General’s activation cost....

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Nexon’s reason for allowing generals to spawn on defense from a destroyed fort was ‘because players have put thousands, if not millions of oil into upgrading generals so it seems fair they get to use them’ Makes sense to me and I have no problem with generals spawning on defense.
I feel though that the same logic should be applied on attack too.
The cost to activate generals becomes severely prohibitive once they are even vaguely leveled up - mine are still reasonably low level and cost around 900 oil to activate each. So basically the 6,000 oil I make in successful war loot covers the cost of using 3 generals in 2 war attacks. Given the activation cost (and retrain times) it is pointless using them in multiplayer!
So we have the most resource heavy troops in the game that we have spent months upgrading being nigh on useless outside of the 2 war attacks they are used for every 2 days. I suggest that their activation cost should be on par with tactics (30k ish of food) which might see them being used more in multiplayer attacks
I’ll leave talking about their crazy 24 hour cooldown times for another day!......


Approved user
Oct 14, 2016
now thinking about it, it is pretty outrageous to charge player hefty penalty for just using the hero. we are investing millions into upgrading them, running the risk of not able to use them if disabled in attack (up to 24 hours), and like you said, charging us tons of oil for using a 2nd or 3rd general (which also require tons of oil to research) is just outrageous,


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
I feel your pain!

Even in wars you only just about break even on Oil and Food.

The whole system is shot! I am hoping the new Victory Star chest rewards for mid to high leagues are the beginning of Nexon realising these overpriced/unrewarded areas of the game (but then again I am a naive gullable soul at times)

Lets not hold our breath.

Don't forget, for 100k Oil we can reduce the 2nd and 3rd general activation cost by 10% (so in 2030 we would have broken even, from there on..... 10% off all the way WHOOP) lol

British Lions!
British Lions!!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
My feeling is that they shouldn't cost anything to activate or retrain. The regular troops who survive a battle are automatically ready when you return to base, so why are generals treated differently?
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Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Yeah you dont break even on oil in war. You lose bigtime.

3 generals cost about 1400 oil
4 max aa planes about 3000 oil

When you hit a tough match youll lose your planes and gens and get that 5 star. Both attacks you put 4400 oil at risk for what? 6000 oil war loot? lol


Approved user
Dec 1, 2016
Come on guys! We have the Reparations library reaserch that increases oil loot by 20% That's ~1200 additional oil :D (don't mind the one month reaserch time :D )


Approved user
Oct 14, 2016
and someone would reply: world war is not about loot, but all about participation. and i call that BS.

nexcon will often defy the logic of doing business, no wonder they are laying people off. it is all digital content, you need to reward people for keeping the game engaged, it cost them nothing.

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Gotta give Nexon credit, they are putting a lot of time and imagination into making paid for troop cards mandatory on attack!
It’s such a shame they go all out on these new releases to add new content rather than just fix existing problems. The best update they could possibly do is no new content, just fixing the top 10 issues that are constygetting brought up on these forums!!!