Weekly Feedback Thread: Thoughts on Raiders!

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Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Should raiders be nerfed? No. Why? For starters it is not impossible to defend yourself against an army full of raiders, you just need to have the brains and experience for it. Secondly, it's actually fun to see players go after your base with an army full of raiders because the fight will be so fast paced and a small mistake on your defense would lead to the downfall of your resources. Thirdly, I use raiders to farm for loots and my medals drop straight to 200 flat. You can't really consistently use a full raider army with high medals so it's still fair game. Raiders are fun to use because they way you attack with them is completely different as compared to attacking with an army of HC, Healers, Seige, etc.
Raiders are used at the highest medal range for medals and loot


Approved user
Jul 5, 2015
Really? As much as 50% of the army are raiders? I didn't know that.


Apr 9, 2015
Add some wallbreakers or tanks based on your taste, rally on TC and rock'n'roll ))) oh, sometimes you may need distract defenders with archers and attack with waves, learn all rally bugs and so on )))) this is how another raider player is born.


Approved user
Jun 20, 2015
Raiding other players is a great way to get resources. How well do you feel you're able to raid your opponents? Do you think other players are raiding you too easily? Are Cavalry Raiders part of your regular troop rotation? Please keep comments on-topic and civil.
Lol, it's a GREAT way? It's literally the only way. Your passive resource system is garbage, you pay like crazy for caravans and farms, yet they produce NOTHING, and you rarely get a treaty, so you lose everything in every attack. Take away raiders after you've nerfed HC, and you've destroyed raiding completely until you de-nerf HC.


Approved user
May 10, 2015
Moved to this thread:

Hello everyone,
when I want to lose medals I use a raider looting army (30 raiders , 1 wall breaker, 1 pikeman), usually one protect blessing would get me 90 - 100% of the loot, plus a reduction in medals

After the last update I find my raider looting army is not as effective. I find that I am only getting 40 - 50% if the loot.

My observations are:

1) raiders seem easier to kill
2) Redoubts kill raiders very quickly even with a protect blessing
3) Raider AI seems to make decisions that minimize loot stolen:

i) Some of the raiders seem to want to engage with the defending troops instead of attacking the markets and mills (raiders used to move away from attackers not engage them)

ii) If the raiders have punched a hole through a wall and there are markets and mills inside the walls they seem to
only attack a few of the markets and mills then exit the compartment, attack farms and caravan gold outside the compartment,
then try and re-enter the compartment to attack the remaining markets and mills

iii) I have seen raiders enter a compartment attack some of the markets and mills, then try and make another hole in the wall to attack farms outside the compartment even though
there are still markets and mills inside the compartment

iv) One Spike trap seems to kill multiple raiders (I have seen one spike trap kill as many as 5 - 7 raiders)

IMO by making the defences more efficient and making the raider AI less efficient the development team have already "fixed" the raider attack.

Raiders cannot make efficient attacks against bases with multiple compartments .... they take too long to break through the walls.

I agree with Eddie F1, it takes time to find the right base to attack, but if the base only has one compartment with everything
inside, the all raider attack with probably go well and you may even get a victory star by killing the TC :)


Approved user
Jul 18, 2015
Lol, it's a GREAT way? It's literally the only way. Your passive resource system is garbage, you pay like crazy for caravans and farms, yet they produce NOTHING, and you rarely get a treaty, so you lose everything in every attack. Take away raiders after you've nerfed HC, and you've destroyed raiding completely until you de-nerf HC.

Rarely get a treaty? Perhaps you are 'overdefending' your TC? I get treaty all the time ... many times by TC quick victory attackers (so my res loss and medal loss are on the low side). I do agree that econ upgrades are generally unbalanced (e.g. break even point is too long).


Approved user
May 5, 2015
Lol I was referring to the iron angel dude who posted this topic. And yeah raiders have been nerves already, most of us deleted the game lol


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
This the most stupid post I have ever seen so far. Speechless and no wonder your old thread was "accidentally" deleted


Approved user
Jun 15, 2015
Bah I am seriously considering quit this game. Your only though is about nerf, nerf, nerf not that I use more than 4 cavalry raiders at a time but I can see why people are using them. Heck at least you know that you will lose all your army instead of trying different compositions that either dies or does not have enough dps and you end up losing your whole army.

I barely fought in the last 3 weeks awaiting the update and giving the game another change till the next one. Though it seems that it does not worth the effort. If you think that I am going to check my game constantly every day and looting on a constant rate, rebuilding the army etc etc, hell I have job for this. The game was very fun and you were able to get with your life and play for 1-2 hours now is tedious and frustrating.

