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Usage of Stronghold Tactics?


New member
Dec 5, 2022
I’m slowly running out of all the fancy Troop Tactics via Stronghold to further enhance the raiding experience although I did save all the unique buildings from the final reward from the various special events.

With mixed results of success with raiding, I realize that I was very ambitious with my French nation and decreased training time duration and because of less than ten remaining Troop Tactics left, I ponder whether or not I should be using them for multiplayer matches or if they are absolutely required in World War?

Soon I will have my Factory upgraded to level 2 and unlock Commandos which are devastating with proper air support and personnel. I decided to utilize my Mercenary Camp for strictly Horse Raiders due to their 4 troop-space capacity and replaced them with a Ballista or two.

Why do I still feel as though I am struggling to achieve over three stars and the miraculous Quick Victory? I’d imagine that if I opt away from Troop Tactics then perhaps my success rate might improve as I have to command lesser troops?

I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, thank you everyone!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
1. the game really starts after industrial age when you get planes and commandos. Play with them. 8 commandos, 3 planes, rest foot soldiers
2. during loot we NEVER use Troop tactics - mercenaries - tactics - generals (Uuless you are playing with an IRB). That way you learn how to play, you become efficient during loot and a better attacker.
3. the TTs are kept intact for WW battles.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
What oddin said. (planes/commandos/foot troops is simple and effective at your age)
Massed infantry (with a few others thrown in for variety - tanks, generals, etc) still works well for both looting & medals - they're effective and cheap to train. Either use lots of them or use them while you experiment with different troop combos until you find the one that work for you.

ps: What troops are you currently using for attacks?


New member
Dec 5, 2022
• 2 Elite Heavy Cavalry
+1 General via Castle
• 2 Veteran Wall Miners
• 30/40 Pikemen Heavy Infantry
• 30/40 Crossbowmen Ranged Infantry

I don’t believe the Ballista is worth the +10 Troop Unit space due to its 4 range - plus it was only recently that I unlocked the unit. Seems as though it cannot withstand the most basic of Tower defenses without crumbling from the splash damage of a Catapult.

Healing Carts are mixed in based on War Tactic options however might be more appealing with multiple Generals and Heavy Cavalry with increased health restored compared to lesser units. I’d imagine one would be efficient?

I’ve also finally upgraded my Armory and feel as though the Gunpowder Age is truly perfect for the French Nation from a decor standpoint.

King DHoogster

DomiNations Veteran
Oct 11, 2018
I’m slowly running out of all the fancy Troop Tactics via Stronghold to further enhance the raiding experience although I did save all the unique buildings from the final reward from the various special events.

With mixed results of success with raiding, I realize that I was very ambitious with my French nation and decreased training time duration and because of less than ten remaining Troop Tactics left, I ponder whether or not I should be using them for multiplayer matches or if they are absolutely required in World War?

Soon I will have my Factory upgraded to level 2 and unlock Commandos which are devastating with proper air support and personnel. I decided to utilize my Mercenary Camp for strictly Horse Raiders due to their 4 troop-space capacity and replaced them with a Ballista or two.

Why do I still feel as though I am struggling to achieve over three stars and the miraculous Quick Victory? I’d imagine that if I opt away from Troop Tactics then perhaps my success rate might improve as I have to command lesser troops?

I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, thank you everyone!

Both oddin and crimson are spot on. I also suggest watching a few YouTube videos. There are many out there for the game. They might give you a better understanding of how to more efficiently raid for loot

King DHoogster

DomiNations Veteran
Oct 11, 2018
• 2 Elite Heavy Cavalry
+1 General via Castle
• 2 Veteran Wall Miners
• 30/40 Pikemen Heavy Infantry
• 30/40 Crossbowmen Ranged Infantry

I don’t believe the Ballista is worth the +10 Troop Unit space due to its 4 range - plus it was only recently that I unlocked the unit. Seems as though it cannot withstand the most basic of Tower defenses without crumbling from the splash damage of a Catapult.

Healing Carts are mixed in based on War Tactic options however might be more appealing with multiple Generals and Heavy Cavalry with increased health restored compared to lesser units. I’d imagine one would be efficient?

I’ve also finally upgraded my Armory and feel as though the Gunpowder Age is truly perfect for the French Nation from a decor standpoint.
I do suggest at your lvl you should either build all resources raiders and just snipe loot from easy bases.

Or do same with infantry.

Medals don’t matter much.

Also please save your Stronghold troops for wars if you are participating in those yet.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
• 2 Veteran Wall Miners
I've never been a fan of this one-use unit. I prefer to add more foot soldiers (firepower). You might lose 2 or 3 to a tower while you're trying to break the wall but the rest will continue the fight after the wall's down. And they're much cheaper and quicker to retrain. If you simply want to loot or win medals at that level (not recommended yet) go with the foot soldiers and let the archers do the rest.
FYI, ballistas do well if you have a goodly amount of archers to protect them. Or, use archers/healer combo with ballista and attack bases like you're eating an apple.
ie: go around the outside, rally/regroup to heal, go around the outside, rally to heal, etc - then mop up the middle.
In my experience this is an effective & manageable way to battle/loot up to & incl Industrial.