Feedback: Industrial Age

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Now that the Industrial Age has been out for some time, please give us yoru thoughts on the Age - what you liked, what you didn't like, etc. As our first Age released post-launch, we'd like to know what you think.

As usual, please keep replies polite and on-topic!


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
One thing immediately off the top of my head that I don't like is that there is no increase in the battle timer.

Industrial age unlocks a whole host of additional buildings and in particular, the defensive buildings (with research 2 bunkers, 2 air defenses, an additional catapult, ballista tower, and tower as well as more traps and walls) make returning armies much harder to accomplish. Tanks seem to travel slower than horses now and artillery crawls at snail's pace. The inclusion of all these buildings although welcomed, make it difficult to destroy every defensive building for a retuning army.

I think this fact aside from the medal system, makes mixed army compositions really unsustainable since 1 tower left standing and you'll have to retrain the entire army.

Including a small battle timer increase, either with every age or through library research to reflect the increase in building would be nice.

I can only imagine how difficult it will be to have returning armies in global age and beyond with the current 3 minute timer (3:15m with banners research).


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Oil Boom was good to allow players to get ready for IA. It would be nice to follow that approach for future ages too.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Agree with cannibals. Oil boom was brilliant. I like planes. They are very versatile. I'm ok with upgrade costs in general (excluding walls obviously) but it takes waaaaay too long to upgrade. I like the graphics, kudos on that. I hate the cavalery upgrade to tank since it disproportionally increases both training time and troop space.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I hate the cavalery upgrade to tank since it disproportionally increases both training time and troop space.
Personally I think the training time and space increase is fine since it's a tank! However the DPS of the tank does not accurately reflect the fact that it's a tank! The problem is the increase in DPS is disproportionate to the strength/training/troop space increase. A tank shouldn't just be a magnet for ammunition - it should be able to inflict a generous amount of damage. Not 'set and forget' type damage but something indicative of a tank.
Personally I think there should be a speed upgrade in the library for tanks and 1 or 2 other units - to make them more appealing than just using a raider army.

The oil production is too slow compared to other rss generators cos we only get 3 oil wells. Increasing the number of wells wouldn't be accurate game-wise but the production rate should be increased. Or oil costs can be reduced a little - not a lot, just a little - and costs can be a gold/oil combination. I mean realistically, building an airstrip or plane costs money as well, doesn't it? (it's easier to raid gold than oil anyway ... and the oil production is disproportionate to other rss)

I agree that the timer should be longer if you're attacking a base that's a level or two higher than yours - just common sense really.

I'd like to see a tradeoff between extra buildings and NECESSARY building space - in other words, if you're forcing us to add extra buildings then clearing forests should be cheaper as a compensation.

Other than that the general 'flow' & look of the age is well done. Wouldn't mind seeing another house in IA at some point - maybe something for Global Age??!


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
I think steam engine train is a symbolic inventory in IA. It will be really fantastic to be able to have ability to build railway transportation network. The railway system should be able to greatly improve the economic and military(defence/attack) ability.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
I was disapointed that the income from animals is the same as in enlighment age. It was increased every age, because buildings are much more expensive. But it seems like they have forgotten to increase it for industrial age.


Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
Maybe... The ability to pave some of this grass, so it looks more city-like.


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Probably in the next Age, add Rail network coming from the way of mountains for resource sharing for Peace treaty with other Alliances & add port for fishing and building submarines, Also in Alliance donations add more items like Resorces,crowns,etc to share & trade with each other rather than just only troops.


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Please Add a library research with which we can retain our surviving troops when we get less than 100% victory. If that is too much than allow 50% or 25% of the surviving troops retain we get less than 100% victory :rolleyes:


Approved user
Sep 16, 2015
you get surviving troops by destroying all defensive buildings, not only in 100% victory. When no defensive buildings are left (you will notice that numbers on your troops at the bottom glow GREEN) all of them will come back.


Approved user
Aug 5, 2015
I think with research and upgrade times so high that they should be dispersed among other building other than the black smith. As of now all unit, general and tactics are done there. It's a bit overwhelming since getting a level 30 general alone takes 3 months of research time - i have no issues with cost. My 2 cents.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
This topic needs some Vroom Vroom!

Vroom Vroom!

Vroom Vroom!

Vroom Vroom!


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Please Add option for Sharing of replay videos of Attack & Defense with Alliance members.


Jun 9, 2015
Not that big of a deal, but the fully upgraded redoubt is kind of... let's just say it doesn't make any sense. Would much prefer a more decked out tower with machine guns, etc. Just seems like a missed opportunity, IMO.


Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
I'm glad someone agrees that the industrial age redoubt is just a laughing stock. Sure, it's awesome in an Arnold Schwarzenegger kind of way, but I even this seems a little too silly for the game's tone. It would be far too much work to replace the artwork at this point, but every time I see that guy standing on top of a random metal tower. (For God knows why) I just always think... Shoot him. Just shoot him.

That being said, my long escapades in the streets of Osaka have taken away from most of my game time now that I've hit Industrial age. I'm finally playing at the level that I was playing at with other strategy games, which means more days between upgrades. You raid for resources, upgrade, and screw around with medal climbing when there's nothing else to do. Since this is just a mobile game, I don't concern myself with extensive play time outside of upgrades and minor medal climbing, but the Industrial Age has definitely made me feel like I'm getting a break from frequent playtime due to longer upgrades. The upgrades times are understandable in this genre of game. (For me) I actually like taking pictures of bases and watching them grow over a long period of time. Overall, I love the designs for the Industrial age, everything looks great, even though I hate the redoubt tower, it looks pretty. (Previously my favorite defense because of the gunpowder/enlightenment design) I felt that enlightenment was incredibly boring because of factory troops being relatively boring, and the design not really changing between it and gunpowder, which in my opinion is the most exciting age.

The design team has a real knack for changing the foundation of a defense and that's it. I wish there was something else added to make it more menacing. It's just a huge let down to not see things change, and I'm afraid that the Modern age may suffer the same treatment in relation to the Industrial Age. Obviously, this eases some stresses during production, but the end result would be much more satisfying if more time was taken into designing these upgrades in more detail.

I think that these later ages/town levels/city levels and so on, are complemented by things like alliance wars, so the long upgrade times are eased because you have something else to do.

The future looks bright. Stay dominating.

And one last thing adding on to another posters comment.

Having a steam train could be interesting, and could be used as a way to get additional resources or trade goods. I won't mention other games, but there is one that takes advantage of sending a vehicle to a place to get resources, and also is useful for dumping resources that aren't being used as frequently. (Food) lol

Obviously, this would require long hours of labor, and as I ask for far too much from the design team, I will settle for whatever comes through the pipe.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
Can we do something about hunting? I think it's ridiculous to still need 6 and 4 workers to take down bears and boars, respectively, considering that workers have guns now instead of bow and arrow. Please lower the number or add a library research for us to lower the # of workers to hunt. All the upgrades in the later ages take forever, so I don't have excess workers to take down bears and boars that are roaming my base. When these bears and boars present on my base, they limit the other animals (deer, fox, and rabbit) from appearing.

Give me a like if you agree :)
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Thank you all for your feedback! I'll copy this all to the dev team. Look for the new topic soon!
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