Nexon can you help us understand your stance on war issues?


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Our most recent war with 'Project Tera'. This now takes us to 8 of our last 10 wars. They have 29 max or near max global offenses, top 15 or so max global defenses. Compared to our 8ish max global offenses and 0 max global defenses. Bottom 10 stacked with all Iron Age accounts. We won our last war against RUniom who had about 12 undeveloped accounts, but in this war we are facing Iron Age stacking and probably at the upper end of our matchmaking threshold. Tough combo.

Our best case scenario is getting to 200, would be an incredible odds defying achievement. But we would also not be rewarded for that because stalemates give nothing, another flaw with glory. The funny thing is, despite being horribly outmatched, we stand to lose more glory than they do because of your terribly flawed glory award formula.

Nexon, how long are you going to reward those who manipulate your system? How long are you going to subject people that try to play in fair marches to a horrible in game experience? Or, maybe the question should be how long will players accept this kind of experience in game.


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Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
S_How .. it's awful this is happening to you too.. Keep the pressure on Nexon.!!!


Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
Hello fellow DomiNations gamers!!!! :-D
Why wait to see if Nexon does anything? Head on over to Alliance Gate ;-] We as gamers can start right now with the solution;-]

Don't argue with Phil, they scared of a real fight, lets take the fight to them! Stand up DomiNations! We can end this madness as soon as we unify as gamers and destroy the weak!

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
So the day will come that the norm for a 40v40 that you get 20 Max Global & 20 Min Iron Age. Or any war, exactly 50% max, 50% min. It's the only outcome with the current system.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
The purpose of this thread was to help bring light to problems, a little disappointing to see you recruiting for your alli in the middle of it


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Eddie F1 ... exactly that 50% theory is starting to happen...

Fine for you globals to whack it out amongst yourselves but us younger alliances can't compete in these wars. Are we meant to follow suit and iron age stack as well putting us in wars with even younger alliances ruining their war experiences.

The system is flawed... greedy alliances who can't be bothered winning fairly are flouting it... the new gloryboard has lost credit!!!


Approved user
Apr 24, 2016
Do like we did... Dont fight back , let them have the win but bore the heck out of them, maybe if these stacking alliances start getting very boring wars they will stop, I have made a base just for this occasion , unprotected TC easy wins... they want to ruin my game i can take the fun out of theirs :)

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
I like your idea Lucid unfortunately I think these losers are not gonna be bored out of the game, otherwise they would have left already since I am sure being in one of these garbage alliances is far from entertaining....


Approved user
Apr 24, 2016
i must say im shocked... Project Tera doesnt even need to do this, there were terminators without stacking


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Yes in our current war against Project Tera, our suggested targets are 15 ranks below our own. Meaning, even those 8-10 undeveloped bases have allowed them to bring 15 players more advanced than our number one person. This kind of mismatch really ruins a war. It is so difficult to explain to your team why they shouldnt give up on the game. We are a very competitive and organized bunch, and that makes it sting even more, we used to win 90%+ of our wars, even ones where we were outmatched by a wide margin. Now, the mismatches are so horribly lopsided due to stacking of low advancement bases, there is no longer any sense of competition. Only frustration. And its not like this is happening in just a few wars here and there, its happening every single war in the 40/45 brackets, and about half the time in the 30/35 brackets, and I see posts from other alliances showing its happening to them in even lower brackets as well.

To make it worse, I dont even have the ability to go back and say something like "hey, Nexon really feels this is not the way they want the game to be played and are working on a solution". There has been zero communication to the community on it, and its awful.

UA Bidness

Approved user
Jul 30, 2016
You guys realize the fastest way to get change implemented is to clearly show the flaws in the system correct? Yes it sucks for now that this is how it is, but it's the system Nexon implemented and will continue to remain until enough people complain and they change it. Instead of being mad at people for gaming the system, get mad at Nexon for implementing a flawed system.

Keep complaining people, it might get changed. While you guys complain, our alliance and many others will continue to use this method to avoid 0 glory stalemates. I am rooting for change by the way. From the beginning it was clear the glory system was constructed improperly, and if us showing exactly why it's flawed gets it changed then I call that a success.

UA Bidness

Approved user
Jul 30, 2016
I'd rather have inactive iron age bases than obvious cheaters with level 40 Churchill. VZ must be seriously desperate for recruits.

UA Bidness

Approved user
Jul 30, 2016
Sorry S_How, we played Project Tera twice in the last week or so at 35v35. They had no iron Age accounts, but we had 5 or so. We stalemated both matches, but it appears they are now trying to avoid stalemates by using the same method as us.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I detest the "if we can't beat them then let's join them attitude". You are not considering the impact you have on people down the food chain. Nexon start reading and take action. These actions by greedy globals are killing the game. We are seeing people untick for war.... this is having a huge impact on quality of enjoyment of your money spinner.
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Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Alliances who use inactive iron bases and players with lvl 40 general cheaters ... both rotten apples ... ban both please!!


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
The fastest way to implement change is not to copy that behaviour and try to justify it by blaming the system.

UA Bidness

Approved user
Jul 30, 2016
The system is so flawed that a team of players who get perfect scores vs every opponent they face can't even reach the top 50. That should be enough for all of you to agree that the system is broken. If we all agree it's broken, why do you care how teams go about forcing the change? If every alliance took the "moral high ground" and refused to use smaller accounts, Nexon would assume that the system is working as intended. Without people complaining about the poo running downhill nothing would change.

Agree or disagree to how we attempt to bring it about, but change needs to happen.