Trade resources with ours alliance members// Something like alliance uniwersity?

Alteri Vivas

Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Hi! I apologize in advance for mistakes. I'll try give you some reasons, why i think it's good idea in my opinion.

First concept - trade resources with ours alliance members. How it should work? You can trade food and gold in the ratio 1:1 (oil 1:100? ). When you have full mills and cant spend your food on everything - you help your alliance friends, which need food more than food (and vive versa).Why?
- In late age game we can't spend food anywhere (during gold - walls, oil - generals e.t.c.), food is less important than other resources. In early age game is inversely - food is the most important. It'll help balancing this 2 stages of each age game.
- It unite more alliance members, they will help each others.
- It will help you collect oil in late ages.
- When you have full of one resources, you can exchange it. It'll motivate you to further attakcs :)

Second concept - something like alliance uniwersity - well... We thought about something like that, what all alliance members can researching, donated together e.t.c.

What do you think about that? Let me know :)


Approved user
Nov 6, 2016
I would have to agree we could give away parts of our army why not trade resources great idea


Approved user
Nov 30, 2016
Hi Alteri Vivas,

Great suggestions, we talked about those 2 concepts in our alliance 2. It would increase alliance-teamwork and bonding 2 the game. What also would be cool is 2 build a ' alliance-wonder'.


Leader Dutch Dadz


Approved user
Dec 12, 2016

That is a great idea... I join the forum just to post a similar idea. But in addition to gold and food I thought it would be handy to be able trade/donate trade goods.

I am still in the early stages and sometimes find it difficult to gather enough resources to complete the tasks I would like too. Lack of resources has also prevented me from joining in world wars.

I think it would increase activity within the alliances. I am in a very friendly and chatty alliance with a few other "young" nations that would also find it beneficial.