Reformed medal dropper seeks advice for playing at high medal count


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
Unless you really need those NTGs, climbing to higher levels has been a really good experience for me. At lower medal counts (1200+/-) I got constantly raided big and often without a peace treaty. Now, all I do is to get a training blessing and attack as many times as I feel like it using my UU, the Volksgrenadier. They are great at destroying buildings. Hence, I look for bases where the TC can be attacked and taken within the quick victory time. This way, you can get 15 starts within 20-30 minutes or so. Mostly I attack the TC only and maybe a few farms or oil wells. Each successful attack (being at 2000+ medals) gives roughly 50k food or gold anyway. You also get plenty of trade goods to pay for mercenaries and training blessing etc.

The big reward comes with the victory chest. I had 22k oil the other day. The other nice side effect is that when you get attacked, you end up with long peace treaties that last until you need your next raid run. I never had so little of my stuff looted as in this medal range. And with the training blessing, you can more or less attack constantly as training times for Volksgrenadiers are under 10 seconds.

Often, attacking the TC will set in motion a frenzy or enemy units. Well, simply attack the opposite side of the base with a few units and wait until you can rally again and finish off the unprotected TC.
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Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
I gotta say, making a casual 3 million gold/food or 20k~ oil from a victory chest every 20 hours off a victory chest is pretty great. But the NTG and Diamond drought is much worse for wars the higher you climb. I'd love if the daily boat had two convoys for TG and NTG instead of it incorporating both of them together.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I am at 2450 medals now, and will follow Jedi Kurt's and Player Miller is advice to train cheap troops and snipe town centers. The only problem with that is switching my army from sniping to war, and also my brain; after 2 days of sniping raids it takes some adjusting to a full on attack. My alliance uses friendly challenges a lot at the start of attack day to warm up. It's amazing how easy it is to forget to use alliance troops and tactics!