Korean Nation


Approved user
Nov 21, 2015
I interested in peoples views on the Korean Nation. I read about people liking the British, Germans and French, but to me, with the extra tactic and 40% more damage with rifles, they are a good nation to use. I mainly would like to hear from players IA and up if possible about why or why not the Koreans are not up there with the big 3 I listed earlier.


Approved user
Dec 17, 2017
If you search on the top alliance and look at all the top players in the top alliance you will find most all are British with a few German.


Approved user
Feb 23, 2016
Extra tactic is only important in world war. And it is overshadowed by German Fury buff.

For MP British is better because of additional loot (mainly oil but food/gold is also nice bonus) and better ranged infantry survivability because of extra range.


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
Koreans are equal with British (even better IMHO) in WW attacking. They require more skill, however.


Approved user
Nov 15, 2015
The Korean defensive refund might be used once or twice per day. The British offense bonus may be used 10 to 15 times per day . Makes the Brits a much better option regardless of which rifleman you think is better.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
someone has mentioned before that the defensive refund can be held off and collected at once when the need arises. that sounds pretty useful


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
imo koreans are poorly balanced.
it's only a reasonable comparison if you are awesome enough to make the extra tactic epic effective.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Based on what is your playing style and of course it depends on how much you play as well.
Late game (Cold War Age) and frequent World War participants are mostly German and rightly so. The Fury bonus dps is a massive help for attacking and collecting ntgs
In lower ages the British (loot bonus + extra rifle range) and French (more mp battles per day, i.e.higher oil looting and ntg chance). The Koreans (and the Romans) are coming just behind these 3 nations, although there are here and there some bases, where the extra tactic could help... But as mentioned above - the economic bonus is less frequently used per day, and the same could be said about the extra tactic - you don't need it in mp, and for war it is questionable whether it really helps.

As far as the extra dps on the rifles... as you are advancing over the ages the defenses are getting by each age a higher dps as the rifles... there might be a sweet spot (maybe in Industrial Age) where this imbalance can be "balanced" by the Uni researches on rifles and the increased barrack size, but with the introduction of the Silo in the Global Age and later no significant improvement on them in Atomic and CWA makes them nearly obsolete - you cant group them well anymore (Silo) and when separated they can't handle well both the defenders, mortars and towers.
Furthermore since the sabotage, protect and betrayal tactic slots were doubled and the silo was introduced, the extra tactic slot lost its importance significantly (protect doesn't really help if the silo can't be handled early on, and 2 decoys for 1 sabo is a good trade in most of the cases). Heal, demo and betrayal tactics are rarely seen in high age wars. So whether you use 5 or 6 decoys(or even 7 or 8 decoys) is not a big advantage - considering the fact that you have roughly 1.5-2 mins to place them...

So for addicted players (more than 2 hours per day) I would recommend French or British (maybe I'd prefer a bit more the French) till CWA and a few generals are well upgraded, and then simply switch to Germans.
For more relaxed players just take the one you like the building and troops display the most ;)
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Approved user
Jun 5, 2018
The above posts summarizes it very well. The only thing I would add is that evaluating play style. The economic factor is less as you go on, but if you are casual, it is a big help for the sales.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
From the experiences of friends I believe the Korean rifles are great when used with HTs (in higher age armies). The firepower of the Korean shooters are better than most at eliminating swarming defenders which might otherwise slow down your HTs, while the HTs do all the work.
I guess the same can be said for protecting artillery units in your army.
The reason the Brits are a better choice is: they protect their army the same way but they have extra range and extra loot bonus.

PS: the Korean base looks better. ;)
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Approved user
Oct 25, 2016
I currently play the Koreans in Global Age. The rifles combo with howitzers are still a very powerful combo even against bases with silos you just have to make sure you are properly positioning your tanks, and generals, to not overlap with the rifles and howitzers. I generally use the added tactic to bring in a sabotage, so I'm running with six decoy and 1 sabotage. My typical army vs a silo is 4 Merc Tanks, 1 Flamepanser, 3 generals, 54 Rifle, 8 Howitzers, 2 supply trucks. I'm finding the supply trucks are useless though due to the need to keep your rifle away from your generals and tanks, so will be switching to add additional Howitzers and rifles to take their place.

I think in higher ages (for war) the Germans are the strongest alliance pushing the Brits back a step but so far I'm happy with the Koreans in the Global Age.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I have French, Germans, Brits, Koreans. Strength-wise, they will have similar powers (except French, I adore my main French account due to resistant tanks and amazing training time 😜), but design-wise, Korean bases look waaaay cooler! ❤


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
It’s for this reason I think decoys should not trigger all traps. Perhaps the ambush trap but not the others.
It’s not anything against you or others personally, you’re simply using the best combo for your needs.
I just think dropping decoys everywhere is too easy and takes strategy & surprise out of the mix.