Man I haven't even cleared the old forest yet, need to go full Brazilian and wax that forest away. Everyone already asked the questions about town center radius spawn so no point in asking again.
Only bugs things I wanted to comment on:
Top thing on the list about troop cards not being able to be duplicated. So that means I won't get constantly raided by elephant archers anymore. It is something that's been happening to my base MP quite often lately. I'm getting raided and players are going ham with troop cards attacking my base. Yes people can use troop cards to raid but when it's constantly elephant archers or event troop cards that you would never get back once they are used (Multiple Guan Yu's) than it gets a little annoying. It's very annoying in war especially when every attacker from cold war to medieval is coming at you with at least 2 elephant archers and whatever event troop card there is. And than multiply that by 2 because they use that combo on both attacks. That's how we lost our last war. Anyway at the same point, would I use it as well? Probably. I know it's similar to people using the glitch to put 100 howis in town center in war bases but that can still be countered because of sabotage/blitz. Anyway I think that glitch was patched because we haven't seen that in a long while now.
Prepare for battle screen. Useless idea because as it was mentioned above, you can always just leave without penalty as long as you don't drop a troop/tactic. You can even let the battle run and not drop a troop and still not get penalized. So my question is if the battle screen is somewhat see through or does it allow some sort of additional scouting before the battle starts other than the 30 seconds you would normally get? If that's the case than I really hate it. People normally decide in those few seconds whether the base is worth attacking and as long as your base looks difficult enough they pass. That's how I avoid getting raided all day even though there's a lot of potential oil to be stolen.
Coalitions can now be added from inventory. So they are adding in coalitions into victory chests and daily league? What I don't like about the idea is that all I want from chests and league rewards are troop cards which I haven't gotten in weeks. There's supposed to be a benefit of being in higher leagues. I generally always in kingdom league because I would like more troop cards and I would hope that benefits my victory chest as well. Instead my 3 options are always 3 million food/gold, a blessing (Usually storage) and one nation trade good. How is that even or correct. Something changed in how its distributed because a month ago I would generally get a troop card every other day. I do get oil as well and while it's nice, again I want the troop cards for war. If I wanted oil I would just drop medals and get it that way. I like the idea of getting them as an item but I want to know when they can be added. In the current system you can only add defense coalitions before war starts but attack ones can be added anytime even during war. I don't like the idea of being able to add defense ones during war because it really messes up the dynamics. That would really benefit the players that wait until the very last minute. So if my base for example was the last to stand and they have just the one attack left, as long as I waited long enough I could slap on def coals for one single attack. Honestly Id rather have it to where you can only add coalitions before war starts and that's it. It would make for much more interesting game play, you get 24 hours to strategize and than you leave it up to chance though if you're been in enough wars you generally know how you're base will hold up or how well you attack. I like the idea because there was players that haven't logged in for days and come in at the last second to spoil things.