Cavalry needs immediate attention!


Approved user
May 1, 2015
After the update cavalry are putting out way too much damage making it almost impossible for anyone to defend against them. Knights now put out 220 damage. That is a 4x increase from where they were before the patch, which by the way, is 42 DPS higher than my German Landsknecht (my specialized soldier meant to do high damage on buildings) who are now obsolete since horses do more and are virtually indestructible tanks with 4560 HP.

I was very surprised to A: not see anything in the update notes regarding unit changes and B: only one bland post in general chat bringing up the situation in which everyone responded as if it was just a minor balance issue.

Well this is a major balance issue and the game is completely broken right now until this gets fixed. Stock up 8 horses and go to town on a base. I ralied two Cataphract on a balista and won, that's when I knew something was very wrong.

Still driving me nuts how no one cares or thinks this obvious bug does not need to be emergency fixed asap. Free loot for all until then! No one should expect to win a defense until this is resolved.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
i definitely agree that the change to the heavy horse attack was way too much and has totally unbalanced the game. every other troops is almost worthless now, and generals are just pointless, plus the merc heavy horse and elephant didn't get any change to their attack rating, which mean that there is no reason to ever hire them.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
Before everyone is saying 6 infantry is way better than 1 cavalry and that cavalry really needs a buff and now this. Two of the weakest nations, the French and the Greeks are now able to compete end game with this cavalry buff. However, 20 Greek/French cavalry is stronger than 22/Roman cavalry while still having their nations perk despite how weak they are. I suggest instead of increasing cavalry attack by + 300% to decrease it between + 150% - 200% of their original attack.