Does it make sense to prioritise University upgrades over building upgrades?


Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
Univ overall gives about 30% increase in dps and hit points for some buildings. That is more than two ages of upgrade ( typically you get 8-15% per age) - you can get space age mortar now :)

instead of grinding through building upgrades, it makes sense to achieve the same with Univ researches; which is likely to be much shorter and costs far less. For instance, 3/4 level of university damage and hit points upgrade for your mortar should be equivalent to upgrading all your mortars by one level. For higher levels, it takes 10+ days to upgrade a building ; instead of spending (10 * 4 workers) * 4 (=160) worker days to upgrade your mortar, you can spend less than 40 worker days to achieve the same by researching 4 levels of dps and hit points in Univ.

Even with superficial analysis, I feel that we should stop all new building upgrades and start 3/4 streams of univ researches, till the low hanging fruits are cleared. I hope somebody does detailed calculation and publishes which option is better at which stage.
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Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
There are some hidden gems in the university research like 'Wall & Gate hitpoints" (level 4 univ) under Sultan Saladin, which can potentially increase the wall/gate hitpoints by 30%. Typically from level 9, we get about 10% (or less) per level of wall upgrade. 30% upgrade is equivalent to 3 levels of wall upgrades.

So, if we can get 30% increase by doing this univ research, that is equivalent to upgrading from level 9 walls to level 12 walls. You need a staggering 1.5+ billion gold to upgrade walls & gates ( 152 * [3M + 4M + 5M]) one at a time by 3 levels.

I hope Nexon has thought through these Univ researches, because many of them compete directly with traditional way of upgrading (one at time) and are just too powerful and relatively easy to achieve (compared to building at a time). What is also disappointing is Univ researches seem to cost very less (at least first few levels). Where is the challenge, if anybody can routinely upgrade without too much effort? In a few months time (may be bit more) everybody can have equivalent of level 12 walls - only limiting factor is number of workers you commit to univ researches - player skill may not mean much.


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
Maybe there is a reason it takes builders and a long time to upgrade Uni tech...hmm


Approved user
Jun 13, 2016
The approach we're advising on in our alliance is to commit one or two workers full time to Uni with the rest on rotation building upgrades. At some point you will have to upgrade buildings due to advancement and while a detail worksheet is yet to be produced by the forum on a comparative analysis it's good to be balanced.

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
Im going for university lvl 2 ASAP so I can work on three techs at once... then shoot for 100 skill level and University lvl 5 so I can get more techs with less workers and less time.... everything I can pour into the university is going into it (already maxxed global offense and think university techs are better than the missing GP and IA defenses I was going to upgrade next)


Approved user
May 11, 2015
The approach we're advising on in our alliance is to commit one or two workers full time to Uni with the rest on rotation building upgrades. At some point you will have to upgrade buildings due to advancement and while a detail worksheet is yet to be produced by the forum on a comparative analysis it's good to be balanced.

Forget about the other buildings. Once i get my lvl2 uni, im doing 5 techs all at once. Hahahahaha


Approved user
Jun 13, 2016
To each their own BV....your strategy seems like a good moooooove for you ;-)


Approved user
May 11, 2015
Damn straight it is! Im currently fed up with upgrading buildings atm. Anyway you are right, to each his own. Not something I would recommend to everyone but this is what I will be doing anyway.

ps: couldn't help it with the cow reference could you....hahaha


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Are the Uni levels per age or can you reach lvl 5 earlier than Global?

Considering it will take at least 2 years to get to lvl 5 in uni upgrades, I doubt many players would be less than Global Age by that time, so it doesn't really matter.

dominations vin

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
a lot of misinformed strategies in this thread.

i know no one is going to listen but i will throw it out there anyway for posterity:
choose 1 or 2 leaders that you want to upgrade. especially if you're thinking about getting anything beyond level 2. and extra especially if you want to be able to upgrade any buildings at the same time.

i guess all the warnings from players who have seen how out of control the citizen requirements and upgrade times get at the university won't really be understood until you guys get to those higher levels and see for yourself (many, many months or mountains of crowns from now). hopefully you haven't wasted too much time upgrading towards things you'll likely never reach.

research levels 4, 5 & capstone:
if you're planning on getting any capstone power, plan on getting it in approximately (734) days. your level 4 upgrades will take (6) workers (85) days for each research (10 levels), your level 5 upgrades will take (7) workers (95) days for each research.

i'm not making this shit up:
nexon/BHG made a crazy cash-grab with the university. there are people who are going to pay for these researches. there are even more people that are going to resort to cheating.

i will try to stop posting about this because i know most don't want to hear it. but, at least consider it in your university plans.

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
hmm, so the top capstone skills only unlock when you have level four skills? They say you just need 100 skill levels....

dominations vin

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
i read that as meaning you have to have every level in every research for a specific leader before you get the capstone. so 100/100 for leonardo gives you the -10% research time only.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
a lot of misinformed strategies in this thread.

i know no one is going to listen but i will throw it out there anyway for posterity:

Awe dominations vin I will listen to you even if no one else will.

Yeah I know how many ridiculous days it takes to do the final tech. I don't think I will get to that in this lifetime. I'm just taking a break from doing buildings by going back to university....


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
choose 1 or 2 leaders that you want to upgrade. especially if you're thinking about getting anything beyond level 2. and extra especially if you want to be able to upgrade any buildings at the same time.
I totally agree. As I said in another thread my brits will only go as far as the rifleman upgrade, my French as far as the tank uprade, ..... capstones??! pfft!!


Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
We have to be smart about this; No point in aiming for capstones. Just clear some lower level techs which are obviously better than building upgrades. My plan is to clear only 5 skills at each level (prerequisites) and go deeper till I reach the tech I am really interested in. It should be a combination of breadth first (low hanging fruits of all leaders) and then some depth for the tech you like. Capstone is definitely not something I am aiming for.

Commiting lot of workers to university initially makes sense; but as the advantage wears off in few months it is back to building upgrades.

I am actually happy that it gets harder as we go deeper; otherwise it would be like nexon upgrading everybody's defence and offence by 30% - nobody gains.