First of all,
The Stronghold sounds like an attempt to not let someone deploy 6 extra armies during any attacks not a bad thing. Helps us that are good at attacking out by not letting some people just be able dump tons of extra armies. I'm a little worried though that the 8 different types of extra armies that are in my current lineup will be lost. I am pretty good at attacking and don't often use extra armies that I have gathered through events, alliance gifting, or the holiday giveaways. I know things can be quite buggy when first released. Am I going to lose the extra troop tactics that I currently have in my arsenal?
I only use those troops in wars if we come across a situation where it means we will lose a war if I don't use them. I'm level 161 global in the Alliance NorthernVikings, being the leader I always hold back my second attack for any base that I would need to beat. There is a definite disadvantage if I'm going to lose these troops and not be able to take out any base I need to.
Second war coalitions,
- Purchase offensive Coalitions any time, not just on Planning Day!
- Updated Coalition balance. Most Coalitions now give 5/10/15/20/25/30% bonuses (previously 15/17/19/21/23/25%)
Im unclear on this purchasing of offensive coalitions at anytime. I've already been doing this anyways. After a war is over I purchased two more offensive coalitions or three. They have always worked fine and show up on the war screen until this war. For some reason they aren't showing up now. At least when you hit my base. So this really doesn't seem to be anything new. Please explain better if you can what's new about this?
Because I am focused on offense, but at the same time weigh out how much I can play I have not ever upgraded coalitions since the very small increase in bonus didn't matching the huge increase in cost of national trade goods it cost to buy them. Now are all of my coalitions going to be cheaper at level 1 since the bonus amounts are going down? If not you are effectively making the coalitions even more expensive to buy, so then it would make sense you should increase chances of getting them and storage of them as well. We take a one day break in between every war already to help our members stock up national trade goods, and I've coached up the alliance to not upgrade these so we could all have more of them to help in wars. You didn't mention anything about cost changes. Can you please explain this some.
Anybody looking for a great alliance check out NorthernVikings. Chris is the leader over 19k glory and climbing. 22 war winning streak all ages welcome for wars as well.