decision procedure to advance ages


Approved user
Mar 1, 2017
some people advance ages immediately when their offense is upgraded, fewer do the opposite and fully develop before updating. most are in between.

this is the decision procedure i use to consider when to advance ages.
of course it's only a milestone to adjust from; eg the recent upgrade and airstrip deals motivated me to go global before this state.

upgrade all offense so you can play in multiplayer, and get the library upgraded to keep it cooking technology.
upgrade all defenses to the maximum of the previous age.
upgrade at least 1 defensive structure of each type to the maximum in your age. (of course 1 stable/garrison asap to get the forest defenders etc)
then, you can advance to the next age.

that seems to be more conservative than most, but it's a good benchmark/milestone to think from and adjust accordingly.
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Approved user
May 12, 2017
ususally for me when a good upgrade deal is available i never have the citizens to take advantage of the event.

I know this isnt the case, but its like they know i just put all my workers on a 5-7 day job and or i just got done upgrading the buildings they are discounting.

With that said I would never consider those discount events as a motivator to proceed to the next age.

Also the higher in age you get, the less and less the abandoned easy raiding targets become. you are also making yourself an easy target being so under defended.

Its really a personal preference though, no right or wrong way to do it.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
I would say that is a little on the conservative side, and I jump early when my offense is done and key defenses are up (mortars, one stable / garrison) - but I like it in general. The limiting factor on my hitting global will probably be getting to 130 stars. But all my economic buildings are very low level, especially the roads, so that is a little misleading.


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017
Its a very personal thing.

For me, all offense (barracks, armory and associated offense, library and offense that suits my game play, mercs, coallitions, aliance gate etc), then associated defense I see as most useful in my base (stables, ballistas, mortars)

University is just ongoing much of the time (Hwuatha and Musa done, rest focus on offense abilities of my usual PVP makeup).

When I think enough is enough and the above is done... up I go!


Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
I'm taking my time on my second account, still in gunpowder I max out walls offensive and defensive buildings already. I'm working on finishing up university which is not much at lvl 2. And splitting time to also do expedition to stock up on troops. I don't think I'd noticed much difference when I move up to ea. The available skills from university are maxed. I have a few more forests clearing to go, I'll do that the week I move up.

Kaiser Shag

Approved user
Aug 21, 2016
I'm currently lvl 200 and still global age, I finished all offensive and defensive buildings, I finished lvl 11 walls and started lvl 12, Library reasearches are nearly finished, at the university I finished mussa and Hiawatha and did good advances on Leonardo and a few on amelia and the others, the traps are currently one level below max for global, I'm working on it and I have 3 generals lvl 21.
It will be much more fun to start atomic age with an entirely maxed global age base :D
I just hope that I will have the time to nearly finish atomic age upgrades before the next age will be ready. I had the same problem when I was maxed industrial, I was happy to start the upgrades of the last age of the game and then atomic age update was ready :rolleyes:


Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
Till EA, i waited for all upgrades before advancing (except farms and caravans). Somewhere in mid EA i went IA to get extra two citizens and HT MK2 (yes they were the only reason). Then i stayed in IA for long time to get everything IA maxed. Then went Global and stayed there for only three months to get the HT MK3 and basic offense/defense/lib research up and running. Now am an underpowered Atomic compared to a max Global at 198. Decision to rush to AA was once again the same (two extra citizens + 1 from sydney opera house and HT MK4) :) .

And looks like i will be staying Atomic for more than a year, even if a new age comes along as most probably it wont bring extra house/citizens.

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
upgrade all offense so you can play in multiplayer, and get the library upgraded to keep it cooking technology..

for me not "all offense" but upgrade only 3 shooter-artillery-healer, maybe horse/tank and mills/market then advance ages. Or you can just use horse raiders for raids!

The benefit of higher age is more loot per raid or per playing hour, because more loot in higher age and the cap is raised. One raid in Atomic can give you 1 mil food and 1 mil gold and 9000 oil. Don't waste time in lower age.

You will be slowed in Industrial Age and Global Ages, because it requires level 130 and 150 to advance to next age, so plenty of time to build there.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
I'm 198 Global, so I am doing the same as Kaiser Shag. I like to at least upgrade all defense buildings before moving up (only garrisons left), plus library research. I am actually taking more time in Global just to get some of the university research done before I make the jump to Atomic.


Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
In Atomic you can get 3 new with Sydney. It's the Cold War age am talking about . I won't be rushing to that age and will stay in atomic for a long time , because i believe Cold War age will not bring extra house/citizens .


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
On my main account I advanced when I had maxed offence, maxed library research, and at least one stable, two garrisons, most towers, one mortar and one cannon tower upgraded. I caught up a lot in Industrial, so when I went Global I only suffered for a month before I could beat up on IA bases. Then I rushed Atomic because I wanted to donate field howitzers to war bases. Worst mistake ever. There are not many easy Global bases. I still struggle after 4 months.

On my second account, I am sitting in Enlightenment until I have maxed King Sejong skills. I will do the same in Industrial. I want his capstone as soon after I go global as possible.


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
Rushing to AA is indeed very bad. At GA also it tends to be annoying since you will get raided very often if you are not developed defensively making it hard to farm for oil and only play in sessions....


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
for me not "all offense" but upgrade only 3 shooter-artillery-healer, maybe horse/tank and mills/market then advance ages. Or you can just use horse raiders for raids!

The benefit of higher age is more loot per raid or per playing hour, because more loot in higher age and the cap is raised. One raid in Atomic can give you 1 mil food and 1 mil gold and 9000 oil. Don't waste time in lower age.

You will be slowed in Industrial Age and Global Ages, because it requires level 130 and 150 to advance to next age, so plenty of time to build there.

I have been Atomic for 4 months and have never seen that much loot available from a raid. I admit the loot is better than in global, but I am level 209 now (198 when I advanced) and I get an average of 400k/400k/2000 per raid. Admittedly I choose easier, lower value targets in the 140 - 170 range; I don't have to use mercenaries or tactics and most of my troops survive, so my net gain is close to my gross, and I can attack 8 to 12 times in an hour.

But resource gathering strategy is another topic. I just wanted to say in my experience that amount of loot is not available.