Usage of guerillas


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
I recently unlocked the guerilla troop, and I've had fun using it, but I'm concerned that I go about this completely wrong. They have to get rallied into a specific spot so that my healers can get their health back up, since even if there aren't many defensive troops on them they take several hits, plus they're frail; I'd prefer that my shooters knock out the defensive troops, but if I do that, they get in the range of the same mortars or towers which I want the guerillas destroy. Here is my composition:

24 Heavy Singjieon
5 Cannons
3 Supply Trains
1 Guerilla
3 Sabotage, 1 Protect, 1 Betrayal

Does anyone have a specific strategy for use with guerillas; deploy them in specific areas of an opponent's base, etc.,? I really would like to make them very powerful in my hands, but right now they're just a support troop that dies nearly every battle after taking out 2-5 defence buildings.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
You need aircraft to keep defenders off them. Often, you become so concentrated on keeping them alive, the rest of your force wanders off into a mortar kill zone. Build one, send it off to do it's thing, and ignore it.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
It's quite fun to watch them destroy anti-tank/mortar/tower/redoubt one by one. My AA army still inld 1 guerrila for raiding (not for war) & really effective (better than 1 tank). Definitely need aircraft to support him. Keep him neither too far (for ex opposite side from yr main attack) nor too near from yr main troops. Avoid bases with hidden traps.


Approved user
Jun 10, 2016
I use guerillas to take down defenses that have no troop spawners next to them , also mostly to take down mortars ,

the problem is that they don't work that well with supply trains , because once they're low on Hp the carts will travel to the middle of the enemy's base to heal him , which of course will get them killed :/


Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
the stupid healing cart ai makes them a one trick pony unfortunatly. i use then as initial attack wait till they die then deploy troops and healing ... would love to use them more tactical but dont knowhow :(


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
it depends on the target base ...
on some bases the guerilla can practically solo it, like if they have all their towers on one side and garrissons/stables on the other... the guerilla will blow up all the towers unimpeded.

of course on some bases his troop weight is better spent elsewhere.
back when they did not activate traps i used three and was totally overpowered.
decoys combined with air sweeps are useful for keeping them alive.
really it depends on how you want to use your attention... it's a mood thing.