So keep up the good job. Tumbs Up


Approved user
May 19, 2015
Bottom line, I feel raiding our opponents is fair. Not easy and not impossible.
No, I don't think other players are raiding me too easily.
Sometimes Cavalry raiders have a part in my army, sometimes not.
I also feel that if cavalry raiders got nerfed, developers would be absolutely dictating how we play and the army we use.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
They want us to use combined army utilizing some % of every unit available. First we had pure roman infantry shooting over walls. Then we have pure hc. Now we have almost pure raiders(some bait infantry and wall miners). I use 37 raiders = 111 troop capacity. And theres isnt a maxed out industrial base that can keep me from getting most of the gold(if spread out too much in caravan bags i miss some), the trade goods and pop the tc + fc. There most definitely is a nerf coming for any unit the best players find a way to make op and start to use exclusively. Theres a small chance the pure raider players are small enough minority that they wont actually nerf them. But they really need to focus on rebalancing the rest of the units into being effective. Because the only people i see using combined armies successfully rush my base with 2x lvl30, offense and defense blessing, flame merc tanks, 5 tactics. And those players manage to take half my base when they really suck at playing after cheating/buying their way to the top. Are walk out of the battle with 90% of their army dead and i have half developed defense buildings. If i was maxed out i would shred even those armies. So i shudder to think what normal players are suppsosed to do without stacking every bell and whistle.


Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
Iron Angel, from a business perspective, the devs have sent a message they can't possibly want us believing. Maybe you guys are gonna nerf raiders and maybe you won't. But that is what everyone expects out of you guys. Every time a unit performs above the rest, it gets nerfed. We all fully expect the devs to nerf our units until they become nothing more dangerous than fierce pillow fighters. If you have a sudden influx of raider slammers maybe they came out of the HC nerf


Hi everyone! Given our outage here on the forums, we are leaving this up a little longer. We'll have a new topic next week!


Approved user
Jul 26, 2015
I think raiders perform very well. Raiding is the only real way to get money/food for upgrades as mentioned previously. I find raiders work best on poorly designed bases or those with full collectors due to being away from the game for a while. Which is as it should be. A well designed farming base with high level walls is a much tougher subject for a pure or mostly raider army. The main reason I used HC so much prior to the nerf was that I actually had a good chance of returning troops. Since I moved to mostly raider this basically doesn't happen, and I haven't used HC since. I actually resent it when someone donates one as I watch it go bumbling off into the map.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
I haven't used HC since. I actually resent it when someone donates one as I watch it go bumbling off into the map.
Haha funny visual. Hc are quite ineffective when the battle strategy is suicide kill tc, resources. The hc are so enthusiastic riding off into the sunset to battle with defenses we dont even care about. Ive tried to use hc to distract defenses to prolong the life of the raiders. But their so slow the raiders run right past them and still take most of the dps. Within a few seconds the raiders are zipping all over the base and the hc is still battling something in the corner of the map. Ive tried to use 1 hc deployed on one side of redoubt and to draw mortar fire while the raiders walk past the redoubt on the other side. That works pretty well but not every base is designed in such a way that thats useful. And unfortunately that requires deploying the hc first....then raiders....then rally on tc, fc, or whatever. Which drags the hc away from where i deployed it and ruins the directional distraction i was going for. The hc goes where the raiders are going. Bringing with it all the aggro. So within seconds of using rally the mortar and redoubt is shooting in the same space the raiders are occuping. At which point its basically better to have 2x raiders with their speed and dps advantage. It also takes less thought. Although that being said. Once u learn to do it it starts to be easier second nature to plan the attack. So i guess i should get back on it. Also now i have zeppelins i need to start testing new strats towards a whole different approach anyways


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Howdy folks - long time viewer, first time chatter here. Normally I would be content to sit and soak up the multitude of smart ideas expressed in these forums but I'm starting to feel a little guilty about taking and not giving. :eek: Anyway, I'm a little surprised by the generalised commentary about the raiders being the only way to loot. I'm Romans (& Japanese) and I often have a quick raid on poorly thought out bases and can easily snipe 70k+ food with only 2 or 3 footman (ya gotta luv the samurai!). Needless to say I don't get them back AND I keep my medal tally low-ish - but 3 footmen for 100,000 food? I can live with that ROI. (Fyi, still in GP for another week or so) Admittedly, I enjoy the game only a few hours a night, every few days or so. I'm not a serious gamer (in it for the loooong haul) and I accept that as I raid so I will also be raided - and losing a few hundred k of loot is part of the game - isn't it .... ??!!


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Howdy folks - long time viewer, first time chatter here. Normally I would be content to sit and soak up the multitude of smart ideas expressed in these forums but I'm starting to feel a little guilty about taking and not giving. :eek: Anyway, I'm a little surprised by the generalised commentary about the raiders being the only way to loot. I'm Romans (& Japanese) and I often have a quick raid on poorly thought out bases and can easily snipe 70k+ food with only 2 or 3 footman (ya gotta luv the samurai!). Needless to say I don't get them back AND I keep my medal tally low-ish - but 3 footmen for 100,000 food? I can live with that ROI. (Fyi, still in GP for another week or so) Admittedly, I enjoy the game only a few hours a night, every few days or so. I'm not a serious gamer (in it for the loooong haul) and I accept that as I raid so I will also be raided - and losing a few hundred k of loot is part of the game - isn't it .... ??!!

Raiding food is easy. Its the most likely resource to be undefended since its usually maxed out storage so who cares if u lose some. Its the gold that has a blackhole resource sink in the walls. And gets protected. It may not be ur goal. But for those of us that want max walls ur 70k food which translates to less gold per battle anyways would be inadequate. U need more gold at a faster rate. Thats where 100k+ per battle league bonus + 3-700k gold raided per battle is what u need. And at that point raiders is best
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