Nexon you have stabled the ship from certain destruction


Approved user
Sep 27, 2016
With these troop chest and rubies system from war you have almost eliminated the pay2win aspect of the game! If only you destroy the bazooka tower/sentry and permanetly get rid of them buildings it will be totally gone. These buildings are way to OP and should have never made it out of the drawing board. Aswell as elephant archers. Other than that it seems its a Level playing field now. My stronghold is packed to the coffers with troops(maybe not strongest) but still. You have stabalized the dominations mothership from total destruction.

Also the victory chests were needed badly. Good to see nexon listening.

2 year player i have seen this game go from AWESOME to disgusting now back to AWESOME.

I decided to buy the estate after saying no for so many months!
You give a little you get a little.
Iam happy to see your devs attitude switch from "take take take"
To "take give take give"

Well done!

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
i hate to say it but pay2win is at it's worst condition now with no intention to remove bazooka towers or elephant archers + adding time factor in the next update

the worst of these factors is the battle time tie breaker, essentially giving no chance for ambitious under developped players to take down higher lvl players or at least stalemate with them cuz they will lose to time factor anyway at the end

with the sells they make from the most 2 OP features (bazooka towers and elephant archers) am not expecting them to be removed any time sooner, they even made more of them available through marco polo for crowns instead of only real cash every now and then, adding up the defense buff in nexy update say goodbye to ur attack efforts against any 240+ base with elephant-loaded SH +/- bazooka tower


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
I am worried about the balance between offense and defense

Now even the best attackers are find it difficult to destroy a maxed base with elephant archer. I can imagine that with new missile silo, it will be even harder.

From GA to AA, there are number of traps added, and Towers got at least 20%HP and 20%dps, and 8000 HP added to wall.
in addition, Radar further buff tower, sniper tower benefit from new tech as well.

But in the offensive side, troops only got 10% buff, and 15 troop size.


Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
Well from my point of view, Nexon came pretty close to destroying Dominations mothership by letting the night witches bug stay for more than two months . seasoned players had stopped playing because it was becoming hard to find bases with more than 4k oil. People had stopped collecting oil/ stopped playing entirely .

Since then there have been a lot of positive changes and Dominations was back on the upward trajectory .

As of now am looking forward to missile silo. If Rise of Nations is any hint to go by , the missile silo will contain either cruise missiles or nuclear missiles. I doubt nuclear missiles will make it like the way in RON , coz they nearly wiped out an entire area of 10-15 buildings. From the description of how the silo will behave, it looks more like cruise missile silo.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
From where I am sitting the game has never been better... we are getting tough matches but fair... stronghold fill is the norm... if people want to pay for it out of their pockets then so be it... I like the timer on perfect stalemates although they are going to be tougher to get. 100% destruction should not necessarily be possible all the time


Approved user
May 12, 2017
p2w will always be an issue. these chests are just putting a small bandage on a shotgun wound.

I on the other hand was considering buying a bunch of crowns UNTIL i saw the SotN and it got me discouraged again.

BHG has done a few things to start moving the game in the right direction but there is still so much more they need to address, some of which are long standing bugs and a continue of horrible customer service.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
The chests give really bad troop cards and does not address pay to win. Until they nerf elephant archers and give decent cards away for free, pay to win will continue.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
The chests give really bad troop cards and does not address pay to win. Until they nerf elephant archers and give decent cards away for free, pay to win will continue.

you are wrong. that wont fix p2w. p2w will always exist as long as troop cards can be purchased and used in wars. If i can buy "unlimited" quantities of what ever the best troop card is at the time and you can only get 1 a month who wins the wars?

Lets just take the elephant archers for example. If each member in my alliance is able to buy 120 and your alliance is only able to earn say 5 a week via marco polo, who do you think wins that war?

They can max out their SH and then have 4 to use on each attack. While you guys could only put 4 in each SH and have 1 for 1 attack.

There are only 2 ways to get rid of p2w:

1. remove the cards and buildings entirely from wars
2. dont sell the cards/buildings. only let them be acquired via events.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Agree. They either remove it completely or give away 10+ elephant archers per week for free. I much prefer the old Dominations with no cards for purchase, and only through events, everyone being forced to use the event buildings at the same time.


Approved user
Jul 8, 2017
If you're not a spender your voice will not be heard .So you can waste your time and posting bla-bla but in the end changes that will be made will be in favour of this big spenders .That's why I stopped buying anything (they don't respect my voice).


Approved user
Jan 10, 2017
Not sure if we are talking about the same game we play. How on earth have p2w aspects been eliminated? Your point of view makes me laugh.


Approved user
Oct 14, 2015
There are worse games out there and they're also not free. No one's forcing you to buy crowns or troop cards. Go out and raid to upgrade your troops (and defenses). Better troops along with the free troop cards helps win your war attack, for as long as you are not a shit attacker. There's too much unnecessary whining in this forum. Focus your whining on the glitches/bugs and the cheating, not this feature of the game.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
No one force you to buy crown, but unless you bought huge amount of crown, you will be at the bottom level all the time


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
I don't understand the whining here. How do you think Nexon will make money and continue to develop the game if there is no p2w factor in the game at all. Maybe our alliance is not high level enough, but the wars we play don't get won by elephant archers or sentry towers. I am fine with the troops cards I get via rubies. It seems to be a problem for the top 1% of alliances I assume.


Approved user
Jan 10, 2017
Lol. Yeah everyone was waiting for your wise advice. Now we know what to do


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
Agreed. The cards cause the whole mechanics to be weird. I do understand their draw as they inject a novelty and variety to the game, but I'd vote to take them out.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
I don't understand the whining here. How do you think Nexon will make money and continue to develop the game if there is no p2w factor in the game at all. Maybe our alliance is not high level enough, but the wars we play don't get won by elephant archers or sentry towers. I am fine with the troops cards I get via rubies. It seems to be a problem for the top 1% of alliances I assume.

I love it when people say "how will they make money?"

Have you not heard of a game called Clash of Clans? You know how they make their money? Its sure as hell not by p2w features as they have none in their game. Its purely pay to advance. The rest of their money is made by actually giving good offers for loot and instant buildings thats actually affordable to the majority of its player base. They also make a lot of money on people gemming(crowing) their troop training, boosting(with gems/crowns) their camps(barracks), and boosting(with gems/crowns) their production buildings

EVERYTHING in CoC can be acquired by playing for FREE, unlike this game. So please explain to why we need p2w in this game when the best example in this genre is f2p.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
these cards are totally destroying the game concept, no reasonable strategy game allows extra feature to provide an equal or even more than basic troop space
basically a whole other army added to ur army by a feature, that's completely insane and irrational, an extra feature should give an edge or slight strategic advantage, but a drop and forget of another army beside ur main army is unskilled and awful