Selective Rush (Rushing individual Troop Types)


Approved user
Aug 20, 2018
Especially at higher levels, where the missile silo is omnipresent, swiping up (instead of tapping) on a units deploy button will trigger rush for just this unit.
This will add a lot of tactical ability and relief us a little from the need for a smart AI, or at least we could save us from dumb AI decisions some times (like tanks going straight for a suicide attack).

Consequently, that type of unit will have the typicall rush-cooldown activated, making it unable to be rushed in the next 30(ish) seconds. A following collective rush would simply be ignored by the troop type that still has a cooldown pending.

This should be fairly easy to implement and greatly improves gameplay.
In fact a similar mechansim is already implement on aircraft. They are always following a selective rush (target selection), that doesn’t affect any other troop types.