Noob with questions

Synjin Zaic

Approved user
Dec 21, 2018
Hello players

i found this game a few weeks ago and am sort of enjoying it. Currently at 35 with 257 medals and medieval age is open to upgrade to. I upgrade my resource productions first then the defenses and other stuff.
I have not had to attack another player to get resources for an upgrade yet but have done it about 6-8 times. My peoples are always busy upgrading. I have not been attacked by anyone yet. This “not needing to play” is kind of boring,its just a farming game so far.
So can I freely attack other players or is there a negative to doing that?
If I open the alliance gate does that open me up to being attacked by others?
If im attacked and lose is there a percentage of resources they take or do they take all of what I have in “the banks”?

thankyou for your time in reading and responding


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
when you advance further, attacking other players will become your primary source of resources.

the only negative to attacking other players is if you end up losing a lot of your troops, you will have to wait for them to rebuild

alliance gate is for receiving helping troops from your allies. these can be used for both attack and defense. if you come across a medieval base with tanks coming out of the town center, those are the donated troops.

you are open to attack whenever you dont have a peace treaty, but in the lower levels its not very active so you will rarely be attacked until you’re more advanced

if someone attacks you, they need to attack your resource buildings to take the corresponding resource, and they only take a percentage. if they attack your storage buildings, the loot comes out of your bank. if they attack your production buildings, your bank doesnt suffer any loss, but they will take half of what you couldve collected from there. this means if you collected from there just a second ago, they get nothing

Synjin Zaic

Approved user
Dec 21, 2018
Thanks for your time in responding.
Currently level 42 @280 medals. I attack someone when I wake up and attack someone before bed. That way I get the free troop reload by watching a game ad. Really like that part of this game.
Just hit Medieval age today.
Still have not been attacked and have not opened the alliance gate.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Repair your gate! It will allow you to join an active warring alliance, get your stars in world wars and get 2000 crowns for achieving war commander goal!
​​​​​​Don't worry about medals, once you're stable you can climb up. So just keep raiding resources..
​​​​​​What's your nation?

Synjin Zaic

Approved user
Dec 21, 2018
I went with greek for the upgrade discount as it seemed farming at the beginning was the easiest. Now im at the medieval age and was thinking of going to , I think its chinese, for the extra merc base. Then I saw it cost 600 gems to revolt so that wont be happening. Nice try Nexon for the attempt to get real money from me. I am the last true Troutbum!!

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Naaa don't revolt! We need your scrolls! 😜
What's Troutbum?! (Don't want to google, it's a lazy New Year morning! 😍)
Happy New Year Manifesto! Don't forget to go to the church! 😆

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
In a more serious note, joining alliances is a must to complete game quests eg.donate troops, request troops, joining world wars and get the stars, donate troop tactics etc.
You get the crowns for completing the task, use them to revolt 😉
Are you sure you're new to the game?!😆


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Happy New year to you too.
I belong to the Church of the Praying Mantis, and we meet every Tuesday in the bush across the road.

Synjin Zaic

Approved user
Dec 21, 2018
I played boombeach for 4+ years. 4 maxed accts. and 6 over level 56. So the basics of this game are,so far, the same.

Troutbum- a flyfishing enthusiast who’s minimal annual income only goes to feeding the body and transporting him or herself to trout habitat.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Sounds very lonely being a troutbum. You should take up gaming for example.
This game is fun. It will keep you busy for years. (Some would say decades!)


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Don't underestimate the greeks. I have a global greek account and their tanks are awesome.
Plus its always a nice bonus when you log in and there's a refund waiting for you, after an upgrade has finished.
Before Industrial you should forget about medals and just raid for resources. Stay around 300-400 medals at first and when you get to Industrial you can think about going higher. Or not.
Use Gunpowder and Enlightenment as training for Industrial. imo, enlightenment is ok but its only a stepping stone to the where the fun starts: Industrial!
And join an alliance!