• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Community Question - What Hotkeys would you like for DomiNations PC?


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Thanks to @mandaragit for this great feedback!
Hi everyone,

As a huge fan of Dominations, I'm thrilled to see it finally available on PC! It's been a blast conquering and warring from the comfort of my keyboard and mouse. However, I believe a key addition could further enhance the PC experience: keyboard shortcuts.

Dominations has thrived on mobile for years, but the PC platform offers a different gameplay style. Keyboard shortcuts would streamline actions, making the game feel more intuitive and efficient for PC users. Imagine:
  • Building, researching, and training troops with a tap of a button/specific short cuts.
  • Issuing commands and maneuvering troops with ease.
These are just a few examples. Keyboard shortcuts would significantly improve gameplay flow and make Dominations feel truly native on PC. This, in turn, could attract a wider audience of PC gamers who appreciate the added control and responsiveness that shortcuts provide.

I understand Dominations has its roots on mobile, but catering to the PC audience with this simple feature would demonstrate a commitment to a smooth and enjoyable PC experience.

Who's with me? Let's show our support for keyboard shortcuts in Dominations!

I wanted to clean up the old thread to give space for specific feedback on hotkeys. Being a long-time fan of RTS games I would feel right at home implementing some classic hotkeys from the genre.

We're certainly open to expanding the accessibility of DomiNations on PC and wanted to ask, what are some hotkeys you'd like to see for the PC version?

Was there anything from playing on Bluestacks or another tablet emulator that you think would be good to implement in this version? (ex. using WASD to move the camera)

Let us know!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Thx to mandaragit and to you for asking....

Do it right from the start....
Which means that we should get a fully user customized set of actions and hotkeys (not preset by BHG)

For me, usefulactions would be:
Enter = Yes for whenever you are asked to sell an artifact .
Each unit on the troop bar is assigned a number. So, when I press 3-3-3i will deploy 3 footies and when I press 555555 I will deploy 6 mortars (that's just an example). Keep pressing that #5 and all units will be deployed.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
Enter = Yes for whenever you are asked to sell an artifact .
「はい」と「いいえ」のホットキーが欲しいという気持ちは理解できます。 対応する実装によって不当な利益がもたらされることはありません。

Each unit on the troop bar is assigned a number. So, when I press 3-3-3i will deploy 3 footies and when I press 555555 I will deploy 6 mortars (that's just an example). Keep pressing that #5 and all units will be deployed.
私はタブレット (4:3) よりも優れたアスペクト比 (2:1) を得るためにエミュレータでプレイすることがあります。 ただし、画面の幅はすべての部隊を表示するには十分ではありません。
軍隊戦術と戦争戦術の順序は攻撃ごとに異なります。 これにより、より頻繁に横にスワイプする必要があるため、一部の戦いが悪化する可能性があります。
この QoL アップデートは現在まで実装されていません。
そして今、PC の部隊選択を加速する必要がありますか? 本当に大きな嫌悪感

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
To keep this thread on track, I vote YES anyway.
And I will rarely use the pc for dominations! 😄
Why, because either way it won't affect me and I don't begrudge anyone else having something I don't if what they have doesn't affect me.
But that's just me.


Feb 6, 2024
Thanks to @mandaragit for this great feedback!

I wanted to clean up the old thread to give space for specific feedback on hotkeys. Being a long-time fan of RTS games I would feel right at home implementing some classic hotkeys from the genre.

We're certainly open to expanding the accessibility of DomiNations on PC and wanted to ask, what are some hotkeys you'd like to see for the PC version?

Was there anything from playing on Bluestacks or another tablet emulator that you think would be good to implement in this version? (ex. using WASD to move the camera)

Let us know!
Hey Harlems369th,

Thank you for reviving the discussion on hotkeys in this thread. It's an important aspect that merits attention. Hotkeys have the potential to significantly enhance gameplay. For instance, assigning "1" as a dropping point for troops and "2" for another, enabling simultaneous troop deployment with a click, and so forth, is one example for idea. This streamlined process not only boosts efficiency but also caters to the preferences of players familiar with RTS games.

