Innocent replay/log discrepancy or are cheaters getting subtle?


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
I know discrepancies between replays and the log aren't uncommon, but this attack looks fishy to me. The use of the Demolition war tactic, which is subject to often-reported hacks, sets off alarm bells for me. When I watch the replay I see the attacker taking out my TC fair and square, then using Demolition on one of my mortars. In my replay, the attacking force is then wiped out by my defenders, especially tanks from the tank depot just on the other side of the wall from the demolished mortar. With 1:04 left in the attack, my replay shows all of the attackers dead. The ghosts of the attackers then rally on my Refinery and, I guess, take it out if the log entry can be believed.

What I suspect explains the discrepancy is that the attacker is using a hacked Demolition tactic with an increased radius. Not big enough to take out my whole base, but big enough to take out not just the catapult but the defenses around it, like that tank depot. My replay, using the real non-hacked values for Demolition, wouldn't show this.

Customer Service, naturally, says this is just another case of their sloppily-coded replays not working quite right. Am I being overly suspicious, or are cheaters getting more subtle?

(I have no idea how to make the pictures show up at a non-microscopic size.)


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Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
If you're questioning the ''ghosts'' of the attackers taking out your refinery then it's plausible. If they didn't die in the real time battle but died in the replay (and we all know that replays are based on probability), then the replay would show the troops rallying on the refinery - as they did in the real battle - even though they're dead in the replay.
I've even gone back and watched my own attacks to see where I lost so many troops - only to be shown more troops surviving than did in the real-time battle!

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
the Demolition cheat will need 5 of them! In the replay there is 1:04 time left so it is sure the replay is error!


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Can it really be so extremely difficult to fix so the replays shows what really happened? What is the whole purpose with replays if they don´t?
And another question is where are the war replays?


Approved user
Sep 5, 2015
Well be careful I just lost 600k in gold and wasn't attacked. It even happened while I was in game. So sick of all this issues.


Dec 17, 2015
Well be careful I just lost 600k in gold and wasn't attacked. It even happened while I was in game. So sick of all this issues.

I sympathies with you. The game is unstable, has a few game crippling bugs that have been around for many many months and the cheater problem has been around for about a year and only getting worse while Nexon continues to do nothing of substance to resolve any of the serious issues.

Many advancing players eventually quit the game because of this. While some of us come on here to expose Nexon for constantly ignoring such serious problems.