Reduced Range on Attack Helicopter


New member
Jul 26, 2024
Dear Team of Dominations.

I enjoy playing Attack Helicopters instead of the overpowerd Mortar Tactic. But since you introduced the latest update, the Helicopters are now not good enough to compete with Mortars. I don’t know why, but they fly way closer to buildings than usual and therefore don’t use their range to destroy buildings. They also now get hit by Anti-Tank guns (which was not possible since the +1 Range in the Manufacture for Helis), even if the Anti Tank gun doesn’t have the extended Range. I don’t know why. I played many many hours with helicopters so I know what and how the should behave normally. If this gets not fixed, the last alternative to Mortas is gone. The Attack helis die way faster and are therefore not as strong as before the update… And it is not against the new drone, if that’s your suggestion. I am aware of that.

Plattform: All
Device: All
PVP Issue
Happens every time


New member
May 22, 2024
Nous aussi, nous jouons régulièrement ; c'est ainsi que les hélicoptères ciblent, au moins depuis la mise à jour de la caserne. Mais moi et les autres ne sommes pas sûrs que cela ait toujours été le cas (avant cette mise à jour de la caserne, c'est trop tard pour moi), il n'est pas non plus exclu que vous vous retrouviez face à quelque chose d'entièrement différent.

N'hésitez pas à partager vos découvertes avec le service client. Ils compilent toutes les informations qui leur sont transmises. L'équipe en est consciente et envisage seulement de la retravailler pour le moment. On m'a dit qu'en raison du travail impliqué, il n'y a pas de délai estimé pour apporter des modifications à cette unité et qu'elle pourrait même ne pas être retravaillée du tout.
On ne vous demande pas de "retravailler" cette unité, on vous demande corriger un bug : Perte de portée de tir contre les bâtiments (voir mes messages ci-dessous)

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
this has been how Helicopters target, at least since the Barracks update. But I and the others are not sure if that has always been the case
So you're saying the helis haven't been targeting the centre of a building, until now, and we've enjoyed an unintentional increase in the attack range?

The team is aware of this and is only considering reworking it for the time being. I am told that due to the work involved, there isn't an estimated timeframe for making any changes to this unit and it may not even get reworked at all.
So the team is aware something is not right? And they're not planning on fixing/changing it back?
So this is one of those unintended consequences that you won't fix because you may have stuffed up in the first place - and no matter the time and resources we've spent in manufactory it's now a case of "live with it"?

Isn't it possible something's gone wrong with the last update? Can you guys at least keep an open mind and consider that possibility?

ps: "due to the work involved ... It may not even get reworked" is a poor reason for any type of inaction to rectify a fault. I wonder what would happen if this mindset permeated society? Yikes!
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
En complément de mon message ci-dessus : Avec les améliorations, la portée de mes Hélicos est de 5 contre les défenseurs et 6 contre les bâtiments. Donc portée +1 contre les bâtiments.

Regardez sur l'image, la distance d'attaque des hélicots sur le char qui représente une portée de 5.
Regardez maintenant la distance d'attaque des hélicots par rapport au centre de la cité (qui devrait être de +1) qui est BIEN INFERIEURE, on est a 4 peut-etre meme 3 au lieu de 6 !

Et chacun peut constater qu'il n'y a pas de drones actifs pouvant réduire la portée.
Thank you for this clear example. I was hoping to do the same but unfortunately my older replays have disappeared after the recent updates.
However l managed to capture these screenshots from yesterday showing a bazooka (range 3) and heli (range 6) engaging buildings at the same range.
In the first pic the zooks have fired and the heli is about to fire - right next to the zook.
In the 2nd pic the zooks/heli have all fired - all from the same range.




New member
Jun 5, 2022
Lets be real though, a unit that can fly over walls and traps, suppress defenders and shoot over walls which makes base layout basically useless shouldnt be a good unit. Attacks with heli are so braindead


New member
May 22, 2024

Merci pour cet exemple clair. J'espérais faire la même chose mais malheureusement mes anciens replays ont disparu après les récentes mises à jour.
Cependant, j'ai réussi à capturer ces captures d'écran d'hier montrant un bazooka (portée 3) et un hélicoptère (portée 6) engageant des bâtiments à la même portée.
Sur la première photo, les zooks ont tiré et l'hélicoptère est sur le point de tirer - juste à côté du zook.
Sur la 2ème photo, tous les zooks/hélicoptères ont tiré - tous à la même distance.

View attachment 12207

View attachment 12208

Merci pour ce second parfait exemple. En espérant une réaction maintenant ......


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
this has been how Helicopters target, at least since the Barracks update. But I and the others are not sure if that has always been the case
So you're saying the helis haven't been targeting the centre of a building, until now, and we've enjoyed an unintentional increase in the attack range?

The team is aware of this and is only considering reworking it for the time being. I am told that due to the work involved, there isn't an estimated timeframe for making any changes to this unit and it may not even get reworked at all.
So the team is aware something is not right? And they're not planning on fixing/changing it back?
So this is one of those unintended consequences that you won't fix because you may have stuffed up in the first place - and no matter the time and resources we've spent in manufactory it's now a case of "live with it"?