However, some individuals have raised valid concerns regarding the potential advantage this might give PC users over their mobile counterparts. Ensuring fairness and maintaining an enjoyable experience for all players is undeniably crucial.

Nevertheless, I see this situation as an opportunity rather than a setback. If the PC platform gains popularity due to these advantages, it validates the purpose of BHG's evaluation of Dominations for PC. It's now incumbent upon BHG to navigate this challenge and implement measures that level the playing field for both mobile and PC users.

Achieving this balance will require thoughtful consideration and perhaps adjustments in gameplay mechanics or matchmaking algorithms (e.g., restricting matchups between mobile to mobile and PC to pc users until the advantage is mitigated). Nonetheless, I'm confident that with the dedication of the team, BHG can find a solution that benefits all players, regardless of their platform preference.

Once again, thank you for initiating this discussion again, my hope is dead already because of the previous conversation. I eagerly anticipate seeing how BHG addresses these concerns about PC version


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
@Harlems369th - it would make sense, when working on hotkeys for the pc troop layout, to simultaneously work on the mobile troop layout, no? (apologies for diverting the thread).
The request for re-organising the troop layout according to our preferences is not a new one.
I've definitely not forgotten that request, it's one I selfishly want too truth be told, and it's in the conversation around hotkey implementation. But right now this is all speculative and we want to note some things that would be most beneficial to players outside of our own thoughts on the subject were we to implement it.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
There is no way to make it fair. PC players will dominate the game if hot keys are added.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I'm confident that one or two opinions won't sway the devs either way.
If many could have their gameplay experienced enhanced it's a step in the right direction. The complaint that some may be disadvantaged by others is nothing new. If not hotkeys then something else will be 'unfair' ...

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
To keep this thread on track, I vote YES anyway.
And I will rarely use the pc for dominations! 😄
Why, because either way it won't affect me and I don't begrudge anyone else having something I don't if what they have doesn't affect me.
But that's just me.
For anyone who cares, "to keep this thread on track" was made with a lot of other posts but most got deleted so make of this what you will. 😄


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I still actually think Sega said most of it correctly. Yet some saw fit to delete allot of post lol guess that’s one way to handle opposition.
My vote is a very strong No on hot keys this is not war commander lol


Active member
Mar 6, 2024
I still actually think Sega said most of it correctly. Yet some saw fit to delete allot of post lol guess that’s one way to handle opposition.
My vote is a very strong No on hot keys this is not war commander lol
It’s strange that our opinion is considered oppositional. @Sega, for example, gave a deeper explanation - time and effort will be spent on what is no especially in demand, to the detriment of what is more expected. And what you say is correct - the imbalance among players is also very important. But they don’t want to hear us - they delete posts. Then, again, I repeat - why all this farce? Do what you think is necessary and do not arrange such surveys - supposedly you are interested in someone’s opinion.


New member
Mar 15, 2024
Merhaba Harlems369th

kısayol tuşları için açılan bu tartışma için teşekkür ederim.
Yukarıda da belirtilmiş ama bir isteğin çoğalması için tekrar yazıyorum. Savaşlarda konuşlandırılacak birlikler için bir numara atanması dışında çok gerekli başka şey olduğunu sanmıyorum.
Örnek olarak en baştan savaş birlikleri 1-2-3-... gibi sayı ile kodlanacak. Mesela 3 numara ağır tank ise 3 basınca seçilsin ve mouse ile istenilen yere bırakılabilsin.
PC de oynarken en zor olan birliği seçip bırakmak olarak gördüm.
Diğer bir önerim ise haritanın farklı yönlerine gidebilmek için PC yön tuşları kullanılabilsin lütfen.

İlginiz için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

Touchpad Warrior

Approved user
May 17, 2016
I've got some ideas for BATTLE hotkeys, keep in mind those are MY preference and it doesn't mean they are the most effective nor you have to like it. I will separate the suggestions in two parts, the first being the simpler but effective way of doing it, and the second what I deem as what could make this game TRULY next level in terms of player skill/strategy/rewarding for the attacker.


