Remembering the Great War 6.6 Update


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
I can't wait to see the requirement of, "You must have X, Y and Z war artifacts to join this alliance" Where they are all random of course, but if you don't have them then even a maxed CWA kingdom is worthless.


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
The Remembering the Great War update is coming soon!

Museum - World War Hall
  • The museum is expanding! Exhibits will be split into the Main Hall and the World War Hall.
  • All new Artifacts with unique uses in World War will be available for the new wing.

Tin, I just got to wondering where you & Nexon were hearing the overwhelming feedback from your player base that so many of us were demanding that the Museum should be urgently expanded to include World Wars?

Because reading here on your main forum, on the Reddit, on Facebook, I'm consistently reading the opposite. In fact, I can't remember ever reading any player posting 'please add World Wars to the Museum'.

But I see requests NOT to do that. Many times over.

Museum - General Improvements
  • You can now re-roll a single modifier for your Museum Artifacts!

Hallelujah! Finally! I actually love this idea.

But you neglected to mention whether re-rolling a single modifier would cost (i) fragments, (ii) crowns, or (iii) cold, hard cash...?

Skychan makes a good point too. Beware that some countries will regulate this as 'gambling' if (bought) crowns are used to pay for rewards drawn from a random odds lottery. So am guessing you're gonna let us use (free) fragments to pay for those new single re-rolls?

Thank you.

Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Allow Victory Chests to be claimed with 12 Stars as soon as the Spoils of War Library research is complete
  • Updated the Heavy Tank Mk6 artwork
  • Fixed a bug preventing Troops from retraining after watching a video
  • Added tutorials for placing walls and roads
  • Smoothed scrolling on the Map Editor
  • Fixed alignment of Veteran Bazooka Army Troops in Mystery Chests
  • Calculate full Oil costs when retraining multiple generals
  • Added off-screen notifications for Museum, Marco Polo, and Crown pass
  • Prevented World Wars from disappearing and Alliances being unable to search for a new World War
  • Minor art fixes and text edits
For the love of God, please fix MRLs. Either make them work like MRLs actually work (and have worked in real life since WW2), or fix the text so that it accurately shows what they're capable of doing in the Dom game. Or at the very least, make whatever the Factory and the Armory say match each other. This is Video Game development 101. It should be second nature. Nothing this easy should take a quality developer more than six months...

Whoever was on the team responsible for creating the original Dominations game deserved a medal and a big chunk of stock. I sure hope they were rewarded right. Three years back, Dom was simple, clever, cute & fun. With each passing 'improvement', Dom evolves to become more complex, less credible, the animations aren't keeping up with the latest games... and for dedicated players it's now work, not fun... Call me old fashioned, but I get paid to work. I don't pay others for my pleasure of working, lol.

I've been around the block a bit, Greg. From interactions with your most loyal players, I sense that many of us have... professionally, socially, locally, internationally... and I can't say that I've ever seen any company, in gaming or otherwise, successfully ignore it's customer base to quite the extent that you & Nexon are doing right now... I admit, I've got a theory for this (here → and, you know what, I admire your chutzpah. I really hope this works out for you guys...
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Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
What nations have prohibitions against gambling or paying money for random events in app games? I am asking because Dominations just became one of those games and is now likely breaking the law in quite a few countries. Paying to reroll an artifact with random results is after all a gamble, and you pay money for crowns.

Welcome to Domination's Vega's Edition!


Approved user
Oct 12, 2017
Nice idea... Can you just give us the option to bring our world war bases into the multiplayer? This will be really nice.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
I’m not even going to waste my time with a long drawn out post detailing all of the stupid things you have done with this game. I’ve been saying it all along on here, on Discord, and on LINE...troop tactics were a mistake, Stronghold was a mistake, embassy was a mistake, museum was a mistake...anything that is a variable is a mistake. Everyone should be on the same playing field, no one should have an advantage over someone else just because they can afford to buy the best artifacts or troop tactics. You have been taking this fame further and further down the pay to win road and a large portion of your player base clearly disapproves. I always said the day that the museum affected wars was going to be the day I finally have had enough and would quit...well that day was today. I guess I’ll spend more time playing CoC where there is no pay to win, no extra troops, no hidden variables, and the offense and defense is basically perfectly balanced. You have ruined what was potentially the best base building war game out there. I feel like I wasted 3 years of my life.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Yet another stupid thing that museum has done. While they haven’t released the war portion of the museum yet, they now rolled the war artifacts into the rotation. It still takes up room in the inventory so if you actually find a war artifact you like, you have to freaking pay crowns to expand your inventory. Right now I have 15 artifacts and i can’t even keep anything unless I pay more crowns since I need 5 spaces to craft. I know people will say it’s not that many crowns but I don’t want to spend any.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
nah..I guess that you had good times also during those 3 years. This is a game, not an investment. Now time to move on to something else. Stupid that they killed one of the best strategy mobile games. This I do not understand...


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Museum - World War Hall is not working

TinSoldier the World War Hall is not working, or at the least is not clear how to use it.
could you help us?.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Rickenbacker's not a system, he's a man. Eddie Rickenbacker!

Ace American pilot of the Great War, with 26 successful victories in the sky!


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Xabar -

The World War Hall is open after all players have access to the newest update. Thank you for your patience!


Approved user
May 19, 2016
just crying... :(
-10 artifacts for wars so they can sell at least 10 strongest artifacts for huge cash - pay to win at its finest
-war equipment artifacts are the same as the rest (for troops only) - complete random stats
-new ALL defensive buildings perks for artifacts - player with higher luck will always win - lottery at its best (u can always increase your luck with cash by buying fragments)
-instant free upgrades for walls - because walls are not strong enough - or our troops are not weak enough
-manuals - another premium sell item

...Why am I even bother to write this, I just stop here... :(