Isn't it possible something's gone wrong with the last update? Can you guys at least keep an open mind and consider that possibility?

ps: "due to the work involved ... It may not even get reworked" is a poor reason for any type of inaction to rectify a fault. I wonder what would happen if this mindset permeated society? Yikes!
Helis initial target point is supposed to be the first point of the building that is within range like every other unit's attack, not the direct center. This has been a longstanding issue (as I am told). Because this isn't something that has been noticed for some time and it is a large undertaking to rework, there isn't a current plan to change it, and there MIGHT NOT be one at all.

I hear you 100%, please help me out by sharing here and submitting tickets to CS.


New member
May 22, 2024
Le point cible initial de l'hélicoptère est censé être le premier point du bâtiment qui est à portée comme l'attaque de toute autre unité, et non le centre direct. C'est un problème de longue date (d'après ce qu'on m'a dit). Comme ce n'est pas quelque chose qui a été remarqué depuis un certain temps et que c'est une grande entreprise à retravailler, il n'y a pas de plan actuel pour le changer, et il PEUT NE PAS y en avoir du tout.

Je vous entends à 100 %, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît en partageant ici et en soumettant des tickets au CS.
Merci Harlem pour ce retour sincère.

J'ai soumis un ticket au CS Client qui me réponds la même chose. MAIS CE N'EST PAS LE PROBLEME !

Qu'ils continuent à attaquer le centre de la cible ! mais ce qu'on demande c'est qu'ils le fassent AVEC LA BONNE PORTÉE !


La portée indiquée de mes hélicoptères améliorés contre les bâtiments est de 6 mais dans le fait elle est de 3 ou au maximum 4.

Je vais remettre la capture d'écran qui est claire : il y a 5 hélicos de visible, 2 qui tirent sur un char et 3 qui tirent sur le centre de la cité.
On voit bien que la distance de tir sur le char est conforme (portée de 5) mais que la distance de tir par rapport au centre de la cité n'est pas conforme. Elle est de 3 peut-être 4 au lieu de 6.
Hel 2.jpg


New member
May 22, 2024
Veuillez augmenter la priorité de ce problème. C'est un énorme désavantage, surtout dans les guerres mondiales ! Vous ne pouvez pas détruire des bases plus puissantes avec cette portée
Oui c'est sur. c'est une perte de puissance énorme contre des bases puissante .... et la fin des hélicots en GM si le bug est pas corrigé....


New member
Jul 26, 2024
Lets be real though, a unit that can fly over walls and traps, suppress defenders and shoot over walls which makes base layout basically useless shouldnt be a good unit. Attacks with heli are so braindead
Ah yes, but Mortar Artillery isn’t stronger and as braindead? (using your words)

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Lets be real though, a unit that can fly over walls and traps, suppress defenders and shoot over walls which makes base layout basically useless shouldnt be a good unit. Attacks with heli are so braindead
Yeah, it's a mystery why the damn things were ever invented.

Nice try 😄

ps: sorry to hear you're having trouble defending against helis...

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Helis initial target point is supposed to be the first point of the building that is within range like every other unit's attack, not the direct center. This has been a longstanding issue (as I am told). Because this isn't something that has been noticed for some time and it is a large undertaking to rework, there isn't a current plan to change it, and there MIGHT NOT be one at all.

I hear you 100%, please help me out by sharing here and submitting tickets to CS.
Not sure if you're re-quoting your previous post or re-stating that nothing:s going to be done.

And I'm not sure what the long standing issue is, up until recently they've been attacking as mentioned - the first point of the building. If they're suddenly attacking the centre of buildings as of this last week, then we agree something's changed - so yes, I'll absolutely submit tickets to CS. (Hope l get a person this time)

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Another couple of examples: Heli (range 6) and artillery (range 7) attacking the same building. Maybe it's just me but they don't appear to be remotely close to each other. Or maybe the heli just prefers hanging out with tanks?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
The angle of the shot is not good. But (roughly) the helicopter is approaching the building diagonally. The diagonal is sqrt(2) * 2.5 (half of edge length) = 3.5 from the center. If you measure further along this imaginary line, then the helicopter is about five thirds away from the center of the building. With these estimated values, I get a distance of 5.9, which almost corresponds to the range 6 you specified.
For a more meaningful measurement, the helicopter should fly along the grid. This is probably best done in self-created challenges.

Even though I rarely use the helicopters myself, I am very sure that a few weeks ago it was different and helicopters fired from a greater distance.
As confirmed by @Harlems369th - helis should engage a building at the CPA - Closest Point of Approach - so thank you for the detailed explanation. You've confirmed that heli is indeed attacking the centre of the building.
Much appreciated. (y)

ps: Harlems exact wording: Helis initial target point is supposed to be the first point of the building that is within range like every other unit's attack, not the direct center

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
So, what is your point?
The range of the helicopters is uncontested: they fire over the specified distance.
The fact that helicopters aim at the center is undisputed: Harlem confirms that this is currently the case.

The point of the thread was (presumably) to say that it was different recently. There is no point in posting more examples of the undisputed facts. The important thing would be to show that it was different in the past. But I found this 6 month old video on youtube:
here you can measure on several examples, e.g. In the beginning on the anti-tank gun or later on the fort. Both measurements show attacks on the center of the building
I had a look at the video and sure the helis are firing at the centre of the buildings - which is more noticeable on the bigger buildings obviously. However they're closer to buildings now than they are in that video - that's the point.