Missile Silo Glitch in War?


Approved user
Jun 24, 2017
We just finished a tight war. One of our global age alliance members has a missile silo. It didn't seem to fire as would be expected and there was no reason it should not have done so.


2:44 - Missile silo activates (sound and animation) - there were plenty of troops including infantry tanks, and artillery out at this point (i.e. lots of hit points to properly make the silo activate)
2:18 - Missile silo gets sabotaged and subsequently destroyed

If you have the feeling that something is missing, you're right. THE MISSILE SILO NEVER FIRED ONCE IN 26 SECONDS!

That missile silo subsequently worked as expected when the alliance member was attacked twice in raids shortly after the war ended. Nexon was contacted and is looking into it.

Has anyone had a similar experience?


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
Did he completely finished silo in MP base, or still building?
Sometimes if def building isn't finished completely in MP base - not working properly in war base while attacked, happened to me several times.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
there are 2 stages of activation of a silo. the sound and animation means youve hit the first stage, but the attacker must use even more stuff against the defender after that in order for the silo to hit the second stage and actually start firing.

if the attacker has figured out exactly when that second stage happens, it is possible to prevent the silo from firing, at least until the attacker is ready to deal with a fully armed silo


Approved user
Sep 21, 2017
I saw one of my war replay have a similar bug, my silo was sabotaged while arming and then once sabotage overdue, my silo managed to fire two missiles within 2 secs, and the 3rd on comes after 5sec.


Approved user
Jun 24, 2017
To answer some of the questions:

was fighters or decoys used on silo?

I didn't see any decoy used nor was the silo attacked by fighters.

was fighters or decoys used on silo?

The silo was completely built and had previously functioned normally in both wars and multiplayer attacks.

was fighters or decoys used on silo?

Most or all of the attacker's army was deployed by that point (generals, tanks, ranged siege, numerous infantry, etc.). I don't have the exact numbers or types of troops but it was without a doubt far more than is required to cause the missile silo to fire.


Thank you all for your suggestions and thoughts. This was a very close war and none of us could believe our eyes on the replay.