level 150 / german
global age
dynasty league ii
USA Elite®
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Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
Onetime80 I think you cannot say somethings for "end game" yet ! And in war only 5 stars counts, you will lose the war if you "win 1 star". If you can win 5 stars then join us and help in war.

youre talking to a guy that made this post a year ago


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Yeah going from EA to IA is actually very money (crown) based I feel. I dont like this! Its almost impossible to save up beyond 2 million food and gold without being totally raped by a GA player, even though Ive dumped medals back to a lame 300 or so and totally maxed my gold, food and EA base before the move.. Its ridiculous! :mad: :(

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
My son used to play clash but now these days he's more interested in dominations. He asked me if it's harder at my level (EA) then his level MA and I said yes, very. He said 'is that so you don't get bored and give up'. (he's 9). I'm glad he came to that conclusion by himself instead of saying it's too hard and then giving up. Even when stronger players are stealing your resources we can also drop to low medals like Funks. And then we can do unto others. :)


Approved user
May 2, 2015
My son used to play clash but now these days he's more interested in dominations. He asked me if it's harder at my level (EA) then his level MA and I said yes, very. He said 'is that so you don't get bored and give up'. (he's 9). I'm glad he came to that conclusion by himself instead of saying it's too hard and then giving up. Even when stronger players are stealing your resources we can also drop to low medals like Funks. And then we can do unto others. :)

dunno how the medal thing works with attacking though. If thats the case there must be some pretty high XP ranked players with very low medals.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I travel from 800 to 1400 and I see very high Industrial bases down here. If you're only interested in getting resources then this is the best place.