Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 2)

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
I'm thinking there's a Dominations 2, or something similar, in the pipeline and this is the way of squeezing some more filthy lucre out of the remaining hardcore player base before it drops. That doesn't mean they'll shut this down. As long as the game brings in enough to maintain the servers and employ the two people who work on it there's really no need to.

Of course any hypothetical future games will run into the same problems this one has if Nexon is calling the shots. Doesn't matter how many neato bells and whistles it may have when company policy is to interact with and listen to the player base at little as possible.

Oh! What am I saying? Apparently all these defensive buffs are being demanded by some parties, who never voice such opinions in any of the game's various social media platforms, yet somehow speak for all of us and have the devs' ears exclusively. :-/
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Apr 5, 2016
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Approved user
Apr 27, 2015
Well this game is dead, I spent two or three years on it and had fun but now, now you're nerfing Decoys out of some perception that it will make the game more fun. Even spending money on troop tactics barely gets me to scrape by but you never listen. TinSoldier if you cared at all you'd respond to the comments that aren't asking for clarification and instead address the actual complaints, but I guess you're just a corporate mouthpiece, heck I don't think you even exist, you're just an account that is shared by all the Nexon Staff to respond to comments. You seem to think everything will be fine if you keep pushing us to buy more stuff but the less satisfying things become for free players the less they will become for paying players. And soon your precious "whales" will move on to a game with enough people for it to actually be fun, they aren't here to spend money they're here to play a game where spending money makes them feel superior but if there's no one to feel superior to then they will decide to just go off and play something they consider more fun.

I suspect that you're only doing this to weed out the cheaters, but here's a news flash: they'll still cheat and hack and exploit the game while never spending a dime and driving other players off who might spend money on the game. This design spotlight is the last straw for me, I'm quitting the game but I will still pop in from time to time to see how laughably stupid Nexon and BigHuge are becoming because they never listen to actual complaints and try to fix problems that aren't there.

If you want this game to survive then stop sending your mouth of Sauron TinSoldier and let us talk to the real developers and the brainless managers who make demands that they think help but just screw everyone over. You're going to lose your company at this rate so pull your head out of the sand and your asses and listen to the people who pay your salaries!

Couldn't agree more Cryos. Nexon please for the love of god and all that is holy, adjust the TIME factor in this game. No one cares about resource cost. People have been saying for months that there should be a feature where you can put more citizens towards an upgrade or research that greatly reduces TIME. I would be excited for something like this but as MP becomes more difficult, I will continue to raid with my raiders and not actually attack a base because I choose not to wait 30min-2 hours for tactics and troops to be retrained for 1-3 attacks.

I was sick and tired of seeing sales flailing in my face but now you have gotten out of hand and greedy by now going the extra 10 miles to introducing unlocking sale pyramids. You are making this game less fun and more of a money machine. I've been with this game since launch and you are losing me and other players slowly as none of us asked for this but according to you, we did. I'd like to see those forum posts and feedback and see if that actually represents the majority of the playerbase. Do you want to be like so many other mobile games that had a golden time then plummeted due to greed and delusional ideas? I will take my money and enjoyment elsewhere if you continue down this path.
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New member
Jun 29, 2018
"One of the trends we have been seeing in the data for PvP battles is that players are doing more small-scale raids, using only a handful of troops, for resources rather than all-out assaults. The full-scale battles that require tactics, planes, and other forces are the most fun, but also require the most lucrative targets to execute."

You let us use a training blessing for troops that lasts an hour. Even with the tactics blessing it takes over an hour to retrain tactics, and planes get no time bonus from blessings.

Without addressing the training time your most loyal players will never use tactics in PVP. Your model forces people to either raid for resources or pick on weaker bases for 5*.

You say the goal is to be more fun. If you don't adress the training time, whether international or not, you have the appearance of simply trying to make more money which will force a good portion of your base away from the game.

If you really want the game to be more fun with full on attacks you will fix the training time. Failure to fix the training time is disingenuous, which is the opposite of anything fun.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2017
I agree with most about this update. I am fine with the troop changes and I understand the desire to want to make it harder to clear a base. But why nerf the decoy now? Why not wait to see the difference the increased damage from defensive buildings has on this? I could care less about the cost of training new tactics. I think you are way off about how important that is to us. It is one of the most irrelevant parts of this game in my opinion. And I like the fact that I sometimes can just raid for resources versus having to use my whole army. The fact that I am giving up not getting NTG's for coalitions in war is a great consequence for when I am just raiding. If I do it too much then I am hurting myself and my alliance in war by not having coalitions set so it makes me balance my attacks between raiding and full attacks for NTG's. I like that I can sometimes get a quick hit in instead of having to spend more time every time. I like that it's my decision and I DON'T like that you are trying to force us to play how you would. I think the changes to the troops are very much needed. Especially with the attack helicopters, they could use a huge boost in everything to make them relevant and worth the cost and space. I also think it's annoying that we allocate time to upgrading different things based on their importance to just have them changed by you potentially making that upgrade mostly useless resulting in the time spent on those upgrades being useless as well. If you want people using full armies to attack all of the time then you need to really boost the benefits of being at high medal levels. BY A LOT. The last time you nerfed a tactic was when you nerfed betrayal and that made it totally useless as we all predicted you would at the time. Where's your data about that at?


