Weekly Feedback Thread 6/16

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Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
Improvements hmmm ...lets see.. Fix your game / Hire competent QA team/ Prosecute hackers and cheaters/ respond to loyal customers that have paid you for a service in a timely manner.
I would even support you taking this game completely offline for a week to resolve any and all issues... The sad thing is when it works it actually not a bad game..


Approved user
Apr 4, 2015
Instead of moving the topic on to alliance issues, deal with the current issues in the game like your poor in-game support responses, hacking, cheating, and serious game bugs. This whole thread is another example of how Nexon fails to listen and respond to the real issues raised in these forums. You guys simply don't listen to your customers.
Exactly. I was about to post the very same thing.

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
can u add some alliance features, as alliance skills with various effects and the ability of all ally members to contribute to its add and lvl up cost cuz alliance is just extremely boring with only troops donation, even when u add alliance wars what would be the difference between joining here or there ? add something worth of making alliances better than each other rather than having strong players and donation of useless amounts of troops


Approved user
Feb 23, 2015
Hi Domi.

My input is that for feedback to be effective and useful, it needs to flow both ways.

Can you also give us feedback too? Perhaps before you close the weekly feedback, add your last post on where the feedback has gone and how it was received and what steps will and won't be taken so we can know what is going on.


Approved user
Apr 15, 2015
Nice diversionary tactics trying to take the heat off all the complaints about bugs...

I applaud you guys on giving notice for when servers are going into maintenance, now lets get realistic with the time it will take. if anything just overestimate and then hey it becomes a pleasant surprise when the game is back up!

As for the alliance features, I agree with most posted already, however I didn't see any mention of inspecting players. This applies to all players not just within an Alliance but I'd like to be able to visit a base and look at the level of the structures, info on building health, etc


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
Ok I am an anonymous player with over 2,000 medals and lvl 90+ who has spent $150-250 on this game in the past 5 months. Here is what I think needs fixed in this order 1. Troop AI and troop hit points/dps. Two months ago this game favored the aggressor and it was great, if you were active you could get loot and progress, the updates have hurt the most important part of this game, battles. 2. Ban the hackers/cheaters. Does anyone know how much real money it would take to max an account on this game? At least $2,500 by my calculations to max all buildings, generals, and walls. Can't you people sit down, review in app purchases and determine who has internally manipulated SQL code and ban those who are cheating? Who leaves mounds of gold and 20 ruins? Seriously... 3. Fix the server security. Encryptions, alerts, surveillance, do something to stop intruders better. 4. Customer Service. Just write us back, do something. Anything. But silence is the enemy and unhappy customers will doom this game soon enough. 5. Create global chat and improve messaging including send and receiving messages 6. Improve Alliance features including sharing resources. And then let's skip to the bottom... 999999999. Release Industrial Age and new features My point is until you fix the other issues this game will ruin itself. Without a solid foundation to build upon it will be supplanted within the year and become irrelevant in the strategy rpg gaming world.


Approved user
May 9, 2015
Small alliance so often we get stuck at donating troops. Example being asked for troops got 6 of 9... Regular player can't donate again until I get the last 3 from somebody so I've been stuck with no alliance troops for several days.


Approved user
May 9, 2015
That said, I second the the comments above for sharing replays and donating resources and trade goods. I think the donate/receive count would need to be tracked, as it is with troop donations, so that it's clear who the moochers are.
*raises hand* I would like to third that...


Approved user
Jun 17, 2015
Hows about better support? No hows about support at all. The in game support is pathetic, you have to come here to get anything answered??? I've messaged in app possibly 3x within the last week and NO response what so ever. How can you expect ANY person to dump money into this app when they understand they get NO support when there is an issue... As you might be able to understand, I am upset. I have only bought the starter pack so far, but I'm not donating any money until support gets better. The Age of Empires concept you have here is cool, but it will never be huge until customers issues are taken care of.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
if thats the time theyd need to fully listen to everyones fixes/issues Id be all for this too!!


Approved user
May 3, 2015

Here's what we have previously suggested under Dominations Improvements And Wishlist Requests
  1. Alliance function to send resources to allies.
  2. Alliance and FB friends can share their attack and defend battle videos.
  3. Choose type of troops to request from alliance.
  4. Log on chat that show whom donated the troops and resources.
  5. Alliance and FB friends last login status (to identify inactive)
  6. Display allies or FB friends current civilisation age.
  7. Alliance members panel sorting by level, by age, by nations, by medals count, by last active.
  8. Able to attack your FB friends or allies friends (test of defense or attacking troop combination) with no loot count.
  9. Alliance PVE, players from the same alliance playing alliance campaign mission together.
  10. Donate to Alliance banks to unlock new blessing bonus (ie loot bonus, gold or food for all members) or increase alliance level for additional member space.
  11. FB friends private message or invitation to alliance.
  12. FB friends show profile in game with FB profile pictures/name.
  13. Different title in alliance, each title/rank get different type of bonus, ie council of agriculture 5% resource gathering, council of warfare 5% health in troops, council of construction, 5% faster construction speed etc
  14. When using mercenaries and alliance reinforcement, let the troops be numbered like the normal troops and player can choose to drop them one by one.
  15. Alliance Wars

Daimyo Nakamura

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Racial profiling is never a good way to catch criminals. But easier to find the people who are behind it. I don't agree with players pointing out by race and nationality. But at the same time it's easier to find cheaters and hackers. Because giving out names is a waste of time.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
The main problem, in my opinion is that the game keep crashing over and over. Shut down the phone, kill the app, doesn't work. Such as the customer support.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
"Perk levels for Alliances"

-Alliances gain experience as players do. The alliance will gain experience as the alliance members gains exp when they're progressing or by winning in alliance war, as you level up the alliance you gain perks.

List of Alliance perks:

Level 2: Unlock an "Alliance Flag" (Decoration) as a welcome.
Level 3: Troop Damage + 5% (Our troops do an extra 5% damage when attacking)
Level 6: Farm Boost + 5% (Our Farms produces foods 5% faster)
Level 8: Unlock a Unique Alliance Decoration. (A Customized Statue that only Guild Leaders can design)
Level 10: Unlock a type of Government System. (Only Guild Leaders can choose)
Level 12: Tougher Troops 5% (Our troops take 5% less damage)
Level 15: Defense Damage + 5% (Our defenses do 5% extra damage when under attack)
Level 18: Caravan Boost + 5% (Our Caravans gathers golds + 5% faster)
Level 21: Troops Damage +´10% Our troops do an extra 10% damage when attacking)
Level 24: Tougher Troops 10% (Our troops take 10% less damage)
Level 27: Defense Damage + 10% (Our defenses do 10% extra damage when under attack)
Level 30: Defense Hardening 10% (Our defenses take 10% less damage)
Level 33: Farm Boost + 10% (Our Farms produces foods 10% faster)
Level 39: Farm Boost + 15% (Our Farms produces foods 15% faster)
Level 46: Tougher Troops 15% (Our troops take 15% less damage)
Level 53: Defense Damage + 15% (Our defenses do 15% extra damage when under attack)
Level 61: Caravan Boost + 10% (Our Caravans gathers golds + 10% faster)
Level 68: Defense Hardening 15% (Our defenses take 15% less damage)
Level 75: Farm Boost + 30% (Our Farms produces foods 30% faster)
Level 84: Defense Damage + 30% (Our defenses do 30% extra damage when under attack)
Level 92: Caravan Boost + 30% (Our Caravans gathers golds + 30% faster)
Level 99: Troop Damage + 30% (Our troops do an extra 30% damage when attacking)
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