• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Hot Tragedy in the Krazy Canadian Senate


Approved user
Oct 6, 2017
Earlier this October, members of the Krazy Canadians witnessed the tragic end of their two most honored and powerful allies. Two of the most influential members of the war committee suffered a heated political dispute—a disagreement so profuse that it could only be settled through a duel. After murmuring to each other their preemptive apologies for the trouble, our resident Mongolian warlord pierced the ape king’s heart with a well-placed maple leaf throwing star. In their rage, the Canadian apes set upon the victor, bludgeoning him to death with their hockey sticks.

So yeah, now we’re short a couple of hosers. Any of you heavy hitting lumberjack-types out there wanna join the Krazies? Would be much appreciated. But we’re not gonna turn you away just because you’re weak, eh? We’re a friendly bunch that don’t treat things too seriously. All we want are active players that like to have fun. Here’s the lowdown:
  • Seeking CASUAL, ACTIVE, and FRIENDLY players who…
  • Help support us in War
  • 25 days inactivity means kicked—but yer always welcome back!
We enter the World War queue Wednesday mornings. For anyone interested, here’s our perks:
  • Trade Agreements—road income and storage increased by 20%
  • Operations Research—War Base’s buildings and traps have 10% bonus hit points and damage
  • Soldier Exchange Progrum—Alliance Gate Capacity increased by 3
  • (We’re just 17 points shy of the Industrial Age Promotion perk) ;)
Stop by and have a little fun, eh? Globe and Atom players getta share some hot digital poutine wid’ us.