Reformed medal dropper seeks advice for playing at high medal count


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Completing a medal quest took me to 2100 medals, and I got my first Kingdom league victory chest reward of 3 million gold, so I am going to try keeping a high medal count. Obviously I have to change how I play; no more dropping a few raiders for a quick quarter million food from unharvested farms.

I have noticed I have to use tactics every attack. And I have to choose my targets much more carefully; I'm hitting Next base about 5 times on average. There are more exposed town centers than I was expecting, which I will hit even if there isn't much loot. Should I? I'm spending much less time playing, which is probably a good thing.

What other advice/observations do you long time high medallers have for me? How many attacks do you make / how much time do you spend playing per day?


Approved user
Sep 27, 2016
Im at 3k medals and i only attack once all my tactics are renewed or close to. Definatly need shield. And definatly need attack and health blessings. I attack maybe once every 4 hours if i loose most or all of army. But that 4 hour gap gives time to harvest trade goods( when workers are available) tactics to renew , planes to retrain and donate to allaince. You must use blessings on attack and defence and have minimum 2 workers spare to collect goods or you will find it extremely hard without blessings. You will start to loose medals
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Approved user
Jun 3, 2017
So yesterday I was able to climb to Empire III league where you have 120k gold and food bonus for each victory. So as I'm playing the German nation I started pumping infantry and just sniping the TCs. With two training blessings I was able to gather around 8 mil each food and gold just with this tactic, but it's a bit tedious after a while, even if your average attack time is just 1 minute you still need to hit 'next base' for a while cause the people begin protecting their TC in that league.

Honestly I'm not sure if it's worth it, as the most players that have oil are either base level 220+ or 200+ with level 15 walls. I found that in the range of 1000 medals I could average 50-80k oil a day with normal attacks, but I barely made 20k yesterday being in 2600+. Also the victory chest only sometimes containing oil as a reward is not worth it imho right now. Either the league bonuses for oil need to increase or the victory chest needs to guarantee oil rewards with Kingdom+. I think I'll drop back to 1000 medals after I grabbed my Empire chest today, as I can easily get 3 mil of food or gold in easy attacks.


Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
Personally, having played in all leagues, high medal still isn't worth it unless you want to avoid Helicopter raids. Still easier to make resources/nation trade goods in Copper/Bronze league. I have absolutely no intention of going back to Dynasty. Even with the victory chest/boat, it is very hard to maintain nation trade goods for war.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
am at empire 2 and i can find somewhat easy bases with using 1 tactics in most cases per battle, 2 in few cases, i play with 5 decoys 1 sab for this reason to be able to do as many attacks without running out of tactics

in terms of resources depends if u are one of those who can spend so much time on game u may find it better to stay low as u can attack as many as u can
while high leagues are better for moderate guys who don't spend much time, just as me, i find it enough to collect rss for 2-3 wall bricks only per day + other upgrades when workers are ready
oil is the best part in high leagues, i got my oil store maxed so easy cuz no motorcycles raiders or helicopters, and i got a 20k oil chest today, much better than getting hypertention from the motorcycles/helio loosers (sorry but that's the truth)

Green Bird

Approved user
Jun 27, 2017
Well, I have been trying for the last few days to get to the kingdom league (and hopefully reach 2200 medals) from Gold I to claim the remaining reward crowns and want to share my experience.

Being the Global, I found it impossible to earn the last 30 or so medals because the bases are tough and you lose all your army taking them down. Also needed tactics, donated troops and mercs in many instances.

The loot situation at the top was basically no different from that at the bottom of medal ranges, with the exception of oil. My average oil loot was in the region of 2.5k vs 1k at the bottom. Attacks on my base were the same pattern, either tactical helicopters and/or regular British armies when I had enough oil to steal (above 120k in the refinery).

The victory chest and the boat awards were nice including 2-3 national goods and/or 1.5 million of food/gold but getting those 15 stars was much harder. Naturally, farming every NTG type is pretty much impossible due to the selection and toughness of bases.

