museum new artifact catagories

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
the jewelry and pottery had distinct things rhat made them have boosts needed for your base but now they crammed enemy defence building debuffs and building buffs into them cluttering them up

and in war artifacts why are the invading troops debuff and troops buff mixed up in war wrapon and armor and not seperated like the mainhall.

what id like is possibly the war weapon and armor have that separation and definetly remove the enemy building debuff and building buffs from jewelry and pottery and make them their own artifact catagory
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I agree that boosts for your own base and debuffs for the enemy should be separated into different artifacts - then when BHG finally introduce multi layout options for the Museum (like they have for your base layout), these can be switched easily.