Medals and raiding problem discussion. Please comment.

Longshot 333

Approved user
Mar 22, 2016
Sadly I have no answer for this problem but I want to hear what everyone else thinks of it (or even if it is a problem). I am a very competitive person when I do stuff and I love dominations. So when I play I want to raid for as many medals as I can and be at the top of my alliance and have the medals to show how much work I do when raiding. The problem with this is how instead of being rewarded for having more medals you are almost penalized for it. I understand how if I am constantly defeating people I face then clearly I need to go to a higher level. The problems comes in when this higher level gives me the same (or less) resourse than raiding with lower medals and completing a raid where i could get my troops back. Why raise my medals count to 1000 and lose all my troops on a raid only to wait 30 min to get them back? When I can just drop to 300 medals and the majority of the people I find have the same amount of resourse I can raid while keeping all my troops and doing it again in 3 minutes. I liked the idea of extra resources for higher level of medals but it doesn't really help when I spend 40k food on an army to raid and receive 3k extra food after my raid.

Please comment and tell me what you think? I just want a reason to gain medals because right now I feel penalized for trying to raise my medals. We all know people that put their bases out to be attacked (mine is deffently not in the center) just so we get the protection from a loss and can drop medals a little easier while keeping all our resources.

I would love to hear what you have to say so please comment and let me know if I'm just crazy.
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