• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Cold War 6.0 Update

Hey u

Approved user
Dec 8, 2016
Very disappointed you still have not addressed war replays. Many times do not match up with log results and we are told the log results are correct, not the replay. Then why bother with replays if they're not correct? And how do you re-create a replay that supposedly didn't happen?
Also don't think new cold war age should be allowed to attack global age. Very unfair to global age to be attacked now by a new age two levels up with enhanced weapons. It's a bad precedent to set since no other age has to endure it.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
War replays will never be 100% accurate because they aren't actually replays. The game takes your deployments, rallies and tactics and uses that info to approximate what you did in the game engine. To save thousands, if not millions, of replay videos would require insane amounts of server space. No mobile game with replays has actual replays. This one just has more moving parts than most so the butterfly effect tends to be greater.

Now these replays that are completely off or show all manner of extra troops that shouldn't be there are probably cheaters. Though Nexon will never admit to that. Security is expensive and this game is pretty low on the BHG pecking order these days. If people end up spending money to compete with obvious hackers then that's a net positive for Nexon rather than investing time and resources fighting hacks. Integrity be damned. I think that's been proven by the 18 month Road to(Nowhere)Better World War Matchmaking among many other things.

As for CWA attacking globals? Between the lengthy upgrades, lack of workers and player attrition I'm guessing there simply aren't enough atomics for CWAs to attack. Hence The Winter of Ages. Guess we'll see by the end of January if this changes.

Of course one of these mods could do more than issue a vague statement and squash such speculation, though I wouldn't hold my breath. They don't work weekends afterall. Guess we'll see next week.....maybe.


Approved user
Nov 12, 2017
Since this update, my view is automatically scrolling right to Marco Polo camp every time I log in. No use at all and makes the game even slower as it's still struggling loading heavy gfx (my device is Galaxy S7, game on phone memory). A presume it was not wanted.

Isrem Ovani

Approved user
Feb 17, 2016
6 gb ram is a joke. Sorry, but you should have taken some more coins into your hands when buying your device.


Approved user
Jun 28, 2015
Nobody complains about the possibility given to the Cold War Ages to attack the Global Ages ?
They are 2 ages above... Global Ages are just totally disadvantaged...