Enlightenment Age attacking unit composition advice?


Approved user
Jun 27, 2018
Hello! I've recently hit Enlightenment Age and have begun upgrading my units and buildings etc. I've seen advice for other ages, but my searching hasn't turned up much for this age. Obviously I'm facing much stronger enemies now for resource raiding, so I was hoping I could get some advice on what people have found to work well for attacking and/or raiding bases at this level? Any particular Tactics you favor or strategies which help? I'm currently playing Japanese, but plan to change later when the price is right, so I welcome all advice at this point! Thank you in advance for the help!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Personally, l spent less time in EA by comparison to others, l found it didn't have enough attraction and troops/gameplay are much better in IA. That's when the game becomes fun, but 'grown up' fun! :D
My advice is experiment with combos in EA, and practice, practice, practice. Get your defences about 60-70% maxed then move to IA as soon as you feel ready but use this time to just raid and or experiment.
To answer your question, if you're staying Japanese, use your samurai for quick, effective raids. They're cheap and quick to retrain. 400-600 medal range is a sweet spot.
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