Reduced Range on Attack Helicopter


New member
Jul 26, 2024
Dear Team of Dominations.

I enjoy playing Attack Helicopters instead of the overpowerd Mortar Tactic. But since you introduced the latest update, the Helicopters are now not good enough to compete with Mortars. I don’t know why, but they fly way closer to buildings than usual and therefore don’t use their range to destroy buildings. They also now get hit by Anti-Tank guns (which was not possible since the +1 Range in the Manufacture for Helis), even if the Anti Tank gun doesn’t have the extended Range. I don’t know why. I played many many hours with helicopters so I know what and how the should behave normally. If this gets not fixed, the last alternative to Mortas is gone. The Attack helis die way faster and are therefore not as strong as before the update… And it is not against the new drone, if that’s your suggestion. I am aware of that.

Plattform: All
Device: All
PVP Issue
Happens every time


New member
Jul 26, 2024
I especially mentioned that this is not against the new drone. I tested it against Drone/Auto (destroyed Drone Command first) Info, Digital, Space, even medieval Age Enemy’s. Hapens in Every Age…

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I've noticed this on 3 alts too - like they're in machine gun range for everything.
Space & 2 x Digital age accounts - so drones are not present.

It's easy to spot too. Previously, after destroying ground troops, they would back away from any building to engage at rocket range. Now they just turn around & engage a building right next to them.

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BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
I've noticed this on 3 alts too - like they're in machine gun range for everything.
Space & 2 x Digital age accounts - so drones are not present.

It's easy to spot too. Previously, after destroying ground troops, they would back away from any building to engage at rocket range. Now they just turn around & engage a building right next to them.

The team is aware of the issue, please submit tickets to the CS Team to help elevate the severity of/the frequency at which you're experiencing the issue.


New member
May 22, 2024
Bonjour et merci pour ces messages,

J'attaque full helicots sur mon compte principal et j'avais "perçu" ca (baisse de portée et baisse de résistance) sans arriver à avoir confirmation.
Ce bug est effectivement toujours actif. J'ai vu la demande de transmission d'info au CS


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
when you already have one ticket opened, you cannot open another one. At least that was the case so far . Has this been changed with the new CS platform?
If you already created an in-game ticket and it's not solved, re-open the chat and add your new issue to that ticket. If you can wait until your original in-game ticket is resolved before sending another, you can do so as well.

For multiple tickets, and separation of info, you can use the website here.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Bonjour et merci pour ces messages,

J'attaque full helicots sur mon compte principal et j'avais "perçu" ca (baisse de portée et baisse de résistance) sans arriver à avoir confirmation.
Ce bug est effectivement toujours actif. J'ai vu la demande de transmission d'info au CS
The targeting for Attack Helicopters might be targeting the center of the building as opposed to the first opportunity to strike (edge of the building). For example, a mortar will fire at the first opportunity (not targeting the center), but the Attack Helicopter will attack the dead center and is much more noticeable the larger the building is. I'm being told that this has been the case for quite some time, it isn't something new.

Le ciblage des hélicoptères d'attaque pourrait viser le centre du bâtiment plutôt que la première occasion de frapper (bord du bâtiment). Par exemple, un mortier tirera à la première occasion (sans viser le centre), mais l'hélicoptère d'attaque attaquera au point mort et sera d'autant plus visible que le bâtiment est grand. On me dit que c'est le cas depuis un certain temps, ce n'est pas quelque chose de nouveau.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
The targeting for Attack Helicopters might be targeting the center of the building as opposed to the first opportunity to strike (edge of the building). For example, a mortar will fire at the first opportunity (not targeting the center), but the Attack Helicopter will attack the dead center and is much more noticeable the larger the building is. I'm being told that this has been the case for quite some time, it isn't something new.

Attack helicopter targeting could be aimed at the center of the building rather than the first opportunity to strike (edge of the building). For example, a mortar will fire at the first opportunity (not aimed at the center), but the attack helicopter will attack at a dead center and will be more visible the taller the building. I am told this has been the case for some time, it is not something new.
That makes sense but isn't the case since the latest update. I've added a plus 1 range on my helis so when it now attacks a building at what appears to be range 4 it's noticeable. We players play regular - we notice these changes.
Could something from the new drone range reduction have accidentally triggered the helis range?


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
That makes sense but isn't the case since the latest update. I've added a plus 1 range on my helis so when it now attacks a building at what appears to be range 4 it's noticeable. We players play regular - we notice these changes.
Could something from the new drone range reduction have accidentally triggered the helis range?
We, too, play regularly; this has been how Helicopters target, at least since the Barracks update. But I and the others are not sure if that has always been the case (prior to that Barracks update is beyond my time), it's also not out of the question you may be running into something else entirely.

Feel free to share your findings with CS. They are compiling all the information that is brought to them. The team is aware of this and is only considering reworking it for the time being. I am told that due to the work involved, there isn't an estimated timeframe for making any changes to this unit and it may not even get reworked at all.


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
We, too, play regularly; this has been how Helicopters target, at least since the Barracks update. But I and the others are not sure if that has always been the case (prior to that Barracks update is beyond my time), it's also not out of the question you may be running into something else entirely.

Feel free to share your findings with CS. They are compiling all the information that is brought to them. The team is aware of this and is only considering reworking it for the time being. I am told that due to the work involved, there isn't an estimated timeframe for making any changes to this unit and it may not even get reworked at all.
This is what you're busy with? No one can log into the game!


New member
May 22, 2024
Le ciblage des hélicoptères d'attaque peut viser le centre du bâtiment plutôt que la première opportunité de frapper (bord du bâtiment). Par exemple, un mortier tirera à la première opportunité (sans viser le centre), mais l'hélicoptère d'attaque attaquera le centre et sera beaucoup plus visible plus le bâtiment est grand. On me dit que c'est le cas depuis un certain temps, ce n'est pas quelque chose de nouveau.

Le ciblage des hélicoptères d'attaque pourrait viser le centre du bâtiment plutôt que la première occasion de frapper (bord du bâtiment). Par exemple, un mortier tirera à la première occasion (sans viser le centre), mais l'hélicoptère d'attaque attaquera au point mort et sera d'autant plus visible que le bâtiment est grand. On me dit que c'est le cas depuis un certain temps, ce n'est pas quelque chose de nouveau.
Bonjour, le problème n'est pas que les hélicoptères ciblent le centre des bâtiments. le problème est qu'ils ont perdu de la portée sur des bâtiments
Hel 1.jpg

J'ai retrouvé des captures d'écran d'anciennes attaques. Là, les hélicoptères sont clairement A L'EXTERIEURE de la cité pour la détruire.

Et là, c'est une capture d'écran d'une attaque d'hier. même si l'angle n'est pas le même, on voit que les hélicots sont maintenant clairement AU DESSUS de la cité pour pouvoir la détruire.


Hel 2.jpg


New member
May 22, 2024
En complément de mon message ci-dessus : Avec les améliorations, la portée de mes Hélicos est de 5 contre les défenseurs et 6 contre les bâtiments. Donc portée +1 contre les bâtiments.

Regardez sur l'image, la distance d'attaque des hélicots sur le char qui représente une portée de 5.
Regardez maintenant la distance d'attaque des hélicots par rapport au centre de la cité (qui devrait être de +1) qui est BIEN INFERIEURE, on est a 4 peut-etre meme 3 au lieu de 6 !

Et chacun peut constater qu'il n'y a pas de drones actifs pouvant réduire la portée.
Hel 2.jpg