New Nation Ideas?


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
Me and my alliance came up with a few new nations that we thought were cool. So if y'all think these are interesting ideas like it up so maybe some Devs might see this ;p.

Nation: Aztec
Special Unit: Jaguar warrior (Does more dmg)
Special Ability: (Sacrifices).For every defending unit killed by your troops you get food depending on your age. 50,100,200,300, etc

Nation: Persia
Special Unit: Immortal (Attacks faster)
Special Ability: (Empire Building) All defensive buildings do 10% more dmg and cost 10% less to upgrade.

Nation: Canada
Special Unit: Mountie Or lumberjack (More over all HP)
Special Ability: (Friendly Neighbours) Over all Attacking troops do 5% less dmg but so do Canadian troops.

Nation: Inca
Special Unit. Atlatl Thrower. (No perks)
Special Ability: New world Power) All resource buildings produce 15% more before the gunpowder age.

Nation: Egypt
Special Unit: Kepresh archer (+1 range)
Special Ability: (Pyramid building) building wonders cost 25% less and the Pyramids effects are boosted.

Nation: Mongolia
Special Unit: Keshik (More dmg to resource buildings)
Special Ability: (Silk road) +10 roads and the make +150 more gold per Lvl.

So there's a few ideas I've thought of. Feel to add your own Nations or even tweak my nations.
If I spelled some of the units wrong please tell me xD.
Also feel free to join our alliance Edessa and tell em MissCanada sent ya.
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Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
First of all, sup fellow coalition member, how is your alliance doing? I'm from Se7en, always a lucky 7 :D

Second of all, I like your ideas for new nations, however I have a few questions/ideas:

1. I feel like the Inca's should have some perk with their unique unit, perhaps more damage to enemy troops
2. I don't think Canada will be implemented, nothing against them, it's just that BHG has a huge limitation since this is a mobile game, so incorporating every single nation won't be something achievable, hence why only the big nations of history were chosen

Nation Idea: India
Unique Unit: Elephant Rider (more health but even less damage)
Unique Power: (Blessings of the Gods) Temple blessings cost less and have more profound effects

Unique Unit: Minute Men (reduced training time)
Unique Power: (Manifest Destiny) Clearing forests cost less and have a better chance of reveal more goods

Unique Unit: Conscripts (cost less but have low health) or Cossacks(faster speed and rate of fire)
Unique Power: (For the Motherland) Defenders do bonus damage and Attackers are slowed (Does not stack with wonder abilities/caltrops)

What do you guys think :D


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
Yaaa Redox for life xD. But I like your ideas. They seem kinda more fleshed out then mine.
But as for the Inca, I don't know what perks they should get. I just couldn't think of any off the top of my head.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
tbh I came up with these ideas off the top of my head, but your ideas seems just as good. Perhaps they'll be chosen for new nations, who knows :p. But hopefully, BHG does so soon or else people will start to get bored of the same 7 nations.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
As well as adding new nations they should tweak the ones they already got.
Like Change up Greece or Japan. Both need some tweaking, Greece is just bad. and Japan is too overpowered


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
Actual, when you think about it. Japan isn't that overpowered, I chose them and I feel they're pretty balanced

Their town center, although very good, isn't that helpful past the later ages. Perhaps in the Iron/Classical it may be annoying, but once you get to gunpowder and Enlightenment, your cannons and troops will be able to easily destroy it before it can do any real damage. Maybe if the range was increased to like a tower, then I would say its overpowered, but right now, not really. As for the peace treaties, I would say that depending on the type of player its useful. If you are one who raids for a good period of time then takes a break for a few hours-day (Like me :D), then the treaty is good for you, but if you are the type that raids all the time, then its pretty useless. As for their unique unit, although they are good, I believe that the stats are similar to the vandals.

As for the Greeks, why do you think they're so bad? and what nation did you choose?


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
Personally I choose China. But Ive heard alotta bad things about Greece from other players who play as Greece.
I just feel that Japan is just over used. But now that you've Proven that its not as good as I've first thought.
I take back my saying that Japan is Over powered. Its just used by a lot of people.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
Yeah I guess since when people first look at the info given by the game, It seems that Japan is overpowered, but when you look at the stats, its really not that great. As for Greeks, I guess the main problem is that their nation power isn't that useful since most of the time you won't be on when your upgrades finish, plus at most you can finish building by an hour at most, but since most upgrades take a few days to finish, and extra hour doesn't seem like much. Their only saving grace is their companion which is rather good.

But we're getting off topic XD, do you have any other ideas for new nations? Yours seemed pretty good


Approved user
Apr 29, 2015
xD Ya we are. And I Have a few other ideas but they aren't really fully fleshed out. Like the Celts or Carthage.
Nation: Celts
Special Unit Picktish warrior

Nation Carthage
Ya ive got nothing for these guys.
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Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
Once you get something good, post it, you never know how good it might be :D


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
I got some more ideas :D

Special Unit: Viking (gains more damage as health decreases)
Special Ability: All units do bonus damage to resource buildings and gain bonus resources depending on how many resource buildings you destroyed(Raid and Pillage)

Special Unit: Conquistador(Does bonus damage to different nations) *Probably not the best but something that I could think of at the time
Special Ability: Uses less gold to change target, and gains bonus gold for successfully raiding a player(El Dorado)

Special Unit: *Can't really think of one, the only one is a naval unit which can't be implemented*
Special Ability: Able to hold double the amount of trade goods, has a chance to get double the amount of trade goods usually raided or obtained, and hunting/gathering/mining will have a higher chance of rewarding a trade good (Dutch East India Company)

Special Unit: Hwach'a (Fires a flurry of rockets, which causes splash damage around the target which does lessen damage, does 1.5x damage to defenders)
Special Ability: Can research multiple things in library and blacksmith, up to a max of 2 and increasing as ages progress (Scholars of the Jade Hall)
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Lucas Souza Massa

Approved user
May 2, 2015
I have an idea:
Special Unit: PM (more damage --specially against defenders--, more health and slows down defenders with crowd control, but doesn't respond to rally)
Special Ability: Peace treaties last 10% more and 10% more natural resources (more food out of animals and plants, more gold out of mining).

Explanations: PM is our military police, very strong and well equiped, also very abusive and disorganized, and always meddles violently in pacific protests. 10% longer lasting peace treaties because we don't get involved in so many conflicts and the last actual war we've been to was 70 years ago (world war 2), and we tend to be very diplomatic and peaceful, although we did send forces to help allied nations over the years. 10% more natural resources because we do have lots of resources: oil, minerals, food, water, etc...


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
I like this idea, however, the Japanese already has the 10% increase in peace treaties, not to be offensive, but perhaps something different can be chosen


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Brazil isn't nation like america and canada. They're son of british, french and spain. What about real nations like turkish, spain, denmark, russia.


Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
Nation (United States)
Special Unit (Bomber) Does 1000% damage to enemy buildings
Special Ability (Nuke) Once a day, drop a nuke on an enemy base, doing 1 million damage to everything in the vicinity.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Guys america founded in 1600 or 1700s. Nation select comes in iron age so america can not be in this game


Approved user
May 2, 2015
But if they add russia, turkey, denmark, arabs, persians and spain. This game can beat clash of clans. But lots of players dont love this game because there sre only 7 countries.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
No offense, but this idea really isn't good.

For one, the special unit and ability are way too overpowered to even be considered in this game (Though the idea of an unique air unit intrigues me). Moreover, these units and special abilities are so late game that I doubt anyone would be willing to wait till then. Finally, I already created a American nation that is more representative of the American nation, perhaps not now but back then.