LONE WOLF PVP Tournament


Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
Hello Everyone,

With the introduction of 5.5. I thought we would try and do something fun and exciting with the "Friendly Challenges" once they are rolled out!! There's a link to the rules and regulations in the description of the below video for your review and hopefully your participation! We'd love to have you come out and think this will be a blast!!

The first tournament will be only for Industrial Aged as a soft run. The intended time is obviously after this feature is rolled out, we hope next week!

This will not interfere with me running over your base upon the release of "friendly challenges" on livestream, but will come after that.


Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
Alright, so with the Friendly Challenges now being here, I wanted to bump this with the date!!

Next Monday May 8th we are going to be starting off the tournament!! this should provide people ample time to get it together and build war bases, get input before heading on over. The document for rules/regulations is in teh video description and we look forward to seeing up to 50 Industrial players there! it will be as close to televised as I do.. for the time being, which is to review and update on YouTube.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to jump into discord or ask here, and we'll get right to it!