New player here but....


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
If the cheating is going on I won't last..

I'm looking for a clash of clans boom beach replacement, and this game has promise, but if the cheating is happening then it needs to be nipped in the bud quickly otherwise whats the point of switching to dominations over supercell games


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
1 - This game is new. Give it time.
2 - Can you prove someone is actually cheating? The claim is largely unwarranted by whiners because the bugs have not yet manifested to them.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
2 - Can you prove someone is actually cheating? The claim is largely unwarranted by whiners because the bugs have not yet manifested to them.

Clearly you havent been playing long enough.

Some of us have been playing for over 6 months and when you see half the top ten players with double walls, extra catapults and other buildings its a bit discouraging.

i'd appreciate it if you dont call us whiners because honestly we have been reporting this stuff for months both on the forum and as in game reports.

I realize that nexon/bhg are addressing this issue but its not fast enough and with world wide release it should have been sorted.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
The game is not new. It was released in beta mode several months ago. It has been available in Australia and Phillipines for months. I have been playing since December. I have made several reports on obvious cheats as far back as January. There has been lots of discussions on these forums, and very little has actually been done. Instead the game developers have released this game globally and it appears more players with excessive walls and bases appear by the day. Players have a right to complain. We have had enough of the cheats.