• Upcoming Maintenance
    On 10/29 from 11am EST - 3PM EST DomiNations will be down for a brief maintenance period. This maintenance is to address backend compatibility updates only. There are no bug fixes or feature updates included.

The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
It probably will affect, resistance troops have identical stats to their spawned counterparts-

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Nice, more defensive options.
And overall less attacking options.
No surprises. Smh.


Approved user
Sep 19, 2017
TinSoldier can we please have
- the detailed release notes
- a release date so we can plan accordingly
- more information on VIP

Digital age communication has been a pretty fair cop out from yourself and the team, it’s disappointing to still not have this information.

I look forward to every age however this is too soon after Spage Age. We need minimum 3 weeks notice to match the build times to adjust and get ready. You can’t just spit out an Age and expect is to spend because it’s convienent for you, we need time to slowly purchase crowns, etc. This will be the first age I’m not buying any crowns given there has been little to no communication other than “Digital Age” *vanish*. I typically buy 20-30k crowns per age to rush my TC and key offensive buildings. I doubt you will notice i won’t purchase them, nor will you care however that’s my part in driving some change.

I really do enjoy the game, hence my spending history, please don’t mistake my frustration otherwise.

I’m quite concerned there isn’t a big enough player base in the higher ages. I really feel the duration of upgrades need to be signifantly reduced for older content.

Why can’t Atomic and below have 75% reduced build times?

Why can’t Cold War have 50% reduced build times?

Can all houses be made available at Global or Atomic age?

Being someone who will upgrade to digital immediately I’m concerned the higher ages don’t have enough fresh players. What’s the harm in reducing build times in lower ages and letting new blood reach Cold War quickly. There may then be more players to spend and create more competition which in turn fuels spending.
Last edited:


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
AR nerf are to reduce the number of bazooka, HT users.
I am very curious if you make this patch after play World War.
Do you know what kind of combination popular is? You can't go ahead with this patch if you knew it.

Don't make one combination the best, but increase the need for strategy in a variety of combinations. That's the most important part of the strategy game.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
My only question is :

What is the logic of nerfing AR to half its previous duration?




Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
The issue to deal with all bomber hits has not been addressed .goodbye domination after all it seems u only worrying about sales of Vickers Virginia’s and stealth bombers .its ridiculous to see all defenders troops and nothing can be done as sabo and bombers clear the base .finally good reason to stop spending and use up whatever buildings and troops remain and stop playing ,I won’t even consider selling the game as it would be unfair to the buyer ...


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
I discussed this change at length with our combat designer and we went back and forth on the duration. Overall, we needed to pull more power from AR and the duration reduction was part of that. However, dropping it to 4s across the board was also a skill consideration.

AR was always intended to be a strategic rally to deal with a specific threat effectively. However, the longer duration was "splashing" that effective power beyond the initial target. Simply using AR to knock out a key defensive building meant that the buildings around it would also be blasted through afterwards. So reducing the duration both helped pull raw power from AR (since there is less "splash" now) and it brought it closer to the original design goal of creating a small and limited window to make big strategic plays.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
You do realize that the "power" of assult rally is the rate of fire without that trying to kill zhuklov will be impossible. As well the next comment is correct this renders alll ground attack worthless as you boosted Defense and took away offense. The absolute only trooops that will work are bombers now and most players are sick of that over powered attack . You did the opposite of what needed done . And now you are losing players to pay for this crap


Approved user
May 17, 2018
thank you for the answer. I understand now where you are coming from.
Have you considered that this change will probably render "mostly bazooka" army compositions useless? It was nice to have that variety, instead of everyone playing only with commandos and several zooks as cleanup troops.
In addition, buffing the defending HTs AND nerfing AR, once again, will probably also hurt the HT attackers. Thus limiting even more the variety in troop compositions.
And we have no other choice, since after the major rebalance stages, barracks troops became useless for higher level ages.
What would you recommend we, the players, do to have a diversity of troops after DA is released?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Wrathchild, have you considered they know exactly what they're doing and what they're doing is expecting us to buy strong TTs?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
BHG_Muet said:
Overall, we needed to pull more power from AR
Why? Did we ask for it? No. Was it making the game unplayable? No.
So you thought the AR was a little overpowered. So what? It's a tiny 'win' for players in a big huge sea of tough gameplay. What is so wrong with giving us this one little concession?
Each change brings new ways to make the gameplay opposite to it's original intention: raiding for fun. Who does that?
Since this game has gone on for so long, like a marathon, why are you constantly adding obstacles or adding lead to our shoes? It just doesn't make sense.
Perhaps these changes makes dollars instead?


Approved user
May 10, 2017
The AR nerf is really baffling. The top teams are doing nothing but bombing away with vickers (an unstoppable attack even in unskilled hands). You do nothing to thwart this attack yet take away one of the few useful tools for those still using mixed troop attacks. Makes no sense.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I am not against changing a few variables, once every now and then, BUT devs must take into consideration the following:
- players must have an alternative way of playing
- be fun to keep us engaged
- be small and tested before release (i.e. make it 6" instead of 8" and leave the Attack Speed as is).

In this case, not one of the above points is valid. So, there is no backup plan for players. What must we do then?

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Ehh, you're not thinking like Muet or the rest of this dev team. Their only concern is the people who buy Vickers and museum artifacts. One would think competitive wars would lead to more sales but I'm guessing the 'data' says otherwise. The kind of folks still pouring money into this listing vessel don't care about being competitive, only being the ''best''.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
So, exactly what was this forum maintenance supposed to be for? Looks like it's still stymied by quotation marks and my much longer post disappeared into the aether after I spent a minute waiting for it ''working''.

Anyway, all your questions have one simple answer: money. A little over one year after the rebalance I find it hard to believe anyone thinks otherwise. If anything, they've pretty much dispensed with all pretense of fun, fair and exciting gameplay in the last month or so. Do you need to see $50 events, $300 artifacts, and the next age being released by March with a 330 level cap to be convinced? How long do bugs, which make them no money in fixing, need to go unaddressed with every update?

The goal is to squeeze every last bit of cash out of those still willing to pay. Meanwhile, they're testing to see how far they can push the limits for whatever the next game is. If you aren't one of those heavy payers then I'm sorry to say your questions, opinions, suggestions, sunny optimism and enthusiasm don't matter. Don't get me wrong, the skilled and dedicated can still have fun here, and I hope you do. But you will continued to be ignored or treated to that patented Nexon CYA meaningless pablum from here until they pull the plug. Has TinSoldier, Muet, any of the NXLeader accounts done anything to convince you otherwise?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Yes, we all know this to be true. We don’t want to admit it because we think there is still some hope somewhere. :D

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Well, at least you still have hope, my friend. I quit playing in any sort of serious way six weeks ago. Though I occasionally still dabble while lying in bed when I run out of things to read.

Truthfully I find more interest in the battles between the Chicken Littles and Pollyannas remaining in this forum than anything happening in-game, and it's been that way for quite awhile. Never played a game for so long, and have never seen one so willfully and wantonly self-destruct either. It's been quite a ride.

Or perhaps my cynical self has some tiny shred of hope remaining as well?


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Hope is lost here, game deleted after over 4 years of playing. The game is only about greed now, Nexon dont give a crap of their customers. Cheat away, nothing is gonna happen and whatever you do, dont even consider spending anything on this garbage.