Romance on the forum ...


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
A bromance implies both parties are willing participants. What we have is an amoeba spore infatuated with a frail, and understandably concerned, ageing rocker worried about being acosted from behind .....

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
Oh, the hydra, my dear, is very much alive and kicking. Indeed, soon his only worthy opponent will be subsumed and then I can end this all...


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
The best stories are told gathered around an open fire. With a drink ( insert your own choice) and good company. Now I have set the scene for you to get all comfy and cosy. There will be more. Shall I send out invitations or will you all just wander back in your own time to settle in for the next part.


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Its ok .. Ravenlord. I am here to protect you from behind. Or whatever. ..


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
There will be no fires, stories, or, even worse, nothing to drink, if you don't figure out my true identity soon....darn, I knew I shouldn't have come here....


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
For the record... I have no clue what he's talking about lol

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
You're all about to be consumed by black ooze.. my noble phantasm is now ready... i just need to find that cowardly little servant...

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
Fools, the trace is unmistakable, I should have known it was I just have to prepare the grail and initiate the summons.... so long, you'll all be having a nice long rest soon enough....


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
No but do stay for the next installment. You may sit next to me ... I don't bite all the time 😉


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
Is there anything more meta than DomiNations forum fan-fiction?


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Only for those that wish to continue the story, please gather around. For anyone else that is not interested off you go looting.

We will pick up the tale from little Brandy and weave in some new characters along the way.

Little Brandy, alone, scared and in desperate need of a shower and hot meal cries loudly in the corner. Footsteps approach. Cowering down he tries to make himself invisible. What if it was that big nasty clone spore big Brandy. .. ... but its not. Freda has heard his cries. In fact the whole neighbourhood has been woken up. Being the kind generous soul that she is she scoops up the dirty, smelly covered in yuck thing that little Brandy is and takes him home.

Freda is the extra worker that used to toil endlessly on one of my guys bases, until her retirement. Once he changed nations she volunteered to take early retirement and has been seen all over the world. We frequently get postcards and revealing photos of her with celebrities ... its ok Ironangel, we will not be publishing them. Though really dude .... pineapple !!!!

Safe at last little Brandy looks around. Splosh !!! Straight into a warm bowl of water for a soak. Bobbing up and down he is saved from drowning and placed in front of a big bowl of his favourite food. Brussel sprouts ☺ .... so green and slighty over cooked he dives in.

Clean, fed and safe he tells Freda his story. The cruel casting out, the shunning by his clone, his hopes and dreams ..... Freda listens or at least pretends to listen. At least now that the spore is inside he is no longer making the noise and she will soon be tucked up in bed with that man .... Brandy plots his come back. He needs help, an alter ego or a superhero. Both perhaps. ... yes if only .... he drifts off to sleep plans form in his dreams. He will return.

Meanwhile back at headquarters Seraphine has just come into work. Blissfully unaware of the rumours swirling around her. Smiling and greeting the other techno workers she notices them looking at her differently. The smiles are wrong. They break apart from whispered conversations when she gets close. What is going on? Finding her parner in moderator monitoring at the water cooler she approaches Ironangel. He realises too late that the only way out is past Seraphine. Trapped he looks guilty.

Under her intense stare he falters then cracks. She is after all a woman of incredible intelligence and power. He blurts out that there is a story on the forum and she has a starring role. Curious she finds it. Reads it and ponders. Treat it as a fun harmless tale or close it down and suck the humour from the forum like a big vacuum. She makes her choice.

Big Brandy is seething. He has been fully outed on the forum as a big meany to a clone of himself .... and of course his desire to woo a certain lady. He tries to stop the writer from distributing any more of his secrets. Threatens lawyers, hackers and the such ... all he succeeds in doing is bringing himself to the mighty GreatSloth Dectective moderator. The word hacker used as it was has sent a keen set of investigators to probe his very existence.

Little Brandy has recovered quickly. His plans now laid out in front of him, along with a clean pair of underpants and socks. He creates the account and takes on his new suave personna Whoknows. Dressed to impress he does his best James Bond impersonation. Failing miserably he settles for the lovable goofy Johnny English. He sneaks back to the forum ready to take on his foe and .... whats this ! Big Brandy is potentially out of the running with his treatment of little Brandy aka Whoknows. Laughing hysterically he slips in.

A crowd has gathered. Some keen to follow the story , others that feel the need to comment and leave. As they should, with this many flipping hobbits around Toast had better run. Always on the look out for easy food to satisfy their never ending hunger, I hope they brought snacks.

A superhero ... yeah right Batman .... hahaha .... hahahaha. .. wipes laughter tear away, I digress.

Big Brandy tries to rally his henchmen. Little Brandy has some anime up his sleeve, or he would have if he had sleeves. The big showdown is imminent. Security has been called and are on standby. The tv crews having gotten wind of the pending fight to the death have taken up position on the other side of the river. Who the hell leaked to the press ... no wonder the game is having crashes, its under so much scrutiny its having hiccups.

But lunchtime is over and we shall have to continue a bit later on.

Special thanks goes to those that have been dragged into the story so far. You are great sports. And to those of you that may yet be caught up in the web, thanks in advance.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I knew it!!! I knew he was a 'master baiter' ....... always taunting me!


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I have 4 nations and people give me a ribbing but someone has multiple forum personas and it's like a cgi dinosaur running through virtual streets in here ..... chaos !!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Love it!!! Can't wait to hear more! Any chance you can figure out the sword summing thing little brandy has tasked me with? I'm stuck. Batman is investigating but I can use all the help I can get. I'm not sure who will use it tho seeing as my knight outranks me now and I will surely have to pay for it somehow. 😳


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Its some Japanese anime thing.

Personally I think Brandy needs a lie down and some therapy ... or a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
You have just promoted me to forum Godzilla! How many stripes is that worth? Or maybe I'll get little crushed forum icons as my badges of honor....