ZOOM IN AND OUT - 1 & 2 (or mouse scroll wheel)
RALLY - 3 (mouse cursor being the "target" of the rally when you press the key)
WAR TACTICS - I'd LOVE to be able to bind several keys like Q, E, R, F, G, etc... to use them. (mouse cursor being the "target" of the tactic when you press the key)
TROOPS BAR NAVIGATION - 1 & 2 (or mouse scroll wheel) - OBS. this and the zoom are either/or to me, they both would work.

If you give me this and the ability to arrange the troops bar beforehand (like putting tactics all the way out of the screen to the right side so I can use the binds without even seeing them) the PC version would stop being the "one hand gameplay" it is now with bluestacks and become THE MOST POWERFUL way to play the game.


Now, if you are TRULY committed and want to make your game NEXT LEVEL in regards of combat customization, I would simply let the player BUILD the way his troops bar is composed and let him CHOOSE a bind for the SLOT instead. I would also "separate" the one time use abilities from the "main" bar to simplify things (rally, mercenary, clan donated troops, etc...) For example:

Movable slots (like troops, tactics, TTs, etc...):

first slot - 1 (or whatever other bind he chooses)
second slot - 2 (or whatever bind he chooses)

Fixed slots (rally, donated troops, mercenary, etc...):

rally slot - 1 (or whatever other bind he chooses)
mercenary slot - 2 (or whatever other bind he chooses)

If you guys do this, I swear, this game would hit god tier status in the mobile-style strategy game genre.

Thank you for reading this long post, the suggestions come from love for this game and I only wish to enjoy myself even more playing it.



Active member
Mar 6, 2024
I've got some ideas for BATTLE hotkeys, keep in mind those are MY preference and it doesn't mean they are the most effective nor you have to like it. I will separate the suggestions in two parts, the first being the simpler but effective way of doing it, and the second what I deem as what could make this game TRULY next level in terms of player skill/strategy/rewarding for the attacker.


ZOOM IN AND OUT - 1 & 2 (or mouse scroll wheel)
RALLY - 3 (mouse cursor being the "target" of the rally when you press the key)
WAR TACTICS - I'd LOVE to be able to bind several keys like Q, E, R, F, G, etc... to use them. (mouse cursor being the "target" of the tactic when you press the key)
TROOPS BAR NAVIGATION - 1 & 2 (or mouse scroll wheel) - OBS. this and the zoom are either/or to me, they both would work.

If you give me this and the ability to arrange the troops bar beforehand (like putting tactics all the way out of the screen to the right side so I can use the binds without even seeing them) the PC version would stop being the "one hand gameplay" it is now with bluestacks and become THE MOST POWERFUL way to play the game.


Now, if you are TRULY committed and want to make your game NEXT LEVEL in regards of combat customization, I would simply let the player BUILD the way his troops bar is composed and let him CHOOSE a bind for the SLOT instead. I would also "separate" the one time use abilities from the "main" bar to simplify things (rally, mercenary, clan donated troops, etc...) For example:

Movable slots (like troops, tactics, TTs, etc...):

first slot - 1 (or whatever other bind he chooses)
second slot - 2 (or whatever bind he chooses)

Fixed slots (rally, donated troops, mercenary, etc...):

rally slot - 1 (or whatever other bind he chooses)
mercenary slot - 2 (or whatever other bind he chooses)

If you guys do this, I swear, this game would hit god tier status in the mobile-style strategy game genre.

Thank you for reading this long post, the suggestions come from love for this game and I only wish to enjoy myself even more playing it.

"Now, if you are TRULY committed and want to make your game NEXT LEVEL in regards of combat customization, I would simply let the player BUILD the way his troops bar is composed and let him CHOOSE a bind for the SLOT instead."

If I understand correctly, this is exactly what was mentioned earlier in the discussion.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
最後の 4 分間の画面録画をサポートに自動的に送信するショートカットはどうでしょうか?
そうすれば、アライアンスとの戦争で発生したダブル ドローンの 40 回すべてをサポートに報告できるようになります。