Approved user
Jan 26, 2018
The gameplay doesn't help people to stay more and more connected. Dificulting attack mean we loose more troops on attack, and so, more time off line training troops. If the game should be more interesting , more and more balance to decrease time cost of retraining is better than decrease food cost.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
This won't change my strategy one bit. It might change the number of bases I have to skip or medal drop on, but my basic approach remains the same:
  • Choose a medal range where about half the bases offered I can 5 star without war tactics and generals
  • search for an opponent
    • If I can 5 star it with minimal losses and without using tactics, attack for the diamond and NTGs
    • If I can 5 star it with significant losses and using tactics, but it has a huge amount of loot or an NTG I really need, attack
    • If I am not at the bottom of my medal range, drop medals with one or two soldiers
    • Otherwise skip to next base
  • If I lose all my troops, or have used all my tactics and donated troops, stop playing
This rebalance might change my medal range, and I will probably start using different troops, but nothing else. The only real difference is the increased NTG drop rate. I really like that NTGs will be guaranteed for a 5 star victory, so I won't have to grind as much.
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Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
The decrease of tactics cost as a motivation for their use really made me smile) I guess the gap between barrack troops and factory troops will continue to increase after this update.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
As a former spender, I completely agree. These continued price hikes do NOT have me spending more with Nexon.

And most of us are smart enough to do basic math. I’ve yet to see a speed up offer that’s not more expensive than just crowning it. They’re pointless to pay for.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Why was this post edited by Nexon BHG...
You shouldn't delete threads and edit peoples posts just because their content doesnt comply with your lies, enthusiasm and positivity about yet another unecessary addition or change to the game when all the problems, bugs, cheaters and shambles of World War Matchups still prevailing...

The forums are supposed to be a way of a portion of your loyal players can feel they are able to have some input in making the game better.

You wouldn't be having negative, frustrated and somewhat angry posts if you actually seemed to listen or care about the players.

You forget, 3 years playing a game and investing a lot of life hours to be treated the way we have, your lucky we are still playing the game now before you even mentioned the "Combat Rebalance" (which is a very cleverly worded way to say something very different)

I am glad your intriducing these changes and not listening as per usual.... your making my decision of very soon regaining 2-3 hours of each of my days back....


New member
Jun 4, 2017
1.) The Design Spotlight is intended for those that want the broad strokes of the rebalance changes, while the patchnotes (numbers) are for those that are interested in the fine details. Both discussion threads are beneficial to get feedback from!

2.) I can only speculate that the introduction of Speed Ups are the reason why the time isn't being reduced with these rebalance efforts. The development team will need a little more time to see how Speed Ups are used on a regular basis.

3.) I'll have to check with the team. Medal count would be an interesting metric to check.

4.) Also a great question about Commando space. Who knows, it may be part of a future balance change.

5.) I can't recall lowering the number of Trade Goods earned from hunting and gathering. I know there have been suggestions before to have the team look into changing the Dock rewards after the release of the Museum, and I can confirm it's something that's being discussed here.

6.) We're not quite ready to announce all of the stages of the reblance yet. As with Stage One, the team is taking a look after each change is made to ensure that future changes still conform with the overall goals.

7.) The reblance isn't designed to be a measure against bugs or exploits. We are still in the process of finding and fixing bugs with every release. If you have details you think could assist the team as they research and fix bugs, please let either myself or our CS team know.



New member
Jun 4, 2017
I know the team looks at every change as a 'Zero Sum Game'. While it may seem like some tactics are in need of a nerf, buffing other tactics will pull them in line (power-wise) and the comparison between the two isn't as great anymore.

The feedback is great! We read all of the comments and take everything into consideration before making changes. Some of the choices may be boring "cutting room floor" reasons on why they're being changed, and so there's not much to report there. In other cases, changes are being made to the game in anticipation for future updates!


Approved user
Jan 26, 2018
Another big issue that need review is WAR reward balance. Gain on PvP is mutch bether than in War. You can win easy 800k on each PvP fight, and you need two war battles to win the same.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
If I'm going to be fair, I used the F-bomb a few times in a way that gets around the automatic censoring. Then again it's very telling that they decided to edit my post instead of actually addressing my complaints, they consider dolling out penalties for swearing more important than actually listening, reminds me of elementary school.

Little tip: in the real world, people swear when they are frustrated and asking us to censor that does more harm than good.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Are you serious. No one here believes you TinSoldier so just stop lying and tell us straight up that you want more money and don't care if anyone likes your changes.


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Again, we know you're lying so just be honest with us.