Goods stolen : it is getting really cheap


Approved user
Sep 15, 2015
I am really fine with that fact that diamonds have a higher probability of getting stolen (why? dunno but fine) but cmon :

Got 20 of everything and 2 diamonds and guess what is the good that is stolen? Yup the diamond of course.

No matter how many you have, diamond always get stolen. The problem though is that if out of 10 attack, 9 times (but it is more close to 10) at least one diamond is stolen, I have the chance to steal only 1-2 out of 10 when I am the one raiding.

So it looks like those diamonds simply vanish.

On top of that, Diamonds simply disappear (!!) in higher numbers since few days. Just like that, they raid you one diamond, you have originally end up with zero. Like..why???

Finally, apparently the ship seems to have lost contact with Diamond diggers from the far South considering that I see now 1 out of 6-7 the diamond.

Is this like a cheap trcik or what?