• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

constructive way to fix defense balance as offense is still 70% better then defense


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
to fix defense to a balance between war and multiplayer for all levels of play this is what needs to happen and the order it should happen in

1 known issue of parliment cannon since release has a range of 10 but fires at range of 3 and low HP makes it not worth much for defense
2 increase defender damage and HP to match the increase in HP and damage to the offense things like bunker tanks are way less than offense tanks same with tank depot tanks and soldiers from the garrison should be national special if the defender is of a solder nation like Japan Germany roman etc and tanks from depot should be the same as tank nations like Greek and french if the play is that nation
3 recon area of effect and damage reduction on troop tactics card version should be 50% less than airstrip
4 pair defense range increase by 2 and rate of fire as modern anti air have almost a Lazer rate of fire
4 anti tank gun rate of fire is currently 1 shot per 5 seconds that should be a shot per second and a half plus range increase
5 Blackhawk medic has a range of 7 all helicopter including esinhowers went to range of 5 because there is nothing on. defense to stop it as they range of everything they does significant damage is 3-5
6 mortar damage for base mortar needs to be higher than troop mortar they are 5x the size they defense needs that to actually kill things that aren't in armor

6 super stallion used on offense is not targeted by defense building besides machine gun towers all others ignore it even air defense


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Just a note, Defense is OP pre-Atomic. For example, max Industrial offense won't take down a max Industrial defense. Increasing defense at lower levels would kill the game, especially considering how the majority of players are poor at offense (e.g., barrack tanks, demolition).

In other words, as discussed in your earlier "make all defense stronger" proposals, said proposal must take into account the entire player base and Ages, and not just the top 100 alliances and their mostly Drone Age wars.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Just a note, Defense is OP pre-Atomic. For example, max Industrial offense won't take down a max Industrial defense. Increasing defense at lower levels would kill the game, especially considering how the majority of players are poor at offense (e.g., barrack tanks, demolition).

In other words, as discussed in your earlier "make all defense stronger" proposals, said proposal must take into account the entire player base and Ages, and not just the top 100 alliances and their mostly Drone Age wars.
it still would with skill and tactics