Dominations Expansion pack : The Elevator


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Imagine this post from Nexon...

Dear players,

As we analyze continously our extensive game data, we could observe lately that many players are dropping their medals very fast, to win them back shortly after.

Our team is still trying to figure out why players are behaving like this. We think that it is normal to win more medals so you can win the extrodinary amount of 100.000 gold or food. Also, the challenge is bigger in upper leagues, so we encourage each player to increase his medal count.

Anyway, as we always listen to our player base, we have been working on a new building : the elevator ! This building will be available from industrial age only. Against a fair crown price, you will be able to drop or go to any medal level that you want to go. Going to higher levels will cost more. Concretely, once you have the building, you can type the medal level where you want to go , like level 400, and you are immediately there ! No more dropping one soldier on the battlefield to loose 20 medals.
Thanks to our new building, we are bringing an exciting new feature that will increase your game activity.

The new building will be available soon,

Your friend Nexon/BHG
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New member
Jun 4, 2017
Irony aside, a way to reduce medals quickly has been a longstanding idea & feature request. The team does want to make the higher Leagues more exciting through Dock Bonuses and Victory Chests, but I can understand why raiding lower medals makes sense.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
that is good to hear BUT in order to make higher leagues more exciting, there must be a way to be viable for the player. As it is now, after 2200-2300 medals, you can't keep up with diamond/NTG demand. It is fas more productive to be somewhere between 800-1800 medals. Rebalance stages (1-4) made high league survivability even harder to the point that most players don't even bother. Even high level ones.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Playing at low medals (below 1800) I can do 8 to 10 5-star attacks in an hour, collecting 30 NTGs, mostly the ones I want. A few hours of play and I am set for the next war.

To play at high medals (2200 and above) I would want to be able to do the same (collect 60 NTGs in 2 hours play). At high medals I can only attack 2 to 4 times per hour, and those are not all 5-star. I do get the 12 stars I need for the victory chest in that hour, but I only get the chest every 20 hours, so giving me 10 NTG shipments as a reward is not enough. I need guaranteed NTGs for victories. I suggest the following:

- 2 stars: 1 NTG of the nation attacked
- 3 stars: 2 NTGs of the nation attacked
- 4 stars; 2 NTGs of the nation attacked and 1 of the NTG I have the least of
- 5 stars; 3 NTGs of the nation attacked and 2 of the NTGs I have the least of

Note that I have replaced the random NTG with a specific one based on my inventory. the random NTG is always one that I am maxed on. At least it seems that way.

Alternatively, let me buy NTGs or NTG shipments for food/gold/oil.

Or give us way to swap one type of NTG for another. It doesn't need to be 1-for-1; I would trade 3 cheese for 1 scroll.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
Irony aside, a way to reduce medals quickly has been a longstanding idea & feature request. The team does want to make the higher Leagues more exciting through Dock Bonuses and Victory Chests, but I can understand why raiding lower medals makes sense.

even with resources and diamonds and ntg’s out of the picture, the Dock Bonuses and Victory Chests themselves dont seem very exciting. i’ve been playing around 3700 medals only for a couple weeks so i probably havent seen yet all there is to be seen. but what i have seen so far are not what i have been dreaming of as a little boy playing in the Kindom leagues

and.. if there was a way to drop 1000 medals quickly i may not have given up on the Pershing bas-relief
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
To play at high medals (2200 and above) I would want to be able to do the same (collect 60 NTGs in 2 hours play). At high medals I can only attack 2 to 4 times per hour, and those are not all 5-star. I do get the 12 stars I need for the victory chest in that hour, but I only get the chest every 20 hours, so giving me 10 NTG shipments as a reward is not enough. I need guaranteed NTGs for victories.

Alternatively, let me buy NTGs or NTG shipments for food/gold/oil.

Or give us way to swap one type of NTG for another. It doesn't need to be 1-for-1; I would trade 3 cheese for 1 scroll.

wrathchild_78 said:
that is good to hear BUT in order to make higher leagues more exciting, there must be a way to be viable for the player. As it is now, after 2200-2300 medals, you can't keep up with diamond/NTG demand. It is fas more productive to be somewhere between 800-1800 medals. Rebalance stages (1-4) made high league survivability even harder to the point that most players don't even bother. Even high level ones.
And this.