Bottom line - the top medal leagues are not for me at the moment. I will try again after I upgrade my defence and put the TC in the middle (while working on the university) but until then I feel I will be much happier at the bottom raking in gold, food and NTGs at leisure. I am relaxed about oil as all my oil buildings and planes are done and it is really only generals that remain.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Thank you all for sharing your experience. I am a level 214 Atomic and since my original post I have pushed past 2200 medals. I am not having a problem maintaining that. If I am attacked it is for the quick win, or a few resources. I have not had an all out attack or an oil raid in a week.

I am enjoying not having to constantly attack to gather resources from weaker, low value bases, and my multi-player attacks are more like my war attacks, so I don't have to change my army composition, nor switch mode from "resource gathering at least cost" to "complete destruction using whatever necessary".

I will let you know at what medal level things change. I want the 2000 crowns for reaching Empire at 2600 medals 😁


Approved user
Jun 3, 2017
Actually you just get 1k crowns for reaching Empire league and 2k after getting Dynasty ;)


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Dang! Thanks for correcting me. I haven't had a serious look at that achievement for so long that I mis-remembered the rewards. Still, a thousand crowns is nothing to sniff at.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
You are absolutely playing the right way. Actually, if you're only nexting 5 times each time consider yourself lucky! Find 1 or 2 good bases to hit then once logged off you should get a peace treaty from your exposed(?) TC. The rewards help keep your resources topped up!


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Quali I had a bunch of NTGs left over from before I hit Kingdom, so I haven't been paying much attention, but I think it will be a problem. What is already hurting is diamonds. Attacking just 3 or 4 times a day does not generate enough for my world war needs. I have to open some shipments to get them.


Approved user
Jul 8, 2017
Increasing boat and chest rewards itself is not enough (boat - once per day ,chest -2 times per day if you stack) ,they need to increase bonuses per attack (I'm in this league -my bonuses for successful attack are this ....and now we can talk)


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I am up to 2357 medals now, and the game has changed significantly. I am attacked as soon as I log off, usually only at the loss of 1 or two medals though. I am having trouble collecting enough diamonds (6 per day) for my war mercenaries. Every multi-player attack has to be full on, with tactics, donated troops and (non-diamond) mercs. I hit next base (about 8 to 10 times on average) until I find a base with enough food and oil to rebuild my army. Even throwing everything at a base, I am not getting 5 stars, so the diamond is not guaranteed.

I will keep trying for another day, but I will probably have to give up and go back to about 2000 medals :eek:.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
I have been up to 2400 medals once, and experience was exactly as you described. No fun at all.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
I think if I didn't war it would be fine. But with war, it's pointless for me to go that high. I have expensive coalitions.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Since there has been no solid advice offered here, I asked my alliance members who play at high medals how they get enough diamonds for war. The response was a deafening silence. So I have to assume that high medals and effective world war participation are mutually exclusive. I suppose that explains why our number 5 attacks better than our #1...

Player Killer

Approved user
Aug 15, 2016
You can climb medals and maintain rss using tank sniping. Diamonds can be earns by stealing others and from the boat. You don't need to do kitchen sink on every attack.

Jedi Kurt

Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
Just train 70 foot troops and earn qv and tc star by destroying those tc outside the walls. In that way you can steal trade goods on tc and earn medals at the same time. Then when you have enough switch to normal troops and load blessing for normal attack but when you reach empire 1 there's very few tc outside the walls and if they do they have lots of traps just make sure to drop one and let the tc defender spawn then drop somewhere else.
Just pick your target carefully you can loose lots medal if you fail


Approved user
Apr 8, 2016
I'll have to assume u don't have lv7 coalitions yet. Our alliance wars back to back non stop and I'm consuming about 50 NTGs per two days. If u stay in higher leagues NTG will be a big problem for you. I'm lv 235 with max whites and I can tell u it is very difficult to keep up your NTGs at top to the point that metal is not worth it.