Cannot post pictures in game to CS


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I know we have complained about this, but I have not seen anyone post a picture of what happens when you try to send a picture to CS.

This happens if sending the picture first, at the same time as the text, and after text is posted. It happens every single time and there is no work around.

When you select the photo or screen shot, all buttons disappear from the screen. There is no send image, no cancel, no attach. Nothing. It is almost like the attach button is off the screen.

CS does not seem to understand this issue. Can someone fix this? It happens on all iOS devices. iPhone and iPad.

on a second note, is there a cheat that prevents you from attacking a base? In this war we have had 3 crashes that happen right when you drop your first troops. 3, and all against the same person. CS said too bad so sad...